Is PSO old to you? (Sandbox mode added!)

Although PSO is new to some, PSO may be old to many others. Some people may not like the idea of starting on a new server at level 1 again. Some people may also like to experiment with different character builds and equipment, but don't like the idea of having to put in so much time to do so.

With those people in mind, we'd like to introduce the new "Sandbox" mode.

Sandbox mode is a mode attached to an account during account creation through the webpage, similar to how you create an account to play in Hardcore mode.

In Sandbox mode, you can only play with other players who are in Sandbox mode. However, you can't play Challenge or Battle mode with Non-Sandbox players.

Although most hacking still isn't allowed, we allow some cheats in Sandbox mode.

Players on Sandbox accounts will have their names in a sand color and, I must stress again, cannot play with Non-Sandbox players, regardless of game mode.

Please only use the following list of commands when manipulating your character or you will still be disconnected for desynchronization.

The following is a list of commands you can use on the server in Sandbox mode:

/redbox - Leader only. Makes all monsters drop their rare item when killed.
/srank - Sets your character data so that the next challenge stage you complete will give you an S-Rank weapon of your choice.
/wipecmode - Clears your Challenge mode data.
/item - Allows you to create an item. See /item creation notes below.
/addmeseta - Allows you to create meseta.
/warpme - Allows you to warp to an area.
/warpall - Leader only. Warps all players in your game to an area.
/levelup - Levels your character.

As also stated, most hacks are not allowed. However, the hacks we do allow in Sandbox mode are:

- Setting Telepipes anywhere
- Bypassing pre-requisities to use an item
- Casting any technique
- Fast-casting any technique
- Infinite Mag Feed
- One Hit Kills

Packet editing or sending weird stuff to the ship can still cause your account to be banned, though, so I also stress that you must use the commands and only the hacks allowed.

Also, with Sandbox accounts, you will not appear on the leaderboards and your Hunters Boost Road points do not accumulate.

Sandbox players are segregated to their own games so this should not bother other players or ruin the normal game economy. Sandbox and Non-Sandbox characters can still converse with each other through the lobby and simple mail.

Sandbox characters can create their own teams and invite other Sandbox characters to the team, but they cannot be invited or be a part of any Non-Sandbox team. Sandbox players also have their own Team ranking boards.

Again, this mode only exists for people who don't want to grind. It's also a great mode for people who just want to mess around or experiment with different builds and items without wasting too much time.

With that said, enjoy!

To make an item, you need to use the /item command followed by 4 arguments, separated by commas.

Ex. /item x,y,z,a

To make weapons:


V = Weapon ID in HEX
G = Grind in HEX
S = Special on Weapon
P = Percentages on Weapon in HEX (Don't go over 100%.)

For armors/shields:

/item VVVVVV00,000SDDDD,00EEEE00,0

V = Armor ID in HEX
S = # of slots (00, 01, 02, 03, 04)
D = Defense boost on armor in HEX. (Can't go over max.)
E = Evasion boost on armor in HEX. (Can't go over max.)

For items:

/item VVVVVV00,00AA0000,0,0

V = Item ID in HEX
A = Amount of item desired in HEX.

For units:

/item VVVVVV00,000000SS,SS000000,0

V = Unit ID in HEX
S = Suffix in HEX. (0100 for +, 0300 for ++, FFFF for -, FEFF for --)

For techniques:

/item 0302LL00,VV000000,00000000

V = Value of Technique
L = Level of Technique in HEX

For meseta:

/addmeseta (amount in decimal)

Weapon Special Values:

00: Unchanged/Nothing
01: Draw
02: Drain
03: Fill
04: Gush
05: Heart
06: Mind
07: Soul
08: Geist
09: Master's
0A: Lord's
0B: King's
0C: Charge
OD: Spirit
OE: Berserk
OF: Ice
10: Frost
11: Freeze
12: Blizzard
13: Bind
14: Hold
15: Seize
16: Arrest
17; Heat
18: Fire
19: Flame
1A: Burning
1B: Shock
1C: Thunder
1D: Storm
1E: Tempest
1F: Dim
20: Shadow
21: Dark
22: Hell
23: Panic
24: Riot
25: Havoc
26: Chaos
27: Devil's
28: Demon's

Weapon Area Values

1st part of the four digit percentage code (PPPP):
01: Native
02: A. Beast
03: Machine
04: Dark
05: Hit

Weapon Percent Values

2nd part of the four digit percentage code (PPPP):
00: 0%
0A: 10%
14: 20%
32: 50%
3C: 60%
64: 100%

Ex. Making a Girasole with 30% Native 40% Dark and 50% Hit

/item 00300100,0000011E,04280532,0

S-Rank Specials:

01: Jellen (Weakens Enemy Attack)
02. Zalure (Weakens Enemy Defense
05: Burning (Fire Attribute)
06: Tempest (Thunder Attribute)
07: Blizzard (Ice Attribute)
08: Arrest (Paralysis)
09: Chaos (Confusion)
10: Kings (Drains Enemy XP)
0A: Hell (1 Hit Kill)
0B: Spirit (Drains 10% of Total TP for Double Damage)
0C: Berserk (Drains 10% of Total HP for Double Damage)
0D: Demon's (Reduces HP to 1/4)
0E: Gush (Steals Enemy HP)
0F: Geist (Steals Enemy TP)

Technique values

00: Foie
01: Gifoie
02: Rafoie
03: Barta
04: Gibarta
05: Rabarta
06: Zonde
07: Gizonde
08: Razonde
09: Grants
0A: Deband
0B: Jellen
0C: Zalure
0D: Shifta
0E: Ryuker
0F: Resta
10: Anti
11: Reverser
12: Megid

