How long did you take to get your first level 200?

I started here on Jan 23, and got to lv200 on May 24, playing only at nights or on my usual free day per week, so:

121 days - 570hrs aprox.
My first was 802 hours >_>
Much quicker on Ephinea though.
13 years, my first "legit" 200 was on SCHT and that was thanks to 2x and 3x exp lol

Or instantly with Xploder on Dreamcast if you want to count that.
Ohhh, also staying on topic. It took me about 2 months for my first one on GC (No Reco) and about 1-1.5months on SCHT
Ah, but Wigga recoboxed to 200 for a lot of it which many people feel is not legitimate.
Wigga recoboxed a pretty small amount of it as far as I know. I played with him a lot while he grinded 190-200
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what is recoboxxed? And my 1st 200 was after more than 400 hours on here.
what is recoboxxed? And my 1st 200 was after more than 400 hours on here.

Recoboxed is where you use King's on a Recobox to lvl up. It was a big thing on schthack and when ephinea started a few carried that trend. People would lvl to high lvl with it. Soda nerfed King's because of it afaik?
I used king's on ep4 monsters on schthack, guess Recobox would be easier though...
"Recoboxing" specifically is nerfing your ATP to the point where you can't damage a Recobox, and then using King's with an autofire controller to steal EXP from the Recobox while you go do something else. Sega fixed the "exploit" in BB by forbidding the King's special from working unless you do at least 1 damage, but they forgot that piping resets enemy HP, so with the easy access to macro tools that PC gamers have, people created more complex macros to include piping every n attacks to ensure that the Recobox would never die, even though it was taking damage from each King's special, thus defeating Sega's workaround.
I nerfed my atp to nothing as well on schthack and just was behind a cliff to use mine. Never thought about setting up macros though. I just did it so I was strong enough to handle ultimate mode easier.