Luck Material


Hey so, there's a whole load of content that I have never touched before, quests, locations, items, etc. But what's a good way to get Luck Material? Luck?

Also how can I stop going back to the lobby when I finish/cancel a quest :/
E2 Ult is the best episode/difficulty to find them from random mobs. Other than that PW coins and other roulettes are good for materials.
Phantasmail world is ep2 quests. After you complete it there is a girl behind you. She will give a lucky coin. Use coin in ep2 quest gallons. Coin gives 1 spin on a roulette that gives prizes. Also can buy luck mats with badges or players sell.
Ah yeah, I've bought 4 luck materials so far, and found my first actual luck material drop about an hour ago. I remember when I played on GC and I used a glitch to stack myself to max stats by equipping a unit while unequipping my armour. Although I only did that on the characters I hated, like HuCasts. I like to keep my distance not be in smashing range.
You always get sent back to the lobby when you're done with a quest. That's just How PSO Works™.
It really sucks. There wasn't anything like that with the old offline Gamecube. I'll get used to it, but creating a new game every time is kind of tedious.
It really sucks. There wasn't anything like that with the old offline Gamecube. I'll get used to it, but creating a new game every time is kind of tedious.
*Looks upon Snebbies-san with a sad but encouraging smile* S...So you were only OFFLINE for a long time huh? S'ok! You'll eventually get acclimated and numb with ONLINE Quirks and Jerks when dealing wiff quests. Mew was/is in the habit of hoarding any Luck mats she trips over. There's prolly players out there wiff 40+ luck mats just laying around to trade or give away~! Hang in there! =3
It really sucks. There wasn't anything like that with the old offline Gamecube. I'll get used to it, but creating a new game every time is kind of tedious.
There wasn't a lobby on offline GC, either. :p
I'll never understand why people get so hung up on this. Oh, the horror of having to spend 15 seconds to make a new team between quests that take anywhere from 5 minutes to 3 hours to complete. The inconvenience is simply unbearable! :eek:
Right now I just want a red handgun to drop so I can have something more substantial than Suppressed Gun >_< I'm 250 Ob Lilliies in and no luck yet
No Biggies! Red handguns aren't too hard to find, unless you're lusting one wiff Hit%.....H....Heeey, wait a sec...By chance are you trying to find a Red Handgun from past knowledge or experiences with dropcharts? Each server has molested their Drop items in some form or another. Mayby red pew pew isnt dropping because its not for your Sec id here? Take a peek at your id on our drop charts on our home page dear? (Scroll down on the INFORMATION section) Good luck, happy hunting.....Stay SANE!~ =3
I have been using that. I explored the website first and saw the drop charts straight away. It's not too different from what I remember. I never farmed for one before. But I can spam run HBR Caves. Sadly each run takes me about 50 minutes because my gear is atrocious, but every run gives me a level or two and I'm still leveling my Mag to 5 /145 / 50 / 0. I'm at 5 / 70 / 50 / 0 so far. So plenty of ATP to gain. I wouldn't have minded at all if I had found a charge laser or something but not even one charge or berserk drop yet.
You wouldn't.
Even if, I for one really like to help out, and I'm sure many people here feel the same.
Give it a shot. ;)
Well, I am on at the moment and I've made an open ultimate room called MAE Caves. So if you want to join, feel free.

I already hate it, it now takes me twice as many hits to kill something.

EDIT: yeah no. it takes me 22 heavy attacks to kill a vulmer. I'm not dragging anybody down thanks, I'd rather play solo.
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I just wanted to know if the first post was still up to date ?
I've made quite a bit of RT, found many materials except luck, so I was wondering if it changed recently.
Many thanks for your feedback !