Complete Item List

010200 Barrier
010201 Shield
010202 Core Shield
010203 Giga Shield
010204 Soul Barrier
010205 Hard Shield
010206 Brave Barrier
010207 Solid Shield
010208 Flame Barrier
010209 Plasma Barrier
01020A Freeze Barrier
01020B Psychic Barrier
01020C General Shield
01020D Protect Barrier
01020E Glorious Shield
01020F Imperial Barrier
010210 Guardian Shield
010211 Divinity Barrier
010212 Ultimate Shield
010213 Spiritual Shield
010214 Celestial Shield
010215 Invisible Guard
010216 Sacred Guard
010217 S-Parts ver1.16
010218 S-Parts ver2.01
010219 Light Relief
01021A Shield of Delsaber
01021B Force Wall
01021C Ranger Wall
01021D Hunter Wall
01021E Attribute Wall
01021F Secret Gear
010220 Combat Gear
010221 Proto Regene Gear
010222 Regenerate Gear
010223 Regene Gear Adv.
010224 Flowen's Shield
010225 Custom Barrier ver.OO
010226 DB's Shield
010227 Red Ring
010228 Tripolic Shield
010229 Standstill Shield
01022A Safety Heart
01022B Kasami Bracer
01022C Gods Shield "Suzaku"
01022D Gods Shield "Genbu"
01022E Gods Shield "Byakko"
01022F Gods Shield "Seiryu"
010230 Hunter's Shell
010231 Rico's Glasses
010232 Rico's Earring
010233 Blue Ring
010234 Barrier
010235 Secure Feet
010236 Barrier
010237 Barrier
010238 Barrier
010239 Barrier
01023A Resta Merge
01023B Anti Merge
01023C Shifta Merge
01023D Deband Merge
01023E Foie Merge
01023F Gifoie Merge
010240 Rafoie Merge
010241 Red Merge
010242 Barta Merge
010243 Gibarta Merge
010244 Rabarta Merge
010245 Blue Merge
010246 Zonde Merge
010247 Gizonde Merge
010248 Razonde Merge
010249 Yellow Merge
01024A Recovery Barrier
01024B Assist Barrier
01024C Red Barrier
01024D Blue Barrier
01024E Yellow Barrier
01024F Weapons Gold Shield
010250 Black Gear
010251 Works Guard
010252 Ragol Ring
010253 Blue Ring
010254 Blue Ring
010255 Blue Ring
010256 Blue Ring
010257 Blue Ring
010258 Blue Ring
010259 Blue Ring
01025A Blue Ring
01025B Green Ring
01025C Green Ring
01025D Green Ring
01025E Green Ring
01025F Green Ring
010260 Green Ring
010261 Green Ring
010262 Green Ring
010263 Yellow Ring
010264 Yellow Ring
010265 Yellow Ring
010266 Yellow Ring
010267 Yellow Ring
010268 Yellow Ring
010269 Yellow Ring
01026A Yellow Ring
01026B Purple Ring
01026C Purple Ring
01026D Purple Ring
01026E Purple Ring
01026F Purple Ring
010270 Purple Ring
010271 Purple Ring
010272 Purple Ring
010273 Anti-Dark Ring
010274 White Ring
010275 White Ring
010276 White Ring
010277 White Ring
010278 White Ring
010279 White Ring
01027A White Ring
01027B Anti-Light Ring
01027C Black Ring
01027D Black Ring
01027E Black Ring
01027F Black Ring
010280 Black Ring
010281 Black Ring
010282 Black Ring
010283 Weapons Silver Shield
010284 Weapons Copper Shield
010285 Gratia
010286 Tripolic Reflector
010287 Striker Plus
010288 Regenerate Gear B.P.
010289 Rupika
01028A Yata Mirror
01028B Bunny Ears
01028C Cat Ears
01028D Three Seals
01028E Gods Shield "Kouryu"
01028F DF Shield
010290 From the Depths
010291 De Rol Le Shield
010292 Honeycomb Reflector
010293 Epsiguard
010294 Angel Ring
010295 Union Guard
010296 Union Guard
010297 Union Guard
010298 Union Guard
010299 Stink Shield
01029B Genpei
01029C Genpei
01029D Genpei
01029E Genpei
01029F Genpei
0102A0 Genpei
0102A1 Genpei
0102A2 Genpei
0102A3 Genpei
0102A4 Genpei
0102A5 ????
000000 ????
000100 Saber
000101 Brand
000102 Buster
000103 Pallasch
000104 Gladius
000105 DB's Saber
000106 Kaladbolg
000107 Durandal
000108 Galatine
000200 Sword
000201 Gigush
000202 Breaker
000203 Claymore
000204 Calibur
000205 Flowen's Sword
000206 Last Survivor
000207 Dragon Slayer
000300 Dagger
000301 Knife
000302 Blade
000303 Edge
000304 Ripper
000305 Blade Dance
000306 Bloody Art
000307 Cross Scar
000308 Zero Divide
000309 Two Kamui
000400 Partisan
000401 Halbert
000402 Glaive
000403 Berdys
000404 Gungnir
000405 Brionac
000406 Vjaya
000407 Gae Bolg
000408 Asteron Belt
000500 Slicer
000501 Spinner
000502 Cutter
000503 Sawcer
000504 Diska
000505 Slicer of Assassin
000506 Diska of Liberator
000507 Diska of Braveman
000508 Izmaela
000600 Handgun
000601 Autogun
000602 Lockgun
000603 Railgun
000604 Raygun
000605 Varista
000606 Custom Ray ver.OO
000607 Bravace
000608 Tension Blaster
000700 Rifle
000701 Sniper
000702 Blaster
000703 Beam
000704 Laser
000705 Visk-235W
000706 Wals-MK2
000707 Justy-23ST
000708 Rianov 303SNR
000709 Rianov 303SNR-1
00070A Rianov 303SNR-2
00070B Rianov 303SNR-3
00070C Rianov 303SNR-4
00070D Rianov 303SNR-5
000800 Mechgun
000801 Assault
000802 Repeater
000803 Gatling
000804 Vulcan
000805 M&A60 Vise
000806 H&S25 Justice
000807 L&K14 Combat
000900 Shot
000901 Spread
000902 Cannon
000903 Launcher
000904 Arms
000905 Crush Bullet
000906 Meteor Smash
000907 Final Impact
000A00 Cane
000A01 Stick
000A02 Mace
000A03 Club
000A04 Club of Laconium
000A05 Mace of Adaman
000A06 Club of Zumiuran
000A07 Lollipop
000B00 Rod
000B01 Pole
000B02 Pillar
000B03 Striker
000B04 Battle Verge
000B05 Brave Hammer
000B06 Alive Aqhu
000B07 Valkyrie
000C00 Wand
000C01 Staff
000C02 Baton
000C03 Scepter
000C04 Fire Scepter: Agni
000C05 Ice Staff: Dagon
000C06 Storm Wand: Indra
000C07 Earth Wand: Brownie
000D00 Photon Claw
000D01 Silence Claw
000D02 Nei's Claw
000D03 Phoenix Claw
000E00 Double Saber
000E01 Stag Cutlery
000E02 Twin Brand
000F00 Brave Knuckle
000F01 Angry Fist
000F02 God Hand
000F03 Sonic Knuckle
000F04 Star Song
001000 Orotiagito
001001 Agito
