Items that were just flat let downs:

>people are just mad that DM isn't as good as DF or DB
>Those people are stupid.

Are you one of those people that are mad, Silver?
Being mad over something like that is stupid is what I said, not that people who don't understand DM are stupid.

I'm asking if u can share the wisdom, but you're not answering. Now i'll never know if its worth crafting one or in what situations DM might be optimal. You seem to know when DM is optimal. My post has nothing to do with being mad.
Dark Meteor is God-tier, almost as much as using a Glide Divine as a melee weapon is.
Does anyone know how to use a DM properly?
I'll just presume this is a big fat "no" and will continue to happily use mine until I sphere it to 100/100/0/0/50.
I joke that it should be unlocked when the topic comes up, but I'm seriously just joking, it's fine the way it is and unlocking it would be stupid.

You really would sphere DM on this server? I have the same one as you (have had for a while now) and if I sold it today it would make basically no difference. Charge arms is far superior, no? And same with Baranz Launcher ofc.
DF is wayyy better.
CR can substitute DM pretty nicely.
Let's not even start on all those shitty HP, TP and PB restore units.

Party "unlucky" has found God/Body after defeating...
Now THAT'S disappointing.

You really would sphere DM on this server? I have the same one as you (have had for a while now) and if I sold it today it would make basically no difference. Charge arms is far superior, no? And same with Baranz Launcher ofc.
DF is wayyy better.
CR can substitute DM pretty nicely.

Pretty nicely, yes, but not perfectly. :rolleyes:
If you must know, I'd have both CR and DM, but I like inv space so I just keep a DM.
What I can't do now is glitch N-VH Vol Opt, but I never do N-VH anyway.
Looks better, easier to get 50s for, has a better AoE spread than CR resulting in a nice damage output on Barba Ray, Gol Dragon and Gryphon with those 50s (no point considering De Rol as I use Excal (Excal with N/AB/D is why I might sphere a 0h Excal, yes I'm nuts) or Charge Arms/Baranz as he jumps onto the boat and is usually dead before the next phase anyway), doesn't have shells that fizzle out if they don't connect (got real sick of that), and is a lot easier to glitch Olga with.
Maybe my aim's just bad but I found my CR shells were missing Gol Dragon in the air and DM has a much easier time bringing it down.
DM can also hit Gryphon in the air when he's firing off lightning...
A neat little trick is to fire a special at him in the air, get knocked back by the lightning which instantly allows you to fire off a special. Managed to kill him doing that from 3 or 4 lightning shots, lol, just gotta be wary of getting hit by the lightning too many times. If it knocks you down it won't work, obviously. (Wondering if a penetration weapon like a Launcher could do this, too.)
There's my wisdom, since my good friend Venom brought himself into this.
Also, I'm RAmar. Maybe RAcast have better luck with CRs but I seem to get better damage output on things like Barba, Gol and Gryphon with a N/AB/H DM.

And yes, DF is better.
If you get a PGF and you have a HU just make a DF.
RAs are already "fair and balanced" as it is, complaining about DM compared to DF is silly.
DMs are for bored RAs with swag. DFs are for HUs that know how to use 'em, and damn effective they are. :rolleyes:
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DF without combo unlock is a letdown. And I'm not saying it should be unlocked; that would be dumb.

The thing that makes it good only exists in theory or in fleeting moments. You have to know exactly where to stand, and if you get killed using it, you lose all the time you gained. Even the self-proclaimed "best" DF users on this server still die all the freaking time using it, and nobody is ever going to be good enough to NEVER get hit. It's good on paper, and it looks cool every now and then, but nobody will ever get their money's worth out of one. I laugh at how much these high-hit calibers sell for given its such a limited-use item. True mob mentality. I guess I stand to make a large profit off of what I perceive as over-valuation, should I ever find one.

(Plus it forces the rest of the party to play around the person, who is usually snobby about it. It makes everyone else play like crap.)

Unless you're doing no-fun-allowed-rote-memorization TA, it has no good use in regular play.
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Let's not even start on all those shitty HP, TP and PB restore units.

The PB units might've been good if deliberately letting yourself get the shit beat out of you by enemies (or things like the blade traps in Seabed and Crater cacti) while a Force spams Resta to build PB wasn't a thing.

