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Lately I've been bored with other games and after googling "Games like PSO" after randomly thinking back to the old days I came across this server. I have fond memories playing this game for several years but, never online or multiplayer. I'm also rather surprised to find out there was an Episode 4 since I only own 1, 2, & 3. The 3rd episode of which was a rather strange and different experience.... but, I digress. As mentioned in the title I use to play back around the early 2000s on the Gamecube and am interested in what this server has to offer. You'll have to pardon my ignorance and forgetfulness as I try to recall all the terminology and relearn a bit of the game all the while navigating a new forum/website but, simply looking through a couple of posts it appears to be a rather friendly community.
I can tend to be long winded- So let me just ask a couple starter questions so I can hopefully get to know everyone better later on;
How does multiplayer work? Is there somewhere I can read up and learn the basics of the basics so I know how it functions/interacts since I've only ever played solo offline. (I dont even know if I can accidently hit a teammate or if items are shared/different drops for each player)
Do people typically only chat using the in-game functions, a discord (for offline/online chat or even voice), and/or this forum exclusively?
Do people tend to stick with a singular character they continually level or is there usually a level that a character is retired or people tend to not party with? Do people like to form groups together and play together with a character exclusively?
Again, my apologies for the questions in my own introduction but, I'm interested in getting to know others more. A bit on myself though; I'm a 34 Male in America that enjoys anime, several different types of games of varying nature, a relaxing atmosphere but, a bit contradictory am rather brass tacks individual. If you've managed to read through all of this or simply skip to the end I'll try my best to not write a darn book in my future posts
. Any helpful links to learn how to navigate and get to know others more would be appreciative~
I can tend to be long winded- So let me just ask a couple starter questions so I can hopefully get to know everyone better later on;
How does multiplayer work? Is there somewhere I can read up and learn the basics of the basics so I know how it functions/interacts since I've only ever played solo offline. (I dont even know if I can accidently hit a teammate or if items are shared/different drops for each player)
Do people typically only chat using the in-game functions, a discord (for offline/online chat or even voice), and/or this forum exclusively?
Do people tend to stick with a singular character they continually level or is there usually a level that a character is retired or people tend to not party with? Do people like to form groups together and play together with a character exclusively?
Again, my apologies for the questions in my own introduction but, I'm interested in getting to know others more. A bit on myself though; I'm a 34 Male in America that enjoys anime, several different types of games of varying nature, a relaxing atmosphere but, a bit contradictory am rather brass tacks individual. If you've managed to read through all of this or simply skip to the end I'll try my best to not write a darn book in my future posts