001002 Agito
001003 Agito
001004 Agito
001005 Agito
001006 Agito
001007 Raikiri
001100 Soul Eater
001101 Soul Banish
001200 Spread Needle
001300 Holy Ray
001400 Inferno Bazooka
001401 Rambling May
001402 L&K38 Combat
001500 Flame Visit
001501 Burning Visit
001600 Akiko's Frying Pan
001700 Sorcerer's Cane
001800 S-Beat's Blade
001900 P-Arms' Blade
001A00 Delsaber's Buster
001B00 Bringer's Rifle
001C00 Egg Blaster
001D00 Psycho Wand
001E00 Heaven Punisher
001F00 Lavis Cannon
002000 Victor Axe
002001 Laconium Axe
002100 Chain Sawd
002200 Caduceus
002201 Mercurius Rod
002300 Sting Tip
002400 Magical Piece
002500 Technical Crozier
002600 Suppressed Gun
002700 Ancient Saber
002800 Harisen Battle Fan
002900 Yamigarasu
002A00 Akiko's Wok
002B00 Toy Hammer
002C00 Elysion
002D00 Red Saber
002E00 Meteor Cudgel
002F00 Monkey King Bar
002F01 Black King Bar
003000 Double Cannon
003001 Girasole
003100 Huge Battle Fan
003200 Tsumikiri J-Sword
003300 Sealed J-Sword
003400 Red Sword
003500 Crazy Tune
003600 Twin Chakram
003700 Wok of Akiko's Shop
003800 Lavis Blade
003900 Red Dagger
003A00 Madam's Parasol
003B00 Madam's Umbrella
003C00 Imperial Pick
003D00 Berdysh
003E00 Red Partisan
003F00 Flight Cutter
004000 Flight Fan
004100 Red Slicer
004200 Handgun: Guld
004201 Master Raven
004300 Handgun: Milla
004301 Last Swan
004400 Red Handgun
004500 Frozen Shooter
004501 Snow Queen
004600 Anti Android Rifle
004700 Rocket Punch
004800 Samba Maracas
004900 Twin Psychogun
004A00 Drill Launcher
004B00 Guld Milla
004B01 Dual Bird
004C00 Red Mechgun
004D00 Belra Cannon
004E00 Panzer Faust
004E01 Iron Faust
004F00 Summit Moon
005000 Windmill
005100 Evil Curst
005200 Flower Cane
005300 Hildebear's Cane
005400 Hildeblue's Cane
005500 Rabbit Wand
005600 Plantain Leaf
005601 Fatsia
005700 Demonic Fork
005800 Striker of Chao
005900 Broom
005A00 Prophets of Motav
005B00 The Sigh of a God
005C00 Twinkle Star
005D00 Plantain Fan
005E00 Twin Blaze
005F00 Marina's Bag
006000 Dragon's Claw
006100 Panther's Claw
006200 S-Red's Blade
006300 Plantain Huge Fan
006400 Chameleon Scythe
006500 Yasminkov 3000R
006600 Ano Rifle
006700 Baranz Launcher
006800 Branch of Pakupaku
006900 Heart of Poumn
006A00 Yasminkov 2000H
006B00 Yasminkov 7000V
006C00 Yasminkov 9000M
006D00 Maser Beam
006D01 Power Maser
006E00 Game Magazine
006E01 LOGiN
006F00 Flower Bouquet
007000 Saber
007001 Saber
007002 Saber
007003 Saber
007004 Saber
007005 Saber
007006 Saber
007007 Saber
007008 Saber
007009 Saber
00700A Saber
00700B Saber
00700C Saber
00700D Saber
00700E Saber
00700F Saber
007010 Saber
007100 Sword
007101 Sword
007102 Sword
007103 Sword
007104 Sword
007105 Sword
007106 Sword
007107 Sword
007108 Sword
007109 Sword
00710A Sword
00710B Sword
00710C Sword
00710D Sword
00710E Sword
00710F Sword
007110 Sword
007200 Blade
007201 Blade
007202 Blade
007203 Blade
007204 Blade
007205 Blade
007206 Blade
007207 Blade
007208 Blade
007209 Blade
00720A Blade
00720B Blade
00720C Blade
00720D Blade
00720E Blade
00720F Blade
007210 Blade
007300 Partisan
007301 Partisan
007302 Partisan
007303 Partisan
007304 Partisan
007305 Partisan
007306 Partisan
007307 Partisan
007308 Partisan
007309 Partisan
00730A Partisan
00730B Partisan
00730C Partisan
00730D Partisan
00730E Partisan
00730F Partisan
007310 Partisan
007400 Slicer
007401 Slicer
007402 Slicer
007403 Slicer
007404 Slicer
007405 Slicer
007406 Slicer
007407 Slicer
007408 Slicer
007409 Slicer
00740A Slicer
00740B Slicer
00740C Slicer
00740D Slicer
00740E Slicer
00740F Slicer
007410 Slicer
007500 Gun
007501 Gun
007502 Gun
007503 Gun
007504 Gun
007505 Gun
007506 Gun
007507 Gun
007508 Gun
007509 Gun
00750A Gun
00750B Gun
00750C Gun
00750D Gun
00750E Gun
00750F Gun
007510 Gun
007600 Rifle
007601 Rifle
007602 Rifle
007603 Rifle
007604 Rifle
007605 Rifle
007606 Rifle
007607 Rifle
007608 Rifle
007609 Rifle
00760A Rifle
00760B Rifle
00760C Rifle
00760D Rifle
00760E Rifle
00760F Rifle
007610 Rifle
007700 Mechgun
007701 Mechgun
007702 Mechgun
007703 Mechgun
007704 Mechgun
007705 Mechgun
007706 Mechgun
007707 Mechgun
007708 Mechgun
007709 Mechgun
00770A Mechgun
00770B Mechgun
00770C Mechgun
00770D Mechgun
00770E Mechgun
00770F Mechgun
007710 Mechgun
007800 Shot
007801 Shot
007802 Shot
007803 Shot
007804 Shot
007805 Shot
007806 Shot
007807 Shot
007808 Shot
007809 Shot
00780A Shot
00780B Shot
00780C Shot
00780D Shot
00780E Shot
00780F Shot
007810 Shot
007900 Cane
007901 Cane
007902 Cane
007903 Cane
007904 Cane
007905 Cane
007906 Cane
007907 Cane
007908 Cane
007909 Cane
00790A Cane
00790B Cane
00790C Cane
00790D Cane
00790E Cane
00790F Cane
007910 Cane
007A00 Rod
007A01 Rod
007A02 Rod
007A03 Rod
007A04 Rod
007A05 Rod
007A06 Rod
007A07 Rod
007A08 Rod
007A09 Rod
007A0A Rod
007A0B Rod
007A0C Rod
007A0D Rod
007A0E Rod
007A0F Rod
007A10 Rod
007B00 Wand
007B01 Wand
007B02 Wand
007B03 Wand
007B04 Wand
007B05 Wand
007B06 Wand
007B07 Wand
007B08 Wand
007B09 Wand
007B0A Wand
007B0B Wand
007B0C Wand
007B0D Wand
007B0E Wand
007B0F Wand
007B10 Wand
007C00 Twin
007C01 Twin
007C02 Twin
007C03 Twin
007C04 Twin
007C05 Twin
007C06 Twin
007C07 Twin
007C08 Twin
007C09 Twin
007C0A Twin
007C0B Twin
007C0C Twin
007C0D Twin
007C0E Twin
007C0F Twin
007C10 Twin
007D00 Claw
007D01 Claw
007D02 Claw
007D03 Claw
007D04 Claw
007D05 Claw
007D06 Claw
007D07 Claw
007D08 Claw
007D09 Claw
007D0A Claw
007D0B Claw
007D0C Claw
007D0D Claw
