Personally, I'm going to wait until closer to the release of Fire Emblem Warriors (I'm a fan of the Warriors series since Dynasty Warriors Online, which is why I wish I could get more Warriors titles outside of the ones released on Nintendo consoles (except for WiiU. Won't bother buying it since the Switch is out)/Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires PC) before I consider buying a Switch (I find myself playing on my 3DS more than my consoles and laptop, so...that should say something about portable vs. stationary for me). A few reasons for this:
1) Regrettably...I don't have a job right now and am looking for one. Though by the time FEWar is released, I should have a sustainable income to work with (assuming I don't have to take out any more loans before then). But for now, it's a little out of my reach, and it'd likely be better to wait and see how Switch sales go in the meantime.
2) There's not really any games that would justify me getting a Switch right now over another 3DS game/a new laptop. Only launch title that really has my attention right now is Breath of the Wild. I can buy Shovel Knight for my 3DS and play it on there, and the only other two games that have my interest (namely, FEWar and Sonic Mania) won't really be coming out until later in the year, so I can wait until those games come around to get a Switch.
3) Last, but not least, one of the biggest reasons outside of FEWar that I'm waiting to get the Switch: I'm waiting to hear news concerning the next main series Monster Hunter title after MHXX. I want to be ABSOLUTELY sure which console it's going to be on before I make any purchases. If I find out it's going to be on the Switch, perfect. I can buy the Switch and still be prepared (especially if I decide to pay the yearly fee for online play). If I find out it's not going to have a Switch release, that means I'll have to plan out my budget for it (and/or find a few noteworthy games if I end up having to buy a PS4/XBone to continue playing Monster Hunter). Personally hoping for the former, because I've become too used to the portability of the 3DS titles.