- Gender
- Male
- Guildcard
- 42013420

Welcome. Here I'll put the items i have for trade, starting with a short list that hopefully will grow.
You can find me by replying to this thread, via PM, or usually in the "Kuja" room on Fodra.
• Weapons
-Berserk Gladius 35/30/0/0/50 - 1PD
-Storm Wand: Indra - 1PD
-Silence Claw 60/0/0/15/40 - 3PD
-Stag Cutlery 30/0/0/0/20 - 1PD
-Holy Ray +40 0/30/35/0/25 - 8PD
-Ancient Saber 35/0/25/0/20 - 2PD
-Red Saber 15/35/0/0/35 - 3PD
-Girasole 0/15/0/0/0 - 1PD
-Handgun: Milla 0/0/0/0/0 - 2PD
-Last Swan 0/0/0/0/0 - 8PD
-Red Handgun 25/0/0/15/15 - 2PD
-Red Handgun 20/0/40/0/0 - 1PD
-Red Mechgun 0/0/20/20/30 - 2PD
-Demonic Fork 0/15/0/5/0 - 5PD
- Heat of Poumn 30/15/0/0/20 - 10PD
-Flowen's Sword 3084 (Real) 35/0/0/35/0 - 1PD
-Flowen's Sword 3084 (Real) 0/0/0/0/25 -4PD
-Demolition Comet +25 0/25/0/25/0 - 2PD
-Rage de Feu 0/0/25/25/0 - 1PD
-Vivienne 0/0/0/0/0 - 2PD
• Armors (I don't use drop checker so i will just add the raw DFP and EVP)
-Red Odoshi Domaru DFP+118, EVP+115 - Slots:0 -1PD
-Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou DFP +157, EVP+188 - Slots: 1 - 5PD
-Sacred Guard - 1PD
-Secure Feet DFP+84, EVP+242 - 1PD
-Secure Feet DFP+93, EVP+245 - 1PD
• Misc
-Smartlink - 1PD
-Deva 5/150/45/0 (M&Y)(Farla)(Pilla) - 5PD
-Belra's Right Arm - 1PD
-Amplifier of Blue - 1PD
-Yellowboze Badge - 1PD
-Tablet - 1PD
-Heaven Striker Coat - 1PD
-Rappy's Beak - 1PD
•Mats & Grinders Stock
-Power 7:1PD x28
-Mind 10:1PD x0
-Grinders 50:1PD x200
Currencies accepted: Pds, Pcs at usual 2:1 ratio.
Thanks for passing by~
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