007D0E Claw
007D0F Claw
007D10 Claw
007E00 Bazooka
007E01 Bazooka
007E02 Bazooka
007E03 Bazooka
007E04 Bazooka
007E05 Bazooka
007E06 Bazooka
007E07 Bazooka
007E08 Bazooka
007E09 Bazooka
007E0A Bazooka
007E0B Bazooka
007E0C Bazooka
007E0D Bazooka
007E0E Bazooka
007E0F Bazooka
007E10 Bazooka
007F00 Needle
007F01 Needle
007F02 Needle
007F03 Needle
007F04 Needle
007F05 Needle
007F06 Needle
007F07 Needle
007F08 Needle
007F09 Needle
007F0A Needle
007F0B Needle
007F0C Needle
007F0D Needle
007F0E Needle
007F0F Needle
007F10 Needle
008000 Scythe
008001 Scythe
008002 Scythe
008003 Scythe
008004 Scythe
008005 Scythe
008006 Scythe
008007 Scythe
008008 Scythe
008009 Scythe
00800A Scythe
00800B Scythe
00800C Scythe
00800D Scythe
00800E Scythe
00800F Scythe
008010 Scythe
008100 Hammer
008101 Hammer
008102 Hammer
008103 Hammer
008104 Hammer
008105 Hammer
008106 Hammer
008107 Hammer
008108 Hammer
008109 Hammer
00810A Hammer
00810B Hammer
00810C Hammer
00810D Hammer
00810E Hammer
00810F Hammer
008110 Hammer
008200 Moon
008201 Moon
008202 Moon
008203 Moon
008204 Moon
008205 Moon
008206 Moon
008207 Moon
008208 Moon
008209 Moon
00820A Moon
00820B Moon
00820C Moon
00820D Moon
00820E Moon
00820F Moon
008210 Moon
008300 Psychogun
008301 Psychogun
008302 Psychogun
008303 Psychogun
008304 Psychogun
008305 Psychogun
008306 Psychogun
008307 Psychogun
008308 Psychogun
008309 Psychogun
00830A Psychogun
00830B Psychogun
00830C Psychogun
00830D Psychogun
00830E Psychogun
00830F Psychogun
008310 Psychogun
008400 Punch
008401 Punch
008402 Punch
008403 Punch
008404 Punch
008405 Punch
008406 Punch
008407 Punch
008408 Punch
008409 Punch
00840A Punch
00840B Punch
00840C Punch
00840D Punch
00840E Punch
00840F Punch
008410 Punch
008500 Windmill
008501 Windmill
008502 Windmill
008503 Windmill
008504 Windmill
008505 Windmill
008506 Windmill
008507 Windmill
008508 Windmill
008509 Windmill
00850A Windmill
00850B Windmill
00850C Windmill
00850D Windmill
00850E Windmill
00850F Windmill
008510 Windmill
008600 Harisen
008601 Harisen
008602 Harisen
008603 Harisen
008604 Harisen
008605 Harisen
008606 Harisen
008607 Harisen
008608 Harisen
008609 Harisen
00860A Harisen
00860B Harisen
00860C Harisen
00860D Harisen
00860E Harisen
00860F Harisen
008610 Harisen
008700 Katana
008701 Katana
008702 Katana
008703 Katana
008704 Katana
008705 Katana
008706 Katana
008707 Katana
008708 Katana
008709 Katana
00870A Katana
00870B Katana
00870C Katana
00870D Katana
00870E Katana
00870F Katana
008710 Katana
008800 J-Cutter
008801 J-Cutter
008802 J-Cutter
008803 J-Cutter
008804 J-Cutter
008805 J-Cutter
008806 J-Cutter
008807 J-Cutter
008808 J-Cutter
008809 J-Cutter
00880A J-Cutter
00880B J-Cutter
00880C J-Cutter
00880D J-Cutter
00880E J-Cutter
00880F J-Cutter
008810 J-Cutter
008900 Musashi
008901 Yamato
008902 Asuka
008903 Sange & Yasha
008A00 Sange
008A01 Yasha
008A02 Kamui
008B00 Photon Launcher
008B01 Guilty Light
008B02 Red Scorpio
008B03 Phonon Maser
008C00 Talis
008C01 Mahu
008C02 HItogata
008C03 Dancing Hitogata
008C04 Kunai
008D00 Nug2000-Bazooka
008E00 S-Berill's Hands #0
008E01 S-Berill's Hands #1
008F00 Flowen's Sword
008F01 Flowen's Sword
008F02 Flowen's Sword
008F03 Flowen's Sword
008F04 Flowen's Sword
008F05 Flowen's Sword
008F06 Flowen's Sword
008F07 Flowen's Sword
008F08 Flowen's Sword
009000 DB's Saber
009001 DB's Saber
009002 DB's Saber
009003 DB's Saber
009004 DB's Saber
009005 DB's Saber
009006 DB's Saber
009007 DB's Saber
009008 DB's Saber
009100 Gi Gue Bazooka
009200 Guardianna
009300 Viridia Card
009301 Greenill Card
009302 Skyly Card
009303 Bluefull Card
009304 Purplenum Card
009305 Pinkal Card
009306 Redria Card
009307 Oran Card
009308 Yellowboze Card
009309 Whitill Card
009400 Morning Glory
009500 Partisan of Lightning
009600 Gal Wind
009700 Zanba
009800 Rika's Claw
009900 Angel Harp
009A00 Demolition Comet
009B00 Nei's Claw
009C00 Rainbow Baton
009D00 Dark Flow
009E00 Dark Meteor
009F00 Dark Bridge
00A000 G-Assassin's Sabers
00A100 Rappy's Fan
00A200 Booma's Claw
00A201 Gobooma's Claw
00A202 Gigobooma's Claw
00A300 Ruby Bullet
00A400 Amore Rose
00A500 Swords
00A501 Swords
00A502 Swords
00A503 Swords
00A504 Swords
00A505 Swords
00A506 Swords
00A507 Swords
00A508 Swords
00A509 Swords
00A50A Swords
00A50B Swords
00A50C Swords
00A50D Swords
00A50E Swords
00A50F Swords
00A510 Swords
00A600 Launcher
00A601 Launcher
00A602 Launcher
00A603 Launcher
00A604 Launcher
00A605 Launcher
00A606 Launcher
00A607 Launcher
00A608 Launcher
00A609 Launcher
00A60A Launcher
00A60B Launcher
00A60C Launcher
00A60D Launcher
00A60E Launcher
00A60F Launcher
00A610 Launcher
00A700 Cards
00A701 Cards
00A702 Cards
00A703 Cards
00A704 Cards
00A705 Cards
00A706 Cards
00A707 Cards
00A708 Cards
00A709 Cards
00A70A Cards
00A70B Cards
00A70C Cards
00A70D Cards
00A70E Cards
00A70F Cards
00A710 Cards
00A800 Knuckle
00A801 Knuckle
00A802 Knuckle
00A803 Knuckle
00A804 Knuckle
00A805 Knuckle
00A806 Knuckle
00A807 Knuckle
00A808 Knuckle
00A809 Knuckle
00A80A Knuckle
00A80B Knuckle
00A80C Knuckle
00A80D Knuckle
00A80E Knuckle
00A80F Knuckle
00A810 Knuckle
00A900 Axe
00A901 Axe
00A902 Axe
00A903 Axe
00A904 Axe
00A905 Axe
00A906 Axe
00A907 Axe
00A908 Axe
00A909 Axe
00A90A Axe
00A90B Axe
00A90C Axe
00A90D Axe
00A90E Axe
00A90F Axe
00A910 Axe
00AA00 Slicer of Fanatic
00AB00 Lame d'Argent
00AC00 Excalibur
00AD00 Rage de Feu
00AD01 Rage de Feu
