Leonhart's little shop [Mag's]

Thanks you ^^
lol i gave all my stuff to my friend thinking i won't be back, i gather 6 pds now, thanks to you i can play Hucasr again. Thank you for all the help.
Can I please buy this?

Kama [5/160/35/0] [M|E|P] [Dark Green] 5pd

I will be online tonight in about 6-7 hours from now, around 4:30pm Central. I can get on discord.
Sato [5/150/45/0] [M|E|P] [Olive] 5pd
Sato [5/150/45/0] [M|E|P] [Olive] 5pd
Sato [5/150/45/0] [M|E|P] [Olive] 5pd
*pleading* i buy ^_^ pls i need mags for new players
Can I get one of the Kama Level: 199 [5/99/95/0] [M|E|P] [Black] and one of the Sato [5/68/48/79] [M|E|P] [Yellow]. Can be on for a bit today.