It's been great everyone, Thank you.


As I almost exclusively played PSO while at my last job as a Systems & Network Engineer which turned into a short time of being a Manager...the gravy days of that job dried up as the company proceeded to fuck me over for cost savings.
I since found a new job as a Director of Engineering IT Systems. I had to move, sell my home (still working on it) and a bunch of other things to make this well as I believe basically the end of my time here on Ephinea. My new schedule went from having 2 hours of work and 6 hours of down literally non stop work and calls and meetings at my new job which I dont expect to change anytime soon.

With that said, I wanted to thank everyone here for the wonderful time I had playing the game I loved growing up, and living it up all over again a new way. I will not be quitting, however I do not expect to be playing with any amount of dedicated time as I have in the past.

I am sure I will be back in spurts of playtime, possibly on travel when I am in the hotel and have spare time on my hands.

If you need me please PM, as I will keep all my alerts as I have right now active.

<3 Archivebit <3

@Jyuki @Peppercat @Mayn @Eistee @Spuz @NDW
Very sad to hear this. A lot of my IRL friends are wage slaves who also work all day and on different schedules. As a consequence we can't hang out much, and even finding time to play a game online is difficult. Such is life I suppose. I can only hope you enjoy your job as some type of consolidation. Or, barring that, that it pays really good. ._.

But yeah, likewise it's been great playing with you too. You're one of my oldest friends on Ephinea. Page 3 on my guild card list! :o

(Also as far as the rat race goes, Whitill is level 127. I don't think she's gonna be the winner. <.< )
:( sad to see you go arch, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Ill have to pm you when i get back online, try a few runs on the odd days your playing.

Gonna miss you but i wish you the best with your adjustments. [n.n]
Best of luck Arch- on to bigger and better things :) Thank you for keeping us updated. Continue to do so please :D

Hmm... so that wasn't you I played with today on an alt? :p
Nope. I havnt logged in for at least a week
A final bump to this thread. Ive given my login information to friends. I havnt played more than 4hrs since making this thread...its been fun guys.
Thanks for buying that 75 hit calibur from me back in October. Pds are hard to come by!

I landed an ok job recently as well, but at the price of an hour+ commute. Thinking about buying my first home, closer to work.
*Blinks away tears seeing this post Waaay too Late!* We're losing our Arch-chan to IRL Demons??? Well, can't really call them 'Demons' if it's for the best eh? <3 More like 'Angry Angels' huh? Mew'll hope and pray not only does your new job afford you a more prosperous living, but will allow you far more laughs and happy sighs to come! Make as Many Cameos as you can! You will Always find a loving home and Warm Glomps here!! *Sniffles while making an Arch-plushie and singing her song.....*