Newcomer from France


Hello all,
I'm FabrYs, I used to play this as my (as most of you probably) very first online game, back in the days of the Gamecube, and it's been my favorite game ever since. I bought an ASCI gamepad to be able to communicate during sessions, and even though I never passed beyond lvl170 I was hooked for hundreds of hours.
I just installed the game, haven't tested it yet but I'm glad to have it and can't wait to do it.
One question: can I use an adapter and a GC gamepad to play, or do everyone use mouse/keyboard?

Hope to meet you all on Ragol,
You can most certainly use any pad windows accepts to play. Just before you start the game, make sure to go into windows devices, and make it recognize all of the buttons otherwise you'll find that some of them don't work. If you have trouble getting the C-stick to work you might wanna xpadder it, some adapters have issues with helping windows recognize it.

Welcome to the server. =p
Bienvenue, fellow french player! :D

I've tried to play with the gamecube gamepad too but I couldn't get it to work properly. (Could only walk, not run. And the triggers were not working properly.) Haven't tried xpadders and stuffs yet tho, I should do that.

Si t'as besoin de quelque chose, hésite pas à me demander. :p
Merci l'ami! :)
Du coup tu joues avec clavier/souris?

J'utilise une vieille manette Logitech RumblePad, ça fonctionne toujours impèc'. Je me pencherais sur l'histoire Gamecube plus tard, ça me ferais bien envie de rejouer avec.

Par-contre, vaut mieux parler Anglais sur le Forum et garder le Français pour les PM/IG sinon, on passera pour deux phénomènes. C'est aussi plus conviviales pour les autres membres. :p
J'ai commencé au clavier sur BB mais on est limité dans certaines actions (telles que le tir en diagonale, ou se retourner tout en attaquant). Je conseille plutôt un pad avec Xpadder pour utiliser les boutons non reconnus par le jeu, ça fonctionne sans problème.
Hello all,
I'm FabrYs, I used to play this as my (as most of you probably) very first online game, back in the days of the Gamecube, and it's been my favorite game ever since. I bought an ASCI gamepad to be able to communicate during sessions, and even though I never passed beyond lvl170 I was hooked for hundreds of hours.
I just installed the game, haven't tested it yet but I'm glad to have it and can't wait to do it.
One question: can I use an adapter and a GC gamepad to play, or do everyone use mouse/keyboard?

Hope to meet you all on Ragol,
Heya FabrYs! Welcome to Ephinea!

Personally I recommend the keyboard. It might take a while to get used to, but the extra buttons (especially for action shortcuts) and ability to turn slightly for precision aiming are invaluable imo. I've heard of people using an xbox controller with the keyboard attachment so they can use more buttons. If I was a controller player, that's what I would do. But don't let me stop you from playing the game however you want. Plenty of people play with a controller despite the limitations it has for PSO and make it work for them. :3


  • PSOBB Keyboard Controls.jpg
    PSOBB Keyboard Controls.jpg
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On the other hand, I recommend the controller because you can't just move left/right without walking forward/backward for a little bit first. The keyboard will make you swivel on the spot, which you can just bind to the controller so you have the choice of swivel or immediate movement (with Xpadder, of course, which also lets you use 1-0).
Holy Crap!... Was about to mention we Have a lot of other French players here too....then all of a sudden all these smexy sounding french ppl show up to lend a hand! <3!!
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Thanks NDW, I'm happy with being back to Ragol, even though it's small game sessions still, i'll spend much more time once I'm back at work as I play from hotels on evenings!
I registered a bit after you did but nonetheless I wanted to say welcome. Hope you'll have a blast with us, and I bet it'll be the case. :D

(Comme tu vois il semble y avoir pas mal de francophones, j'en suis moi même un peu étonné héhé. Te gènes surtout pas si t'as besoin d'aide et au plaisir de te croiser en jeu.)