00AD02 Rage de Feu
00AD03 Rage de Feu
00AE00 Daisy Chain
00AF00 Ophelie Seize
00B000 Mille Marteaux
00B100 Le Cogneur
00B200 Commander Blade
00B300 Vivienne
00B400 Kusanagi
00B500 Sacred Duster
00B600 Guren
00B700 Shouren
00B800 Jizai
00B900 Flamberge
00BA00 Yunchang
00BB00 Snake Spire
00BC00 Flapjack Flapper
00BD00 Getsugasan
00BE00 Maguwa
00BF00 Heaven Striker
00C000 Cannon Rouge
00C100 Meteor Rouge
00C200 Solferino
00C300 Clio
00C400 Siren Glass Hammer
00C500 Glide Divine
00C600 Shichishito
00C700 Murasame
00C800 Daylight Scar
00C900 Decalog
00CA00 5th Anniv. Blade
00CB00 Tyrell's Parasol
00CC00 Akiko's Cleaver
00CD00 Tanegashima
00CE00 Tree Clippers
00CF00 Nice Shot
00D000 Unused Weapon38
00D100 Unused Weapon39
00D200 Ano Bazooka
00D300 Synthesizer
00D400 Bamboo Spear
00D500 Kan'ei Tsuho
00D600 Jitte
00D700 Butterfly Net
00D800 Syringe
00D900 Battledore
00DA00 Racket
00DB00 Hammer
00DC00 Great Bouquet
00DD00 TypeSA/Saber
00DE00 TypeSL/Saber
00DE01 TypeSL/Slicer
00DE02 TypeSL/Claw
00DE03 TypeSL/Katana
00DF00 TypeJS/Saber
00DF01 TypeJS/Slicer
00DF02 TypeJS/J-Sword
00E000 TypeSW/Sword
00E001 TypeSW/Slicer
00E002 TypeSW/J-Sword
00E100 TypeRO/Sword
00E101 TypeRO/Halbert
00E102 TypeRO/Rod
00E200 TypeBL/Blade
00E300 TypeKN/Blade
00E301 TypeKN/Claw
00E400 TypeHA/Halbert
00E401 TypeHA/Rod
00E500 TypeDS/D.Saber
00E501 TypeDS/Rod
00E502 TypeDS
00E600 TypeCL/Claw
00E700 TypeSS/Sw
00E800 TypeGU/Hand
00E801 TypeGU/Mechgun
00E900 TypeRI/Rifle
00EA00 TypeME/Mechgun
00EB00 TypeSH/Shot
00EC00 TypeWA/Wand
00ED00 ????
010100 Frame
010101 Armor
010102 Psy Armor
010103 Giga Frame
010104 Soul Frame
010105 Cross Armor
010106 Solid Frame
010107 Brave Armor
010108 Hyper Frame
010109 Grand Armor
01010A Shock Frame
01010B King's Frame
01010C Dragon Frame
01010D Absorb Armor
01010E Protect Frame
01010F General Armor
010110 Perfect Frame
010111 Valiant Frame
010112 Imperial Armor
010113 Holiness Armor
010114 Guardian Armor
010115 Divinity Armor
010116 Ultimate Frame
010117 Celestial Armor
010118 Hunter Field
010119 Ranger Field
01011A Force Field
01011B Revival Garment
01011C Spirit Garment
01011D Stink Frame
01011E D-Parts ver1.01
01011F D-Parts ver2.10
010120 Parasite Wear: De Rol
010121 Parasite Wear: Nelgal
010122 Parasite Wear: Vajulla
010123 Sense Plate
010124 Graviton Plate
010125 Attribute Plate
010126 Flowen's Frame
010127 Custom Frame ver.OO
010128 DB's Armor
010129 Guard Wave
01012A DF Field
01012B Luminous Field
01012C Chu Chu Fever
01012D Love Heart
01012E Flame Garment
01012F Virus Armor: Lafuteria
010130 Brightness Circle
010131 Aura Field
010132 Electro Frame
010133 Sacred Cloth
010134 Smoking Plate
010135 Star Cuirass
010136 Black Hound Cuirass
010137 Morning Prayer
010138 Black Odoshi Domaru
010139 Red Odoshi Domaru
01013A Black Odoshi Red Nimaidou
01013B Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou
01013C Dirty Lifejacket
01013D Kroe's Sweater
01013E Wedding Dress
01013F Sonic Team Armor
010140 Red Coat
010141 Thirteen
010142 Mother Garb
010143 Mother Garb+
010144 Dress Plate
010145 Sweetheart
010146 Ignition Cloak
010147 Congeal Cloak
010148 Tempest Cloak
010149 Cursed Cloak
01014A Select Cloak
01014B Spirit Cuirass
01014C Revival Cuirass
01014D Alliance Uniform
01014E Officer Uniform
01014F Commander Uniform
010150 Crimson Coat
010151 Infantry Gear
010152 Lieutenant Gear
010153 Infantry Mantle
010154 Lieutenant Mantle
010155 Union Field
010156 Samurai Armor
010157 Stealth Suit
010158 ????
010300 Knight/Power
010301 General/Power
010302 Ogre/Power
010303 God/Power
010304 Priest/Mind
010305 General/Mind
010306 Angel/Mind
010307 God/Mind
010308 Marksman/Arm
010309 General/Arm
01030A Elf/Arm
01030B God/Arm
01030C Thief/Legs
01030D General/Legs
01030E Elf/Legs
01030F God/Legs
010310 Digger/HP
010311 General/HP
010312 Dragon/HP
010313 God/HP
010314 Magician/TP
010315 General/TP
010316 Angel/TP
010317 God/TP
010318 Warrior/Body
010319 General/Body
01031A Metal/Body
01031B God/Body
01031C Angel/Luck
01031D God/Luck
01031E Master/Ability
01031F Hero/Ability
010320 God/Ability
010321 Resist/Fire
010322 Resist/Flame
010323 Resist/Burning
010324 Resist/Cold
010325 Resist/Freeze
010326 Resist/Blizzard
010327 Resist/Shock
010328 Resist/Thunder
010329 Resist/Storm
01032A Resist/Light
01032B Resist/Saint
01032C Resist/Holy
01032D Resist/Dark
01032E Resist/Evil
01032F Resist/Devil
010330 All/Resist
010331 Super/Resist
010332 Perfect/Resist
010333 HP/Restorate
010334 HP/Generate
010335 HP/Revival
010336 TP/Restorate
010337 TP/Generate
010338 TP/Revival
010339 PB/Amplifier
01033A PB/Generate
01033B PB/Create
01033C Wizard/Technique
01033D Devil/Technique
01033E God/Technique
01033F General/Battle
010340 Devil/Battle
010341 God/Battle
010342 Cure/Poison
010343 Cure/Paralysis
010344 Cure/Slow
010345 Cure/Confuse
010346 Cure/Freeze
010347 Cure/Shock
010348 Yasakani Magatama
010349 V101
01034A V501
01034B V502
01034C V801
01034D Limiter
01034E Adept
01034F Swordsman Lore
010350 Proof of Sword-Saint
010351 Smartlink
010352 Divine Protection
010353 Heavenly/Battle
010354 Heavenly/Power
010355 Heavenly/Mind
010356 Heavenly/Arms
010357 Heavenly/Legs
010358 Heavenly/Body
010359 Heavenly/Luck
01035A Heavenly/Ability
01035B Centurion/Ability
01035C Friend Ring
01035D Heavenly/HP
01035E Heavenly/TP
01035F Heavenly/Resist
010360 Heavenly/Technique
010361 HP/Ressurection
010362 TP/Ressurection
