Issues starting Launcher


Greenill // HUnewearl
Hey all, I've followed all the steps from the Readme and tried searching the forums already but to no avail. Whenever I go to start up Online.exe, I see it briefly appear in task manager, then immediately crash to windows problem reporting. I've even attempted the win7 executable with compatibility settings set for win7, same results.

I have .net 4.8 installed, the latest directX libraries, and all of the visual c redists running on windows 10.

PsoBB.exe runs, but obviously I can't get past the menu due to my client being outdated.

Any help greatly appreciated!
Can you show what your Windows Event Viewer says?

Knowing the following usually helps: Exception code, Fault offset, Faulting Module Name
(basically just take a cap from Event Viewer of the Application Error > General tab)
Sorry for the late reply, event viewer became its own can of worms. Opened it just to find this odd issue, which I tried solving before capturing the screenshot but, this is where i'm stuck. I attempted to disable and re-enable .net 3.5, went into regedit and removed the directory with the same CLSID label, but honestly I'm a bit out of my depth here and don't fully know what to do, those solutions didn't solute. Perhaps this message may shed some light on what's up with Ephinea, though.


  • image_2024-04-14_054045452.png
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It is super difficult to see what is wrong without fixing Event Viewer beyond the basic troubleshooting steps outlined in the FAQ.

As far as I can tell the string provided is the registry key that needs to be deleted - and then your PC restarted, but do the according backup of Windows before hand (or something, just copying what a typical MS rep will say.)

This key exists on my installation of Win10 and (unsurprisingly) has to do with Event Viewer.
Take care that you're actually modifying the correct location and are an admin.
(on that note, if my Event Viewer was broken and I couldn't fix it, I'd probably reinstall Windows cuz its suuuuper useful for fixing and identifying problems)