I should stop playing this game.


But I'm back anyway. Well, not back to the server, this is pretty much my first time here, but I'm back in the zone, grinding out levels and getting gear.

So, why did I join? I really, really like what they did with this server in general. It's open source and everything looks so polished. Even more polished than what SEGA did or any private server for that matter. Not only that, everything is kept vanilla so whiners and elitists don't have to flame and troll the god damn forums all the time. There's Hardcore and Sandbox accounts which I feel are awesome implements, and then the option to have PSO2 style drops? Goodbye, Red Box Syndrome. I won't miss you.

At first, I didn't want to introduce myself because I'm a loner like that. I sit in the shadows doing my own thing on my own whim, but I guess I should break out of my shell, a little bit. And so, hello. I already got some high-ish level characters on the server, so if you wanna game, I can rock either the HUcast or the FOmarl. I'm going to wait on using my RAcast and FOnewearl however. But I think for the time being I'm going to lean closer to FOmarl for the simple fact that they're easy to raise. With that in mind, hunting gear should be a lot easier with the right teams. With that being said... You might find me in the default lobby, whining at everyone who's lobby whoring or wishing Episode 4 didn't exist.

In closing, pleased to meet you all. This is a great server, hope to have fun, and I'll be seeing you in-game.
Yeah, the people are even loosening up too (Me being one of them). It really is a great place and getting better as time goes on. Welcome
But I'm back anyway. Well, not back to the server, this is pretty much my first time here, but I'm back in the zone, grinding out levels and getting gear.

At first, I didn't want to introduce myself because I'm a loner like that. I sit in the shadows doing my own thing on my own whim, but I guess I should break out of my shell, a little bit. And so, hello. With that in mind, hunting gear should be a lot easier with the right teams. With that being said... You might find me in the default lobby, whining at everyone who's lobby whoring or wishing Episode 4 didn't exist.

In closing, pleased to meet you all. This is a great server, hope to have fun, and I'll be seeing you in-game.
Hello Nama-san! It's Wonderful you're slowly deciding to emerge from the shadows. Can imagine the whole Lone Wolf theme can get a little lonely. Yes, the Elitists for the most part either get drummed out or converted to be Support fiends here =3. Looking forward to pouncing and hunting with you too! Very Happy you like it here and feel comfy with the idea of growing stronger. Welcome HOME! <3