Memorial for Robin (In-Game)


Yesterday, a tragedy occurred during the quest Respective Tomorrow on normal difficulty. MewPlushie suggested that we take an alternate path to our destination. This was the final nail in Robin's coffin. May she rest in peace with the delbiter that slayed her.

RIP. Anyone know robins discord/forums/in-game details/names? Tell them to contact me of they want some nice handouts :)

@Harborer of Hope, feels horrible when somone dies in your game huh.
Yesterday, a tragedy occurred during the quest Respective Tomorrow on normal difficulty. MewPlushie suggested that we take an alternate path to our destination. This was the final nail in Robin's coffin. May she rest in peace with the delbiter that slayed her.

Awesome vid...awesome editing....EPIC FAIL for mew!!! She HEARD the Delbiter before ever seeing it!! We had discussed the dangers of RT with Gal Griffon, Towers route, aaaand Olga....but that F'KIN DELBITER! Mew SHOULD have told Robin-san to hold back in the hallway!!! But Nuuuuuuuuu!!! Robin-san is the 2ND HCer to fall under mews watch! ='(. *PSO PTSD Ensues!* =P The "alternate path" mew had suggesteded was the Towers route...that Delbiter was part of the required path =PpPpPpPpP',',','
According to a Samurai legend "Dishonor is like a scar on a tree, which with time, instead of effacing, only enlarges". Mew Certainly felt she Dishonored her 'Plushie' name.... =(
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RIP. Anyone know robins discord/forums/in-game details/names? Tell them to contact me of they want some nice handouts :)

I second this. I'd be more than happy to pitch in and donate some scapedolls. If anyone know's how to contact, please PM me the info! :D
I remember seeing this game, it was named "Don't Die" and wouldn't you know it... Someone died.

This kind of makes me wanna start an HC account...
Yeah, I said "don't die" while I went to get my Stealth Suit. I feel bad now...
Rip Robin,I hope you got your RAcaseal back already.

(I got sad before reading the thread because I thought that someone died on RL)
Oh geeze, didn't even think of that. @Essence , can you change title to read "in-game," please?

Also, her RAcaseal is back, and loaded with scapes!
Rip Robin,I hope you got your RAcaseal back already.

(I got sad before reading the thread because I thought that someone died on RL)

At least in RL doctors can revive you sometimes, not happening on HC