Need to learn prices have tons of stuff to sell


Ishtar, Flaauross, Barbatos
So im curious and I don't really know prices very well at all on any weps or mats.
I know most of my stuff im gonna sell for 1pd because most of not all really don't have a hit% which im sad about. Also what do mats go for? any of them.

im so lost in the selling game lol
I can help you with pretty much all pricing. Please send me a list via Pm and I will do the best I can :)
Ok awesome ill have to do that when I have access to my game. Im at work right now lol. Also how do you have more than 4 characters??? lol
i think you can type /cbank 1, 2, 3, etc ?

I just use two accnts lol
You can change character slots in the launcher here,
01-04 is default.