010363 PB/Increase
010364 ????
030000 Monomate
030001 Dimate
030002 Trimate
030100 Monofluid
030101 Difluid
030102 Trifluid
030200 disk
030201 disk
030202 disk
030203 disk
030204 disk
030205 disk
030206 disk
030207 disk
030208 disk
030209 disk
03020A disk
03020B disk
03020C disk
03020D disk
03020E disk
03020F disk
030210 disk
030211 disk
030212 disk
030300 Sol Atomizer
030400 Moon Atomizer
030500 Star Atomizer
030600 Antidote
030601 Antiparalysis
030700 Telepipe
030800 Trap Vision
030900 Scape Doll
030A00 Monogrinder
030A01 Digrinder
030A02 Trigrinder
030B00 Power Material
030B01 Mind Material
030B02 Evade Material
030B03 HP Material
030B04 TP Material
030B05 Def Material
030B06 Luck Material
030C00 Cell of Mag 502
030C01 Cell of Mag 213
030C02 Parts of RoboChao
030C03 Heart of Opa Opa
030C04 Heart of Pian
030C05 Heart of Chao
030D00 Sorcerer's Right Arm
030D01 S-beat's Arms
030D02 P-arm's Arms
030D03 Delsaber's Right Arm
030D04 Bringer's Right Arm
030D05 Delsaber's Left Arm
030D06 S-red's Arms
030D07 Dragon's Claw
030D08 Hildebear's Head
030D09 Hildeblue's Head
030D0A Parts of Baranz
030D0B Belra's Right Arm
030D0C Gi Gue's body
030D0D Sinow Berill's Arms
030D0E Grass Assassin's Arms
030D0F Booma's Right Arm
030D10 Gobooma's Right Arm
030D11 Gigobooma's Right Arm
030D12 Gal Gryphon's Wing
030D13 Rappy's Wing
030D14 Cladding of Epsilon
030D15 De Rol Le Shell
030E00 Berill Photon
030E01 Parasitic gene "Flow"
030E02 Magic Stone "Iritista"
030E03 Blue-black stone
030E04 Syncesta
030E05 Magic Water
030E06 Parasitic cell Type D
030E07 magic rock "Heart Key"
030E08 magic rock "Moola"
030E09 Star Amplifier
030E0A Book of Hitogata
030E0B Heart of Chu Chu
030E0C Parts of Egg Blaster
030E0D Heart of Angel
030E0E Heart of Devil
030E0F Kit of Hamburger
030E10 Panther's Spirit
030E11 Kit of Mark III
030E12 Kit of Master System
030E13 Kit of Genesis
030E14 Kit of Sega Saturn
030E15 Kit of Dreamcast
030E16 Amplifier of Resta
030E17 Amplifier of Anti
030E18 Amplifier of Shifta
030E19 Amplifier of Deband
030E1A Amplifier of Foie
030E1B Amplifier of Gifoie
030E1C Amplifier of Rafoie
030E1D Amplifier of Barta
030E1E Amplifier of Gibarta
030E1F Amplifier of Rabarta
030E20 Amplifier of Zonde
030E21 Amplifier of Gizonde
030E22 Amplifier of Razonde
030E23 Amplifier of Red
030E24 Amplifier of Blue
030E25 Amplifier of Yellow
030E26 Heart of Kapu Kapu
030E27 Photon Booster
030F00 AddSlot
031000 Photon Drop
031001 Photon Sphere
031002 Photon Crystal
031003 Secret Ticket
031004 Photon Ticket
031100 Book of Katana 1
031101 Book of Katana 2
031102 Book of Katana 3
031200 Weapons Bronze Badge
031201 Weapons Silver Badge
031202 Weapons Gold Badge
031203 Weapons Crystal Badge
031204 Weapons Steel Badge
031205 Weapons Aluminum Badge
031206 Weapons Leather Badge
031207 Weapons Bone Badge
031208 Letter of appreciation
031209 Item Ticket
03120A Valentine's Chocolate
03120B New Year's Card
03120C Christmas Card
03120D Birthday Card
03120E Proof of Sonic Team
03120F Special Event Ticket
031210 Flower Bouquet
031211 Cake
031212 Accessories
031213 Mr. Naka's Business Card
031300 Present
031400 Chocolate
031401 Candy
031402 Cake
031403 Weapons Silver Badge
031404 Weapons Gold Badge
031405 Weapons Crystal Badge
031406 Weapons Steel Badge
031407 Weapons Aluminum Badge
031408 Weapons Leather Badge
031409 Weapons Bone Badge
03140A Bouquet
03140B Decoction
031500 Christmas Present
031501 Easter Egg
031502 Jack-O'-Lantern
031600 Disk Vol.1 "Wedding March"
031601 Disk Vol.2 "Day Light"
031602 Disk Vol.3 "Burning Rangers"
031603 Disk Vol.4 "Open Your Heart"
031604 Disk Vol.5 "Live & Learn"
031605 Disk Vol.6 "NiGHTS"
031606 Disk Vol.7 "Ending Theme (Piano ver.)"
031607 Disk Vol.8 "Heart to Heart"
031608 Disk Vol.9 "Strange Blue"
031609 Disk Vol.10 "Reunion System"
03160A Disk Vol.11 "Pinnacles"
03160B Disk Vol.12 "Fight inside the Spaceship"
031700 Hunters Report
031701 Hunters Report
031702 Hunters Report
031703 Hunters Report
031704 Hunters Report
031800 Tablet
031801 Unused Item01
031802 Dragon Scale
031803 Heaven Striker Coat
031804 Pioneer Parts
031805 Amitie's Memo
031806 Heart of Morolian
031807 Rappy's Beak
031808 Yahoo!'s engine
031809 D-Photon Core
03180A Liberta Kit
03180B Cell of Mag 0503
03180C Cell of Mag 0504
03180D Cell of Mag 0505
03180E Cell of Mag 0506
03180F Cell of Mag 0507
031900 Team Points 500
031901 Team Points 1000
031902 Team Points 5000
031903 Team Points 10000
031A00 ????
020000 Mag
020100 Varuna
020200 Mitra
020300 Surya
020400 Vayu
020500 Varaha
020600 Kama
020700 Ushasu
020800 Apsaras
020900 Kumara
020A00 Kaitabha
020B00 Tapas
020C00 Bhirava
020D00 Kalki
020E00 Rudra
020F00 Marutah
021000 Yaksa
021100 Sita
021200 Garuda
021300 Nandin
021400 Ashvinau
021500 Ribhava
021600 Soma
021700 Ila
021800 Durga
021900 Vritra
021A00 Namuci
021B00 Sumba
021C00 Naga
021D00 Pitri
021E00 Kabanda
021F00 Ravana
022000 Marica
022100 Soniti
022200 Preta
022300 Andhaka
022400 Bana
022500 Naraka
022600 Madhu
022700 Churel
022800 Robochao
022900 Opa-Opa
022A00 Pian
022B00 Chao
022C00 Chu Chu
022D00 Kapu Kapu
022E00 Angel's Wing
022F00 Devil's Wing
023000 Elenor
023100 Mark III
023200 Master System
023300 Genesis
023400 Sega Saturn
023500 Dreamcast
023600 Hamburger
023700 Panzer's Tail
023800 Devil's Tail
023900 Deva
023A00 Rati
023B00 Savitri
023C00 Rukmin
023D00 Pushan
023E00 Diwari
023F00 Sato

