Most & Least Appealing Characters


Hi all,

RAcaseal is one of my time all time favourites however RAmarl used to be a firm favourite of mine. Then it became my least favourite. The main reason being it couldn't use Iron Faust which became one of my all time favourite weapons. Also once I learned to use traps well I started to see the huge merit of the solo friendly nature of casts.

FOnewearl has been my most used character over the years. I think the main reason for this was how other servers made FO's rather OP. I have to admit I don't think this character will be my favourite on this server.

Second would probably be HUnewearl. Whilst I love the character look and design for both characters I find HUnewearl's to be rather lacking for the Hunter class type. Whilst slightly stronger techs are nice, the lack of raw power and the lack of traps that non-cast hunters and rangers have is a real hindrance for me.

What have your character highs and lows been?

After playing for a while I have to FOmar is definitely one of the most fun classes. The ability to have Gifoie that is essentially equal to FOnewm, the ability to melee very well (his ATA is less of a problem than people realise) and be able to support is great.

I still hate how he looks though, ugliest class.

I like FOnewearl as well on other servers, though you have to admit she was rather broken being able to chuck 1,000 damage at enemies with no ATA checks at all. Here I'm definitely not a fan of her, I feel like there's a lot of things I could be doing but I can't do because FOnewearl isn't quite as strong. Vivienne is pretty okay but it definitely doesn't make up for her ATP losses compared to other FOs.

RAmarl is probably still my favourite though, RA is super fun and the ability to support while still playing a RA is great. Very fun for 2P games; she's not very fun when playing with a FO though (remember guys, if there's RAmar / RAmarl / HUnewearl in your game, there's no need to insist on playing with a FO!). Much prefer to play RAcast in those situations.

HU is alright in general but I kinda think it's boring. While HUcast is the best and going fast is fun, he's just not a fun class to play unless the aim is going fast. HUnewearl is dank though in 2P games.
Fonewearl is probably my favorite, i love the frail but powerful caster class fantasy so it's a natural fit.
Played one on psu before the servers went down the gutter. I rocked one in pso2 aswell but there are no big racial differences there so it mattered less what race you played.

Recently i've started playing Racast, i love being B1-G. Must be because i've been hitting the gym lately.
I like droids best. RaCast is fun to play. HuCast requires finesse but is simply aweseome.

For Forces then FoNewearl for me. Killer.
I should have been a RAmar in real life! I'm built like one and I have good accuracy.
Rangers being allowed to use partisans (but unfortunately not even minor rares except Soul Eater) is a major plus from Gamecube on.
Generally most to least:
Ramar - Oddly it was my 5th char in DC v2 going to just L42 with way different proportions. Gonna be fun when I start playing my Lv1 fully teched up on here.
Hunewearl - For reasons mentioned and alluded to in this thread before and after me, except her low ATA is annoying. My most played character overall.
Ramarl - Awesome. Kinda like a hunewearl with some of her advantages toned down in exchange for great ATA. Played most on Gamecube to L46.
Hucaseal - Best Attack Speed. Looks like a Ninja. Second most played on Gamecube, got up to L34 yesterday trying my new component video cables.
Fonewm - used to be least appealing but learned about tech boosts and figured how to make a decent looking one.
Fomarl - Sturdiest Force and super fast bazooka attack animation is great. Would love to see her power with L30 grants with a whopping x1.5 bonus!
Racast - Big Battle Mech! But I made him short as possible and skinny so standard light sabers look proportional. And mechguns look huge in his hands!
Fomar - Can be made pretty cool looking and seems like a fun force to play with most ATP out of them and potentially more MST than Fomarl with an interesting set of tech bonuses. Just low ATA will be annoying. Low HP, EVP, and lowest DFP seems to make him less sturdy than Fonewearl though.
Hucast - Never really played other than temp mess arounds but want to sometime.
Fonewearl - Played second most overall (L102 on DC and L27 on GC) but I'm tired of having the lowest HP and ATP.
Racaseal - Only played up to L20 on DC v2. Plenty of them look cool. Just not seeing any reason for me to play them. I know they're good survivors with better ATA than Racasts.
Humar - Way too generic with too many Sephiroth clones running around. Made a Lv1 one as original as possible with a full set of techs to try battle mode. Played up to L63 on Dreamcast v1 where they could use every tech. Short Humars with spikey hair seriously look like DBZ characters but I'm not into that. Never liked Akira Toriyama art style, except his monsters in the Dragon Quest/Warrior series. I laughed at my old DC guild card which says "I'm not generic! I'm a master of disguise!"
EDIT: reorganized
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Honestly my favorite to play is RAmar/HUcast, but it terms of looks, HUnewearl is my favorite(for obvious reasons).
HUmar is the least appealing, and honestly my least favorite to play.
I like all characters, but my favorite is racast. My least favorite is probably fonewearl because I haven't played her enough.
I can imagine a Fonewm being like Willy Wonka (the Johnny Depp version) and saying "I was never as short as you... cause I wore platforms."
Most appealing: RAcast footsteps with the bass turned down. Chunkchunkchunk. Loved my GC RAcast for just his footsteps.
Least appealing: RAcast footsteps with the bass turned up. BOOMBOOMBOOM. Gets worse when the RAcasts like the sound of their footsteps and run in circles. My ears, guys!

Ever heard rifle shots like Froozer with the bass turned up? Every shot is a damn bass cannon.

Joking aside, the HUcast model is sunglasses-cool, and the FOnewm model has a big booty.
I said joking aside and still made this humorous.

Damn it!
FOney trapped in a HUneys body! =3 Is it just mew or were the Bedroom eyes made less pronounced as they used to be than Dreamcast? Hmmmm.....
HUmar is easily my least favorite for being the generic poster boy. Also, when I played my first (and last) HUmar was right around the time that GameShark codes came out on Dreamcast. Must of my HUmar playtime was spent hiding in locked rooms to avoid being PK'd, avoiding trades since nothing was legit, and subsequently dying a lot because I was inexperienced, undergeared, and fighting things meant for parties.

I can't really decide on my favorite, but it's definitely one of the Ep II classes (FOmar, HUcaseal, RAmarl). They're definitely my favorite of each type of class, though it's hard to put one over the other in my head.