I hit the max amount of money in my bank


RAcaseal baby
Is there anywhere else I can store my money or do I just have to hold onto the rest of it? Please let me know, thanks! ^^/
character's bank, character's inventory, /bank for the shared bank
then can start making new chars to keep the money on if need to :P
character's bank, character's inventory, /bank for the shared bank
then can start making new chars to keep the money on if need to :p


And with 32 characters you can store alot now.
god, 1%ers I swear.

"nyehhh, I just can't seem to find anywhere to hold all this money of mine. oh! heaven's me!"

Well, after filling your bank and common bank, you could make a dummy character and empty the common bank. The dummy character now holds the extra 1 Mil, and you have another 1 Mil you can deposit to continue accumulating Meseta.

I believe the actual Meseta cap for a single account, assuming we treat 999,999 as a flat 1 million, is 65 million.

32 characters + their banks = 64 million
Common Bank = 1 million

You probably have a ways to go :3
People still buy meseta?
I don't mean selling Meseta to other players. I mean picking up all the junk that drops and selling it to the shop to get Meseta. If you've maxed out your bank and are approaching capacity in your wallet yet aren't spending the Meseta to raise Mags or use Charge, then you should just stop selling items to the shop since you don't need the Meseta for anything, and then you don't need to worry about where to put it.
I usually burn my extra money gambling with Coren. Doing 10k meseta attempts sometimes nets me photon crystals, add slots or mag cells so why not. Or 100k attempts on Saturdays. I did score a v101 once.

Mind you, that's me at the top of the "failed ventures" leaderboard, haha. Actually, I have two characters on that list. >.>
Wow. #ProWorldProblems
I didn't even know there was a cap on the bank. I guess I have a lot to learn about this game still.
Imma just gamble it all away. I've gotten 2 dragon scales so far from the gambler, and I make too much money on Very Hard and Ult anyway :p