Episode 1
0 - Pioneer 2
1 - Forest 1
2 - Forest 2
3 - Caves 1
4 - Caves 2
5 - Caves 3
6 - Mines 1
7 - Mines 2
8 - Ruins 1
9 - Ruins 2
10 - Ruins 3
11 - Dragon
12 - De Rol Le
13 - Vol Opt
14 - Falz
15 - ID Lobby
16 - Battle Spaceship
17 - Battle Palace (aka Temple)
18+ - Crash

Episode 2
0 - Lab
1 - VR Temple α
2 - VR Temple β
3 - VR Spaceship α
4 - VR Spaceship β
5 - Central Control Area
6 - Jungle North
7 - Jungle East
8 - Mountain
9 - Seaside Day
10 - Seabed Upper
11 - Seabed Lower
12 - Gal Gryphon
13 - Olga Flow
14 - Barba Ray
15 - Gol Dragon
16 - Seaside Night
17 - Tower
18+ - Crash

Episode 4
0 - Pioneer 2
1 - Crater (Eastern Route)
2 - Crater (Western Route)
3 - Crater (Southern Route)
4 - Crater (Northern Route)
5 - Crater Interior
6 - Desert 1
7 - Desert 2
8 - Desert 3
9 - Saint Million / Shambertin
10 - Test Map (Caves 2)
11+ - Crash
Sodaboy, you wouldn't happen to have the hex numbers for the colors for mags would you?
Wow, back to my pet topic of mags, but here's a general post about generating Ephinea-exclusive items that the Item Maker won't be able to do since I don't know how to modify the standard Item Maker program. I keep going back to Sandbox mode from time to time, so I'll try to make this post as easy to read and "evergreen" as possible, but I know that I won't always keep the list of items on Ephinea up-to-date.

Firstly, I like to acknowledge @Spuz with this post, which got me interested in making the current post in the first place. It was much easier to pull up the Item Maker before the new colors were added to Ephinea though.

Secondly, I like to make this post easier to understand since I didn't understand what @Ryan meant at first glance.

Here's the list of hex strings necessary to obtain the desired mag's color below as @Ryan intended to show in the Ephinea wiki.
00 - Red
01 - Blue
02 - Yellow
03 - Green
04 - Purple
05 - Black
06 - White
07 - Cyan
08 - Brown
09 - Orange
0A - Slate Blue
0B - Olive
0C - Turquoise
0D - Fuchsia (not Fuschia)
0E - Gray
0F - Cream
10 - Pink
11 - Dark Green (or Viridian)
12 - Chartreuse
13 - Azure
14 - Royal Purple
15 - Ruby
16 - Sapphire
17 - Emerald
18 - Gold
19 - Silver
1A - Bronze
1B - Plum
1C - Violet
1D - Goldenrod
1E - Not Set*
* "Not Set" can be ignored since that was the Item Reader's initial output, but it changed to "Cyan" while the acting character was a RAcaseal with the body from Row 3, Column 2. In short, it became the default mag's color for that character strangely enough.
How do I insert this hex string correctly?

Whenever the Item Maker creates a mag, just look at the last two digits from the long string of text at the bottom in that program's window to identify what is the mag's color, note the hex string for the desired color in the Full Mag Color List above while also knowing the hex string for the desired mag with the aid of the Item Maker, and use the /item command to make that mag while remembering to insert the last two digits for the mag's color correctly.

Example: Generating a Blue Sato and an Azure Sato

Here's how the Item Maker helps in generating a Blue Sato; I'll set the mag's parameters to something like a baby mag with no photon blasts, 0 IQ, and 0% Synchro since I like to see the most zeros in the /item command. See the image for a demonstration of how a Blue Sato is generated via the Item Maker.


Blue Sato (Notice 01 at the end of the command.)
/item 023F0000,00000000,00000000,00000001
In short, /item 023F0000,0,0,00000001

Azure Sato (Notice 13 at the end of the command.)
/item 023F0000,00000000,00000000,00000013
In short, /item 023F0000,0,0,00000013
What about the Ephinea-exclusive mags?

Like @Spuz meant to say, the Item Maker has that covered already with the following short list below.
Note that the Item Maker uses the same name for two different categories of these mags that can confuse someone. Simply make sure to set the correct tab to either Mags or Tools in the Item Maker program.
Cell of Mag 0503 = Stealth & Stealth Kit
Cell of Mag 0504 = Mag* & Mag Kit
Cell of Mag 0505 = Varuna* & Varuna Kit
Cell of Mag 0506 = Kalki* & Kalki Kit
Cell of Mag 0507 = Vritra* & Vritra Kit
Heart of YN-0117?
Don't bother using the /item command since it's easy to obtain the Elenor mag from the Item Maker by going to the Mags tab.
What about the other Ephinea-exclusive items?

Short answer: I modified a partial list from this lua file including a typical directory to that file below, and I included the more recent items from August 12, 2024, too. The long answer is in this old post.


I excluded the Ephinea-exclusive equipment since it's easier to use the Item Maker program to make the corresponding equipment with the desired stats first while manually typing in the /item command to make the corresponding tool that corresponds with that equipment, like Photon Filter. Of course, this will require more executions of the /item command if more than one Photon Filter is necessary to obtain the desired photon color on something like "Excalibur* - Flamberge (White)". In fact, this is what it takes to obtain that item in particular since, again, I don't know of a custom Item Maker that can do this instantly at the moment.
0. Set a Shift F-key shortcut for generating the Photon Filter as follows: /item 030E4500,00010000,0,0
1. Use the Item Maker to generate any Excalibur, even with a third % for fun since this is Sandbox mode after all.
2. Use /item 030E4600,00010000,0,0 in order to generate a Heart of Flamberge with Blue being the default photon color.
3. Use the shortcut mentioned earlier in order to generate 10 Photon Filters since they don't stack yet.
4. Apply all 10 Photon Filters by equipping Excalibur* beforehand 10 times in order to make it look like a White Flamberge.

In general, repeat the shortcut to obtain as many Photon Filters as needed per this article in the Ephinea wiki; check the Color Cycle section.