The HP and TP units are shit, especially for TP, since you'll have more than enough Trifluids to last you throughout a quest, and your local Resta caster and Trimates makes the HP units useless.
With me coming from a server that has most weapons mentioned in this thread combo-unlocked, there aren't much letdowns. Honestly I'd say Burning Visit is a letdown. You spend 50 pds + the somewhat shit hunt a Flame visit is for a somewhat(?) piercing missile that honestly doesn't have that much uses. Gael Giel is kinda a letdown too for what you have to do to get it. The fact that it's not triple invinc is stupid, imo.
Dark meteor fucking sucks.
Dragon: weak to everything
DE ROL: lol excal
Vol opt: lol needle or giz then more needle or charge arms
falz: charge vulcans/HS
Barba: zerk launcher then see De rol once he lands....if he even gets to.
Gol Dragon: literally has the lowest evp in ultimate. SSS with zerk launcher or charge mechs
Gal Gryphon: Zerk launcher/CR/charge mechs
Olga form 1: zerk launcher
olga form 2: charge mechs
saint: needle/charge arms.

Sorry bro. Information stands on its own regardless of where or who it comes from. Everything DM does, something does better. Aside from shooting through some walls here and there. Huge letdown.

Honestly Lafuteria is kind of a let down. 86 pds for an armor that has only 5 more def than aura field and still less than black hound?
How the fuck has no one mentioned belra cannon.
There's one weapon I've always loved the idea of, but is absolutely worthless:

Plantain Fan.

This is the Wand made from Plantain Leaf and Magic Water.

The special attack on this is a gust of wind, which unlike the Plantain Huge Fan (the Partisan), is unreduced. The Plantain Fan's gust of wind does heavy damage, with heavy accuracy, and has a respectable range and autolock radius. It actually makes for a very fun weapon that could have some reasonable combat use as a quirky alternative to other weapons. It's almost like a more consistent Windmill, that doesn't need a combo to charge up.

The problem is the stats of the Plantain Fan:
95 to 150 ATP (175 to 230 ATP after grinding)
42 ATA
55 MST

Buster has 120 to 160 (180 to 220 ATP after grinding).

Even worse, Plantain Leaf:
219 to 280 ATP (Ungrindable)
45 ATA
20 MST

It actually gets weaker than the base weapon! So yeah... the Plantain Fan is basically a slightly flashier looking Buster. It's something that would never be used on Ultimate, but thanks to the 630 MST Requirement, that's the only time you'll ever be able to. The Plantain Fan doesn't even give any direct tech boosts, suggesting to me it was intended more as a melee weapon. However, to act as even a more stable Earth Wand, it'd need to be boosted by about 270 to 320 ATP. Besides that, it needs the Magic Water which is 16PDs from Gallons. It's just not a weapon worth 16PDs, and the hunt for a Hit% Plantain Leaf. That's even with such a boost.

At least the Plantain Huge Fan has some merit as the most powerful Partisan that a FOnewm can use.

Just noticed in your post GuardianGirth... you appreciate the Zerk S-Launcher too! Easily one of my favourite weapons. <3
I like my zerk launcher a lot.

I don't use zerk launcher. Yes, I know it's good, but I don't use it to cut down on inv space because I'd rather keep something that is situationally useful as utility, than something that is situationally useful for damage (not that DM is bad for damage with a stack of 50s, I feel like people forget the spread of DMs AoE does less damage than something like CR but hits more areas, requires less aim, and doesn't have shells that fizzle if they don't connect (said shells sometimes only hit 2 or 3 areas at a time, too, now that fucking sucks), but now I'm just repeating myself). :rolleyes:
If I didn't care about inv space I'd have all 3: DM, CR and Zerk Launcher.

Everything DM does, something does better.

Yes, because there's something better that can glitch Olga Flow Phase 1, isn't there...? I'd better work on my CR timing. :rolleyes:
You're entitled to think it sucks. I'm busy, I've got an Olga Flow to glitch and DF-user lives to save.

Speaking of DF, Ade, you're wrong. So wrong. Maybe you've made a habit of meeting bad DF users, or maybe you're just bad at it yourself. Your post reeks of bitterness, laughing at people that buy high hit cals, indirectly insulting people as "self proclaimed best DF users that die all the time" (who are these people, all I've met are people that call themselves DF-users and even say they're still learning, not "the best"), saying the guy using DF is "snobby", etc.
You also contradict yourself in saying that DF is best for TA but bad elsewhere:
Who doesn't play for time, whether it's an official TA or not? One of the main points of this game is "gotta go fast".
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Wow, chill. Mountain from a mole hill.

+1 for Double Cannon, but I still want one. Wish the untekked Lavis Cannon wasn't a glitch but a normal thing too.
Monofluids. Shit doesn't even fully restore a Lv1 Force on Normal.