Keyboard and mouse, or controller?

KB+M or Controller?

  • KB+M

    Votes: 13 20.6%
  • Controller

    Votes: 31 49.2%
  • Both?

    Votes: 19 30.2%

  • Total voters


How do you play?

I play on controller, with the hotkeys. But it's getting annoying switching my hand from controller to keyboard a lot(mostly for force), so I'm thinking of trying out keyboard and mouse. Is it worth it?
I use a small 60% keyboard normally and swap layers depending on what i'm doing
but I also use controller if i'm playing HU and/or tryharding
i'll call it "controller+" since i use a controller for movement, pallete and quick menus, but i also use the keyboard for tech/item assignments on the number row.

i grew up as a console gamer so kb/mouse feels very foreign to me.
Refine your quick menu-fu and join the master race that can type without pressing space, because keyboard controls are disabled. :cool:
B-but my hotkeys! I have my fluids, resta, sd/jz all on there! What, do you just use the quick-menu on controller to sd/jz?

Also, I just tried keyboard, and... mouse is hard to use to move.
I mostly use keyboard only, and I play like a true psychopath and switched my wasd with <^>v, so if i quick menu I have to stand still. I used an xbox 360 controller for a bit, but I chat almost as much as I kill monsters, so I just got really good at using the keyboard. And my 1-0 hotkeys are the fakken shizznass
do you just use the quick-menu on controller to sd/jz?
Yes. If you're pressed for space in the quick menu, just cast Shifta and Deband from the main menu. You don't have to do it very often, after all, so you may want those two slots in the quick menu for Techniques that you have to cast more frequently. Fluids are best used from the quick menu, as well; you don't use them nearly often enough to need dedicated buttons for them, unless you're using Spirit.
just cast Shifta and Deband from the main menu.
I did not know you could use techniques from the main menu! Wow that changes things a bit, thanks

You don't have to do it very often, after all, so you may want those two slots in the quick menu for Techniques that you have to cast more frequently
By two slots in the quick menu, I assume you mean the top and bottom of the technique list?
When I'm playing my HUcaseal I'm all about that controller. But I'm also finding that the hotkeys are nice since some classes actually have stuff to put up there.
I did not know you could use techniques from the main menu!
Kids these days! Back in my day, we had no choice but to use Techniques and switch weapons with the main menu, because V1 has no quick menu. </oldman>

By two slots in the quick menu, I assume you mean the top and bottom of the technique list?
The first and last five Techniques in the quick menu are the most useful, so you have to prioritise which ones you put there. Techniques in the middle of the menu are pretty much useless, except maybe Ryuker.
With a controller, you can run in any given direction at any time no matter which direction you're facing. This is not possible with keyboard (try alternating between holding A, stopping for a brief moment, then holding D and you'll see what I mean).

Thanks to the technology of antimicro, PSOBB Palette Manager, and PSOBB Input Map, you can map any keystrokes to your controller, add a second row of 1-0 for use, and remove the useless "Menu Open / Menu Decide" action to add an additional button to be mapped for use through antimicro.

With antimicro, you can map things such as:
  • WASD keys (for getting rid of Freeze status effect quicker without having to reach over to your keyboard for the WASD keys).
  • 1-0 keys (1-0 actions bar).
  • F2 key (to swap units and/or shields mid-run quickly).
  • Key combination presses such as Shift+F1-F12 to use in-game Chat Shortcuts for server commands registered to them like "/lobby".
  • Any of the above to your controller's triggers so that you can actually use them (you cannot by default as PSO doesn't natively recognize controller triggers).
PSOBB Palette Manager allows for a second row of 1-0 for use, but this second row is only available to controller players. So, keyboard players are stuck with a maximum of 16 actions whereas controller players can have a maximum of 26 actions for use. This is great, especially for Force characters as you can access Normal/Hard/Special attack, all 19 techniques, and even have 4 slots leftover to use 4 Tools like Trimate, Trifluid, Sol Atomizer, Moon Atomizer.

Normally, when going into the Options menu to access Pad Button Config to select Custom to set all of your PSO actions to your controller, you end up having to set "Menu Open / Menu Decide" to one of your buttons on your controller. This action is very useless, so it renders one of your buttons as useless. However, with PSOBB Input Map, you can change "Menu Open / Menu Decide" to a button that doesn't exist on your controller so you can add 1 additional mapping to your controller via antimicro.
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With other crap on the 2nd bar, mostly offensive techs.
@NDW I didn't know about those tools either, thanks! I can't find PSOBB Input Map though, whatever that is.

Do you set up your controller like @Spoon ? Right now I have my right analog stick for navigating menus quickly while still moving.

EDIT: Okay so I found PSOBB Input Map. This is more difficult to set up than I thought... mostly antimicro.
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Wow, might just need to go with a controller then. I didn't realize how elaborate the addons have gotten for it.
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@NDW You're amazing! I recently made a FOmarl, and was trying to migrate from controller to keyboard due to needing more buttons for techs, but was finding it ridiculously hard to do so, but thanks to your post I can fully FO on my controller; THANK YOU!
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