When examining the photon color table in the wiki article, there are two colors that alternate visibly in-game per row on that table. For example, the article also mentions a gray color that alternates with the white color when reading the table from left to right, but it's called white in the wiki article. I do notice that the gray color does appear whenever the white color fades out for my Excalibur* as if the day transitions to night at dusk (and vice versa).
Anyways, here's the partial list that I mentioned in the short answer line above, and I included a note about some rings at the end of this spoiler called EXCEPTIONS.
elseif server == 3 then -- Ephinea -- I'm keeping this line here for ease of Ctrl + F by the way.
030E28 = Heart of Daisy Chain
030E29 = Heart of Crazy Tune
030E2A = Heart of Rianov 303SNR
030E2B = Heart of Yasminkov 9000M
030E2C = Heart of Rabbit Wand
030E2D = Heart of Sorcerer's Cane
030E2E = Neutralizer
030E2F = Blue Paint
030E30 = Green Paint
030E31 = Yellow Paint
030E32 = Purple Paint
030E33 = White Paint
030E34 = Black Paint
030E35 = Red Paint
030E36 = Heart of Suppressed Gun
030E37 = Heart of Tension Blaster
030E38 = Heart of Samba Maracas
030E39 = Heart of Lollipop
030E3A = Heart of DB's Saber
030E3B = Heart of Plantain Huge Fan
030E3C = Heart of Diska of Liberator
030E3D = Heart of Izmaela
030E3E = Heart of The Sigh of a God
030E3F = Heart of Angel Harp
030E40 = Heart of Ruby Bullet
030E41 = Heart of Ancient Saber
030E42 = Heart of Laconium Axe
030E43 = Heart of Delsaber's Buster
030E44 = Heart of Egg Blaster
030E45 = Photon Filter
030E46 = Heart of Flamberge
030E47 = Heart of Chameleon Scythe
030E48 = Heart of Soul Banish
030E49 = Chartreuse Paint
030E4A = Cyan Paint
030E4B = Onyx Paint
030E4C = Orange Paint
030E4D = Rose Paint
030E4E = Ultramarine Paint
030E4F = Violet Paint
030E50 = Delsaber Plating
030E51 = Standstill Plating
030E52 = Honeycomb Plating
030E53 = Epsilon Plating
030E54 = Heart Plating
030E55 = Angel Plating
030E56 = Bunny Plating
030E57 = Cat Plating
030E58 = Deep Plating
030E59 = Gear Plating
030E5A = Ragol Plating
030E5B = Heart of TypeDS/D.Saber
030E5C = Heart of TypeSS/Swords
030E5D = Heart of Blade Dance
030E5E = Heart of Wok of Akiko's Shop
030E5F = Heart of Twin Chakram
030E60 = Divine Filter
030E61 = Lock-on Filter
030E62 = Heart of Partisan of Lightning

031005 = Event Egg
031006 = 1st Anniv. Bronze Badge
031007 = 1st Anniv. Silver Badge
031008 = 1st Anniv. Gold Badge
031009 = 1st Anniv. Platinum Badge
03100A = 2nd Anniv. Bronze Badge
03100B = 2nd Anniv. Silver Badge
03100C = 2nd Anniv. Gold Badge
03100D = 2nd Anniv. Platinum Badge
031010 = 3rd Anniv. Bronze Badge
031011 = 3rd Anniv. Silver Badge
031012 = 3rd Anniv. Gold Badge
031013 = 3rd Anniv. Platinum Badge
031014 = Photon Hoard
031015 = 4th Anniv. Bronze Badge
031016 = 4th Anniv. Silver Badge
031017 = 4th Anniv. Gold Badge
031018 = 4th Anniv. Platinum Badge
031019 = Anniv. Bronze Badge
03101A = Anniv. Silver Badge
03101B = Anniv. Gold Badge
03101C = Anniv. Platinum Badge
03100E = Halloween Cookie
03100F = Coal
03160C = Disk Vol.13 "Get It Up"
03160D = Disk Vol.14 "Flight"
03160E = Disk Vol.15 "Space Harrier"
03160F = Disk Vol.16 "Deathwatch"
031610 = Disk Vol.17 "Fly Me To The Moon"
031611 = Disk Vol.18 "Puyo Puyo"
031612 = Disk Vol.19 "Rhythm And Balance"
031613 = Disk Vol.20 "The Party Must Go On"
031614 = Disk Vol.21 "Armada Battle"
031615 = Disk Vol.22 "Back 2 Back"
031616 = Disk Vol.23 "The Strange Fruits"
031617 = Disk Vol.24 "The Whims of Fate"
031618 = Disk Vol.25 "Last Impression"
031705 = Viridia Badge
031706 = Greenill Badge
031707 = Skyly Badge
031708 = Bluefull Badge
031709 = Purplenum Badge
03170A = Pinkal Badge
03170B = Redria Badge
03170C = Oran Badge
03170D = Yellowboze Badge
03170E = Whitill Badge
010273 = Anti-Dark Ring - Choose the White Ring on the top of the list of White Rings after clicking Barriers in the Armor tab in the Item Maker.
01027B = Anti-Light Ring- Choose the first Black Ring on the top of the list of Black Rings after clicking Barriers in the Armor tab in the Item Maker.
Also, the Item Maker has a weird way of hiding the Red Ring* among the regular rings. For example, picking BLUE RING in the Item Maker may result in Red Ring* (Skin: Blue Ring) or Blue Ring depending on which one is selected from the drop-down menu. My "blind advice" is to keep changing it up until the right copy drops.
In case you missed it in the previous spoiler:
030E59 = Gear Plating
030E5A = Ragol Plating
030E5B = Heart of TypeDS/D.Saber
030E5C = Heart of TypeSS/Swords
030E5D = Heart of Blade Dance
030E5E = Heart of Wok of Akiko's Shop
030E5F = Heart of Twin Chakram
030E60 = Divine Filter
030E61 = Lock-on Filter
030E62 = Heart of Partisan of Lightning
I have done the time to max out the Sandbox common bank's meseta stash, and I don't plan to do that again in Classic mode. It turns out that this old post mentions what the maximum amount of meseta is in the check room, or bank: 999,999,999.

I doubt that anybody has made that much meseta from a Normal account after checking the Ephinea Leader Boards page recently, but it takes some effort to do it in Sandbox mode since I couldn't do it instantly. Maybe another Sandbox player with a third-party program can skip the steps in a later reply, but I'm content with my strategy. It sure is faster than using the Item Maker to generate the 999,999 meseta on the ground, pick that up, and deposit it all 1001 times starting from 0 meseta.

Oh, here's how to do it in Sandbox mode.
0. Set up a Shift F-Key shortcut with this command: /addmeseta 999999.
1. Max out the inventory's meseta with that command by using that shortcut while standing in front of the teller and having no menu open.
2. Deposit the inventory meseta by interacting with the teller.
3. Stop interacting with the teller by closing out of the dialogue and stay in front of the teller with no menu open.
4. Repeat from Step 1. 1000 more times.
Congratulations on almost being a Sandbox Billionaire; don't forget to add at least 1 more meseta in the inventory! I'll skip the Tai Lopez clip insert since I'm not feeling it this time, but I'll post this image instead.
I'm wondering if there is anyway to transfer a normal account to a sandbox account???
I don't believe there is a way to do this, can you tell me why exactly you want to? That might help me to assist you with whatever you're looking to accomplish.
I'm a beginner Sandbox player, please tell me.
How do you generate lv200 Mags?
Looking at the past logs, it seems there is an exe called MagMaker, but where can I get it?

→I solved it myself, Thank you.
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Sandbox player here. Any chance we could get a trainer or server commands for the hacks that are allowed? The quick kill and item making is pretty sweet but having infinite mag feed and fast techniques would be pretty fun.