Modding all the 3D models

guild lady chest update
same size with updated model
made into a template
new man female and human female have bigger chest than guild lady


  • guild lady remodel chest .JPG
    guild lady remodel chest .JPG
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  • guild lady remodel chest 2.JPG
    guild lady remodel chest 2.JPG
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guild lady/huge chest template update
most body parts will be made into templates like the small ass is a 1:1 of the original legs model of all female models
model template: vert from hyper dimension
not reworked yet, just a general idea


  • huge tits 1.JPG
    huge tits 1.JPG
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  • huge tits 2 + vert.JPG
    huge tits 2 + vert.JPG
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Force Human Female chest part 1 will scale later


  • force female chest part 1.JPG
    force female chest part 1.JPG
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  • force female chest part 2.JPG
    force female chest part 2.JPG
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how much detail do we need?

i can't animate or rig things, i could but it's pretty complicated
all the templates like the chests + arms, hands, legs, head and neck have to be rigged with bones

i cannot do the hair because i suck at it (really) and i can't visualise it how it should be in game
same for faces


  • force female chest part 2.JPG
    force female chest part 2.JPG
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i was bored, so i started to model psz model by scratch for a complete insert in pso for fun
this is the CAST hunter male head. All the other details will be baked in


  • CAST Male head 1 front view .jpg
    CAST Male head 1 front view .jpg
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  • CAST Male head 1 front view remodel 1.jpg
    CAST Male head 1 front view remodel 1.jpg
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  • CAST Male head 1 right view .jpg
    CAST Male head 1 right view .jpg
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  • CAST Male head 1 right view remodel .jpg
    CAST Male head 1 right view remodel .jpg
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  • CAST Male head 2 back view .jpg
    CAST Male head 2 back view .jpg
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  • CAST Male head 2 back view remodel 1.jpg
    CAST Male head 2 back view remodel 1.jpg
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Hunter CAST Female head 1


  • CAST Female head 1 front view remoder 1.jpg
    CAST Female head 1 front view remoder 1.jpg
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  • CAST Female head 1 front view remoder 2.jpg
    CAST Female head 1 front view remoder 2.jpg
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  • CAST Female head 1 back view .jpg
    CAST Female head 1 back view .jpg
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  • CAST Female head 1 front view .jpg
    CAST Female head 1 front view .jpg
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i'm a noob modder and i'm trying to 3D remodel every character model and enemies to make them more rounder and more detailled
ex: the guild lady and the secretary

i have trouble making the elbows and knees
i can make the faces and eyes with a bit of try and error

i want to remake diverse items and maps in the game for fun and make it all modern (not too much, i'm not an expert at 3D modeling)
i have tried to make a game for myself so i have a bit of experience in 3D modeling, not so much with textures mapping

i used Noesis from Ninja Ripper to rip models from .NJ format to .dae to export them to Blender to mod them, piece by piece
i can't reformat them into .NJ files thought

in the game files in the map folders of the game, there is the map files but they are .rel format but i don't know how to format the files
to .dae format to mod them into Blender

same thing with the objects in the maps

is there any ripping software to rip .rel files, edit the maps and map objects .xj files?

thanks for the help
so I was thinking. You may want to just make one of the simpler models to make, finish that and see if you can mod it into the game before you go all out making all the character models all at once. I am interested in seeing how that goes. I have been curious myself on how hard it is to edit or change or replace models into psobb

I went to college for this stuff but havent touched it in years, still curious though
i am too deep in it to change things i already made presets for female bodies and some heads and full bodies were made but without touching the faces because i am very bad at a making faces in 3D anime or not

i don't know who to ask who knows how to port thing in pso bb and how to make a test run form y model and i can't for the life of me to rig models, it is hell.
you went to college for 3d modeling/animation?
i was self taught because as with all things, i was bored out of my mind and found the game butt ugly
i am unemployed for health reasons that are there but not "curable" and making me unable to work and at this point nobody found anything (thanks science) and doctors tell my chronic fatigue and muscle weakness is in my head except for 1 that discovered muscle weakness in my left leg
i suspect the pso zero models will crash the game or slow it to a crawl if i did the entire bodies like i made with the heads. too many polygons but i wanted as realistic as possible
I graduated back in 2017 in a degree with media art an animation (2d and 3d), but my school was shutting down and the last year or so they were really trying to rush us out of the school so idk how good of an education they gave me.. they also used maya to 3d model which is very expensive so I cannot buy it. Most things I learned can probably be learned from youtube anyways.

But in terms of your project, I guess even if it's just to teach yourself, it's a good reason/ motivation to learn even if we cannot figure out how to implement it into the game. :P But definitely look into tutorials online if you haven't yet. They may give you good tips
how the heck a school shut down? how can that even happen?
i tried to use Maya but it create so much lag and freeze i stopped using it.
then i tried Unity but it lagged too then i used Blender and never looked back
i never used nodes, animations or really rigged anything even with tutorials, it's doesn't work since i always do some some mistake and it does not work.
how the heck a school shut down? how can that even happen?
i tried to use Maya but it create so much lag and freeze i stopped using it.
then i tried Unity but it lagged too then i used Blender and never looked back
i never used nodes, animations or really rigged anything even with tutorials, it's doesn't work since i always do some some mistake and it does not work.
a lot of the art institutes schools in america shut down in 2017
damn that is so sad :(
i guess when times are about to get tough, everything that is fluff get a cut, now with the banks collapses all the tech sector stuff will be cut too, i think the worst part thought with AI making art/program/movies whatever is tech based will be taken over by AI so only hands on jobs will be liveable until robots replace ordinary workers.
are you much in debt, how your life since it shut down?
i worked in trades until i got sick and trades are the paths to success until a recession but the money is so good that if you stash money and live beneath your means and get out of big cities, you could be safe for 5 years from financial collapse
damn that is so sad :(
i guess when times are about to get tough, everything that is fluff get a cut, now with the banks collapses all the tech sector stuff will be cut too, i think the worst part thought with AI making art/program/movies whatever is tech based will be taken over by AI so only hands on jobs will be liveable until robots replace ordinary workers.
are you much in debt, how your life since it shut down?
i worked in trades until i got sick and trades are the paths to success until a recession but the money is so good that if you stash money and live beneath your means and get out of big cities, you could be safe for 5 years from financial collapse
i worked at amazon fulfillment until my friend helped me get a job at a hospital. Its okay... I dont really have much in terms of debt since the air force kinda paid for college. could be worse.. And yeah.. I never would have guessed ai would come after creative jobs before labor or office work. its crazy
you went in the air force? how was it? what did you do?
what amazon fullfillment? i never hears about it
basically worked with computers, help desk tickets/ patching servers.


Basically Amazon's warehouses. Moving boxes into delivery vehicles. Nothing fun.. I didnt like the military, and Amazon was even worse.
that's sucks, i thought you flied planes and stuff in the air force.
if shit it the fan, will you be renlisted to fight?
since i got chronic medical problems i can't fight and and i could just host all pso bb game data in case everyone who work on the server get drafted.
i'm a noob at coding and game stuff i could keep hard rives of the game data and server stuff so i could mail it to people later if they are willing to restart the servers