Long time PSO player, new to Ephinea


Hi everyone! I've been playing PSO since I was first introduced to it in 2006 via GameCube, and like many of you here, fell in love with it. I never played online until I found the Ultima server (as I am finding out is an extremely unlikable server for obvious reasons). Some of you may know me by my Ultima forum username, Pushan! In the game, my name varied (Oasis, Vulcan, ImNiren, to name a few).

I was active on there from 2016-2020~2021 and am hoping to be active on here as well. My favorite saying is related to Runescape, and I feel it would be great to use it here. You never really quit PSO, you just simply take breaks from it.

I look forward to meeting many of you and playing PSO together! I will update this thread with my in-game name when I create it.


Happy hunting!
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Hi everyone! I've been playing PSO since I was first introduced to it in 2006 via GameCube, and like many of you here, fell in love with it. I never played online until I found the Ultima server (as I am finding out is an extremely unlikable server for obvious reasons). Some of you may know me by my Ultima forum username, Pushan! In the game, my name varied (Oasis, Vulcan, ImNiren, to name a few).

I was active on there from 2016-2020~2021 and am hoping to be active on here as well. My favorite saying is related to Runescape, and I feel it would be great to use it here. You never really quit PSO, you just simply take breaks from it.

I look forward to meeting many of you and playing PSO together! I will update this thread with my in-game name when I create it.


Happy hunting!
EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee~!! *POUNCES and examines Scope-san wiff a warm giggle~!* AAaaand yet another Old Guard Cuber has fallen prey to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! *Blinks at you wiff a fanged little grin...* Mew has a special "Word" for you Ultima players here..., ".....RESCUES~! <3!". And Yes! "No one really Quits PSO!...". Between Work, School, and Military endeavors...players will wander out into the fog of IRL, only to find their way Back to a sea of smiling, war painted, and scarred faces welcoming them....HOME!
Looking forward to pouncing and playing wiff you, too! And as a loved one stated earlier....beating mew to it....Welcome HOME~! =3!
Welcome back. Enjoy Ephinea. You will like how nice the game is with the DMC patch and unlocked DP lol. This is the definitive way to play vanilla PSO (with sprinkles)
Ephinea PSO is best PSO, welcome back to Pioneer 2, hope your roads on ragol prove fruitful, my toons in game are Row,Bow,Yow and Kins. If you see me on and need a hand with anything don’t hesitate to ask. Still leveling all of my toons, but always down to game with gamers.
A Gamecube that has played PSO since 2006. You are Welcome in this World of PSOBB Ephinea!
I wish for you to enjoy your stay!
I hope we can play with each other sometimes...
But take your time with many quests, grind, and get lucky drops from harder mode monsters!

Nice to meet you! ^^
Call me, Zan!