Igolea's Shop


Hi, Welcome in my little PD Shop!
I'm in GMT +1 (Paris-Amsterdam-Bruxelles)
you can catch me on discord (Popi#3528)
If i don't answer, i'll probably just not be there :p

Accepting :
PC 1:1
Addslot 2:1
Mesetas 500:1

LF :
Hell railgun 60h+
Grants 29 for 5
Hitogata 30+hit
High stat aura field

Normal weaps :

Burning Calibur 0/0/0/0/50 1 PD
Flame Calibur 0/0/65/0/55 offer what you want :)
Spirit Diska 0/0/0/20/40 free
King's Diska 40/45/0/0/40 250k
Spirit Raygun 0/0/45/35/50 1 PD
Hell Striker 0/0/0/0/85 2 PDs

Rare weaps :

Orochiagito 0/0/0/0/0 5 PD
Belra cannon 0/0/0/0/0 3 PD
The sigh of a God 15/10/0/0 1 PD

Armor/Shields :

A lot of non rare armor 4 slot : 100k each
Stink frame 14/85 44/85 1S 1 PD
Custom frame ver 00 4/10 3/10 0S 1 PD
electro frame 44/50 16/20 0s 3 PD
Red coat 2/10 8/10 0s 250k PD
Lieutenant gear 16/18 4/16 0s 1 PD

Regene gear adv. 4/7 0/7 1 PD
DB's shield 6/10 1/10 1 PD
Gods Shield Suzaku 2 PD
Rico's glasses 1 PD

Unit :

Divine protection 250k
H/luck 250k

Miscs :

Tech disks
15 Zonde/razonde/Foie/gifoie/rafoie/Barta/gibarta/resta/deband 2 PD a set
29 Zonde gizonde razonde foie gifoie barta 0.5 PD each.
Shifta resta 30 0.5 PD
for 1/2 disks, just ask, we'll discuss the price.

Baranz laucher 1 (x3)
de rol le shell 1
Dragon scale 6 PD's

AMP of Blue 1 PD
item ticket 2 PDs
Heart of morolian 2 PDs

Black sato 6/150/44/0 M/E/P 3PDs

Thanks for watching, Enjoy :)
Last edited:
- Valiant frame/Divinity armor/Guardian armor 4 slot 100k each
- Yellow Barrier 2/5 1/5 1 PD
- Heavenly resist 1

2PD + 300k for me please