Making All Mags All-Class

Should all mags become all class?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 11 22.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
One suggestion (quite a while ago, but only got around to doing stuff now, RIP) was that all mags should be accessible to all classes.

In simple terms, this would mean that:
  • Androids can use Angel's Wings and Devil's Wings.
  • Humans and Newmans can use the ELENOR mag.
Simply put, do you agree or disagree with this change?

With it being aesthetic, I feel this change is a non-issue overall and would allow people who don't play Androids to access the new ELENOR mag, and for casts to finally use the wings. While the mags do have triggers which could be considered "gamplay-changing", it's not like Sato or Tellusis don't have better triggers and are more easily accessible, hence the reasoning for wanting to do this.

I'll run a poll for 3 days, feel free to leave comments in this thread (report it if it's not working for some reason, it should be).
I see no reason not to change something purely aesthetic. Wings+Bunny ears on HUcast is badass huehue.
I think it is a good idea. Since it is pretty much only a cosmetic thing, I'm all for it.
I voted No because Elenor mag looks ugly on Human/Newman as well as wings on Casts. Nobody should be allowed to make such poor fashion choices.

But also because Angel/Demons are a fleshie mythology and Elenor's mag lore is customized to Elenor (in other words the cast Montague chooses). Everybody cast or fleshie can wield white mechguns but they might not have the hardware to equip Elenor. Who knows, maybe Angel/Demon wings is a projection of the mental psyche, obviously casts wouldn't make sense in this case.
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I vote yes because, while it may allow poor fashion choices, it allows more variety for the evolution of haute cou·ture on ephinea
I voted no because, while it won't change the balance, it'll make fleshies/casts lose some of their singularities fashion-wise.
Voted yes, while the restrictions can be explained by lore and races, it's purely cosmetic, plus i think if someone have poor fashion choices it's up to him, everybody should be able to make the character they want.
I voted yes assuming those are the only 3 mags that are currently class specific.
I voted yes because Elenor would look pretty rad on my pink and white RAmarl.
I've not voted yes just yet, but wanted to ask a question.

If this is being considered, would it be possible to unlock certain stat-req mag cells (such as heart of chao) to make them more popular? Some people would like to access certain mag cells, but may be limited in the mag builds.

However I don't see much of an issue with these two, but I don't see why they need to be an exception when various other mag cells have limitations :p
I'll give it a yes because my Ramar needs an elenor mag to go with his cat ears. Don't judge me for my poor fashion choices pls @Cyb3r_ZER0
A mag is a mag. More options to match better for aesthetic pleasure seems good!
I voted yes because "look good, feel good, play good".

in b4 muh vanilla
I voted no because I do feel the differences between the classes with regards to equips (armors, shields, mags), add to the depth of the game. Just for reference I play HUcast and I like that there are some items I cannot use (but HUmar can, for example), and some items the other way round, eg BHC or s-parts
I voted no because I do feel the differences between the classes with regards to equips (armors, shields, mags), add to the depth of the game. Just for reference I play HUcast and I like that there are some items I cannot use (but HUmar can, for example), and some items the other way round, eg BHC or s-parts

I agree with you on class limitations for armors and shields because that directly affects the balance and "depth" of the game. I personally feel that mags do not affect his balance and that's why I am for the change.
I'm all for this, barely affects game balance and more cosmetic choices is cool.
Agastya is ugly on every character except HUcast and RAcast, but that's all class for some reason too.
Fight me >:c