Miku's best farming quest list (v1.3.0)

Oof I forgot the "quest" that was the real inspiration for why I made that list and it's not even on the list lol. And that is just doing the seabed without a quest. You can do any ID, and can change the ID along the way by rejoining the room. I'd go wit a PGF ID for the boss but the rest can be blue if you want zanba, yunchang, pwand, etc., or you can play on white for heaven striker. Don't feel bad that white doesn't have PGF when again you can change it for the boss if you want. Honestly almost completely better than doing RT for PGF and yet I don't see it done all that much.
Oof I forgot the "quest" that was the real inspiration for why I made that list and it's not even on the list lol. And that is just doing the seabed without a quest. You can do any ID, and can change the ID along the way by rejoining the room. I'd go wit a PGF ID for the boss but the rest can be blue if you want zanba, yunchang, pwand, etc., or you can play on white for heaven striker. Don't feel bad that white doesn't have PGF when again you can change it for the boss if you want. Honestly almost completely better than doing RT for PGF and yet I don't see it done all that much.
Freebed is the shit. I think it’s also faster than RT with a competent party and you get to do some ledge drop glitches along the way and they save time as well lol.

Multi-ID hunting in general is also legit. Like running crater free roam on sky and then swapping to viridia if a tapeworm eclair shows up, it’s epic. I think CF4 is the best Dorphon hunt iirc and you can do the same there but you can’t rejoin on that one so it’d be best if someone was dual clienting for their own sake, or just take one for the team.

Besides that I don’t think there many other very good rare mob multi-ID hunts ones to swap to last time I checked…
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Can i get a best farming for noobs who just started and are strugling with money? xD
For money I assume you mean meseta. For raw meseta you just do pw3 box resets and sell everything.

But in this game the real “money” is photon drops. Hands down the fastest RAW PD farm is ma4c resets kill the rappies on anguish 10 (now 3) and reset. Take 30 seconds using a FO and you can also pick up the shield and sell for meseta which meseta sells for about 500k:1PD these days.

I forget but last I calced (I just recalced this right now on 5/29/24) it was like 3 4 PDs an hour in RAW PDs. Which you cannot beat. Fake in yellow works too but it’s slightly less efficient. HOWEVER you might wanna do FiY if you want a certain episode 1 rappy rare drop though as well..
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im afraid i didnt understand anything lol x.x sorry too many acronyms i'm not familiar with.
Well for future reference you can always check out the terminology page on the wiki

TWIYF (the wiki is your friend)

I think the only thing I only used the acronym for was pw3. So that’s Phantasmal World 3, a quest in episode 2.

Here’s a pretty well made guide with a video on the forums.

Happy hunting!!

EDIT: ah I also didn’t say what ma4c is, that’s maximum attack 4 (c) in episode 4.
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For money I assume you mean meseta. For raw meseta you just do pw3 box resets and sell everything.

But in this game the real “money” is photon drops. Hands down the fastest RAW PD farm is ma4c resets kill the rappies on anguish 10 (now 3) and reset. Take 30 seconds using a FO and you can also pick up the shield and sell for meseta which meseta sells for about 500k:1PD these days.

I forget but last I calced (I just recalced this right now on 5/29/24) it was like 3 4 PDs an hour in RAW PDs. Which you cannot beat. Fake in yellow works too but it’s slightly less efficient. HOWEVER you might wanna do FiY if you want a certain episode 1 rappy rare drop though as well..
Do enemies on A3 still have this ridiculous buff in movement speed? I remember when trying MA4C Rappy resets on A10, this always messed things up when I wanted to collect item drops. The wave of Bootas that spawn after the rappies make it almost impossible to collect items on the floor if they have this speed buff.

But disregarding that, you're probably correct in assuming that it compares better to TFIY in raw PD value.

However, the boost in PD drop rate in the new A3 is the same from old A3, which make both runs more inneffective nowadays. On the other hand, A10 supposedly provided only a +1.5% drop rate boost, which is not a whole lot to begin with. What counts is the 100% DAR anyway.
It's probably still a very efficient way to farm PDs I guess.
Do enemies on A3 still have this ridiculous buff in movement speed? I remember when trying MA4C Rappy resets on A10, this always messed things up when I wanted to collect item drops. The wave of Bootas that spawn after the rappies make it almost impossible to collect items on the floor if they have this speed buff.

But disregarding that, you're probably correct in assuming that it compares better to TFIY in raw PD value.

However, the boost in PD drop rate in the new A3 is the same from old A3, which make both runs more inneffective nowadays. On the other hand, A10 supposedly provided only a +1.5% drop rate boost, which is not a whole lot to begin with. What counts is the 100% DAR anyway.
It's probably still a very efficient way to farm PDs I guess.
A3 now SHOULD be the equivalent of A6 prior, that is as far as movement speed, DAR, RDR, etc. Unfortunately also the area drop percents were SEVERELY nerfed along with the PD rate which you mentioned. A3 will only have a boost of 0.45% but it does add up quite a lot over time. My calc of 4 an hour is taking the 0.45% into consideration. That calc is not taking into consideration picking up blue armors and selling though, and it could change things a bit as far of raw PD rate being of the time banking/selling etc (for another day).

It can be hard to pick ‘em up cause dudes are so fast (but not as fast as they used to be). However there’s kinda a strat to it and a rhythm and if you get 1tapped you can just lobby before you get TPd to the infirmary and not waste much time.

It is indeed slightly faster than FiY. But only by a couple rappies per minute. If you want angel harp for some reason you can run on rare mob week and skyly for some added value I guess but it’s kind of a niche item and kind of shit lol.

Overall 4 PDs an hour (raw) and probably like 5-6 an hour if you count selling armors is kind of nuts. For example: let’s compare it to farming a RR. Shits only worth like 50 PDs. Assuming it takes you 13 minutes a run not even considering the time it takes to queue a lobby that’s 40.3 hour MININUM per RR. Meaning it’s ~1 PD an hour for that grind for the PD value of that item (of course not counting the PDs and v101 you find along the way, but counting those it’d probably be like 2 PD an hour TOPS.).

Honestly it’s really not worth it to hunt that item unfortunately, I have a guide I’m working on that ranks every item in the game based on its potential value and basically you should ONLY hunt items that can come with hit. That or farm raw PDs/meseta/high hit commons (like we are discussing here lol) Anything else is pretty much literally a waste of time lmao.

Maybe they could add some worthwhile items to falzys drop chart I guess, since RR is so deflated in value anyway and not worth hunting IN MY OPINION. It is indeed a super fun boss rush quest so it sucks to have to avoid it because the rewards are terrible but meh, so is life, lol.
i play on devaloka, so i think only ep1 and 2 are available?

edit: thanks for all the pointers and the link to the wiki.
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