More calibur wielders in Restless Lion

Good suggestion?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Hell yeah!

    Votes: 5 83.3%

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While this would make it an easier/quicker hunt for your starter DF's it would also decrease the chances of finding other % weapons which can be a nice utility from this hunt (Laser/Raygun/Vulcan/Arms/Diska). Sure you could get rid of force stuff but then that would be changing the game mechanics, fighting no forces and just hunterhunterhunterhunter oh a ranger hunterhunterhunter. It's already not exciting to play as it is. Calibur already has 2, more than any other weapon and the 1st one you can reset it and do at a decent pace. Also decreasing the value of 50h Caliburs lower than the already abysmal price.

I wouldn't mind a% increase though :rolleyes:
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@Spuz In my experience the first Calibur user is quite far into the quest so it's faster to just finish it to get the 2nd rather than reset, but maybe I'm doing it wrong.

A Hell Raygun makes the quest not so bad as you can one shot the NPCs before they even reach you.

And to OP, no. Mindless buffs to quests/gear/drop rates just aren't going to happen.