Name the best movie/s that comes to mind


After watching the disaster that was Death Note by Netflix, and disappointed in general with nowadays movies i'd like to see what you got.

I thought of Gladiator, The Shawshank redemption and Spirited Away.
Gladiator, Inception, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, In Time, Rain Man, Matilda.
I loved x-men days of future past.
Insidious is probably my favourite horror.
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Catch me if you can
Apollo 13
Forest Gump (actually most things Tom Hanks)
Fifth Element
Shutter Island
Close Encounters of the 3rd kind
Back to the future part 1 and 2
Indiana Jones series
The Abyss

I could go on.

I didn't expect much from death note. Being a fan of the manga and anime and even the Japanese live action movies I knew it wasn't going to be as good. I didn't like how they changed the characters personalities. Still, I don't think it was a disaster.
The BEST movie is Back to the Future (1-3) of course. :P

Other good movies in no special order, new and old stuff:
Scott Pilgrim
Austin Powers (1+2, 3 not so much)
Wayne's World (1+2)
Assassination of Jessie James...
3:10 to Yuma
Blade Runner
Lego Movie

Some newer movies I watched lately:
The girl with all the gifts
Train to Busan
The Wailing (only available with english subtitles)

@Eistee They Live has that 10 minute wrestling scene censored in Germany. Not sure if there is an uncensored version available by now. Have you seen Fraktus? That movie is so funny. :D
In no particular order:

Old Boy (the original)
Downfall (Der Untergang)
Brotherhood (Tae Guk Gi)
Star Trek VIII First Contact

The Terminator
Terminator 2
Rambo First Blood
Die Hard 1, 2, and 3
The Thing
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Falling Down
Wall Street
Ong Bak

Newerish movies I like

Public Enemies
Edge of Tomorrow
John Wick 2
My wife is a 90s baby so I introduced her to my favorite classics like

Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
The Untouchables
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The Rainmaker
Rain Man
Ocean's Eleven (12/13)
Forrest Gump

and a bunch of other 80/90s greats that I can't recall right now

In no particular order:
"But I am not in Rome, I'm in a rush and got to make the bookies"
Basically anything by Tarantino is an automatic favourite of mine, although I've only watched Pulp Fiction and Django Unchained I think.

Big fan of the Star Wars franchise as well, and Disney musicals are usually always great.
Apocalypse Now: Redux and Heat are great if you've got 3 hours to spare.

Also Out of Sight is super underrated.
old boy
the prestige
reservoir dogs
dark knight
fight club
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
inglorious basterds
lock, stock and two smoking barrels
apocalypse now
Du zhan
groundhog day

random ones that come to mind
Das Boot
Idi i smotri
From Dusk Til Dawn
Jackie Brown
The Usual Suspects
Primal Fear
American Beauty
Mulholland Drive
Inland Empire
The Big Lewbowski
Edge of Tomorrow
Ex Machina
The Grand Budapest Hotel

Some favorites I didn't see mentioned
Looking at these posts, i like a lot of these movies. Mainly I'm in to foreign film. Some good ones that come mind. This is by no means a comprehensive list at all.

Das Boot
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl Who Played with Fire
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest
Let The Right One In (2008, Swedish)
Audition (1999, Japanese Thriller)
Cinema Paradisio
La Vie En Rose (2007, French Biographical Musical Film)

Non foreign stuff:
A Clockwork Orange
Anything Jack Nicholson really. Especially The Shining and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Gods Must Be Crazy
Taxi Driver (De Niro was really young in this one)
Leon: The Professional
The Machinist

Moving on to older film.
Watching older films is great because it takes you back in time to the era the film was made in. The changes film has gone through really show. It's awesome to see the the stars from the silver screen of old in their prime.

Kelly's Heroes
The Ghost & Mrs. Muir (1947)
Many more but I don't really feel like digging all of them up. I used to watch AMC and TMC quite a bit when I had cable TV.

I like horror but this movie is the reason why I need people with me for newer horror films.

I haven't even watched the second one. Even though my Horror friends say it was very good and it fleshed out some questions and history from the first movie.

Horror movies in general nowadays are getting a lot better than they were in the past.
Dollars Trilogy
Back to the Future
Star Wars
Indiana Jones
Lord of the Rings

Really could go on forever about good movies I think.
I completely forgot about foreign films, I haven't watched too many but I really loved Pan's Labyrinth and Jean de Florette/Manon des Sources.