Lv 200 Character Calculator


Edit: Far better than my sheet:
(Incorrect mat limit for Ephinea)

(Thank you for the link Melirei!)

Android app:
(All major servers)
(Thank you Spuz!)

I Threw a sheet together a week or so ago because I wanted to stat for 200 but,
didn't want to max everything. It was only intended for personal use so it's not pretty...

Here it is...

It's a Google Drive spread sheet. If you want to use it click File>Make a copy.
It should open in a new window and then you're good to go.

If there are any changes to stats (Currently GC from PSOW) or formulas I need to make
just leave a comment on the main sheet or post here.

Any help / feedback is appreciated!
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Now that i've looked there are probably going to be a lot of rounding issues because everything basically has a fractional value... It's something I hadn't thought about though so thank you!
If I remember correctly, most stats on most characters are round numbers, it's only a few stats like Hunewearl's ATA that are xxx.5.

Maybe somebody else can confirm this?
Only ATA is a fractional number. The "true" ATA value is at least 10 times the amount that you see in game (141 ATA is 1410~1419 ATA, etc.)
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i play a lot of sandboxing and max stat referencing. hunter's lack of ata makes them garbage. they cant hit crap and cant solo for crap. ramarl destroys everything. high stats and high tech support makes her deal most damage than anyone else with a more frequent hit to miss ratio. nobody can stop her. in psopc psodc tho racast and racaseal dominate stat wise.

tldr you either play ramarl or youre gimping yourself.
RAmar with level 15 SD has higher ATP than RAmarl with SD 20, though. And I would not really call 1,145 ATP "high".

I have no problem hitting stuff with HUs. Are you using SMARTLINK? It helps a ton with ranged attacks. Also, how much hit do you put on your Sandbox weapons?
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OMG, it looks almost the same! Thank you so much!! ^_^

Off topic: Lol geocities... That still exists?!
If you look at the bottom link, it says it's inspired from the website you posted!
On a side note, apparently geocities is still available in Japan, and nowhere else.
Just an FYI about that geocites link, it was based on schthack back in the day and because of it the material count for newmans displays and allows it to go to 200 when the cap here on ephinea (vanilla) is 150.

There is also an android app for all main servers which allows mat plan making easy:
so... now that the geocities stats simulator doesnt work... any other recomendations?
I'd been using that geocities calculator, but it's down as of April 1st. This is a great substitute! The only thing the geocities calc did better was tell you how many mats short you were from max for each stat baedd on what had already been input.