NDW's Mag Farm/S-Rank Shop/Unsealing Services

Episode: Episode 2
Weapon Type: S-Rank Needle
Name: Fury's
Method of Payment: 16 PD
Episode: Episode 2
Weapon Type: S-Rank Needle
Name: Fury's
Method of Payment: 16 PD
Names can't have apostrophes in them. So would you want "FURYS" as the name or something else?
I'm thinking the next best support needle after having gotten Demon's would be Arrest for a RAmar, so let's go with that.

Episode: 2
Weapon Type: Needle
Method of Payment: 16 PD
Mag: Sato
Mag Color: Green
Level: 100
Stats: 5/50/45/0
1st Photon Blast: Estlla
2nd Photon Blast: Pilla
3rd Photon Blast: Mylla & Youlla.
Method of Payment: 4 PDs

(I'll be on Discord for PM tonight, or ingame Thursday after 5pm EST)
Mag is ready for pickup.
Episode: 2
Weapon Type: S-rank Needle
Name: Hell Needle
Method of Payment: 4PD +6PC
Mag: Angel Wings (I'll provide mag cell)
Mag Color: n/a
Level: 200
Stats: 5/0/45/150
1st Photon Blast: Estlla
2nd Photon Blast: Mylla & Youlla
3rd Photon Blast: Any
Method of Payment: 6PDs

Hit me up anytime on discord for receiving the payment.
Mag: Sato
Mag Color: Blue
Level: 200
Stats: 5/150/45/0
1st Photon Blast: Estlla
2nd Photon Blast: Pilla
3rd Photon Blast: M&Y
Method of Payment: 6 PDs

PM me when it's ready.
Weapon type: j-cutter
Method of payment: 4 PCs & 8 PDs

My character name is Hishiron.
Leilla/Twins/any (or Estilla/Pilla/Twins if not possible)
Payment in PDs


Think it comes from Purple 2 costumes.
Episode: 2
Weapon Type: S-rank Needle
Name: Hell Needle
Method of Payment:16 PDs
Last edited:
Mag: Tellusis (Will provide dragon scale)
Mag Color: N/A
Level: 200
Stats: 5/131/64/0
1st Photon Blast: Estlla
2nd Photon Blast: Pilla
3rd Photon Blast: Mylla & Youlla
Method of Payment: 6 PD's


Item(s) to Unseal: Limiter
Kills Needed to Unseal: 19,996
Method of Payment: 10 PD's