How Do I Get My SPECIAL WEAPON Caps Font Back?


Praise be unto Sodaboy, for I need my awful old fonts and caps lock cruise control back.
Any help would be appreciated.
Not sure how to make them Capitalized but the GC font is "Dotum" which you can change in the options tab before you start the game.
Actually, you can't.

The current unitxt is pushed through as mandatory so that all users are on the same unitxt files instead of old, mismatched ones which cause all sorts of text issues.
He did but it just uses the english unitxt so we don't have to keep updating multiple files and can stick with just EN/JP.
Actually, you can't.

The current unitxt is pushed through as mandatory so that all users are on the same unitxt files instead of old, mismatched ones which cause all sorts of text issues.

He did but it just uses the english unitxt
So it does not work anymore?
I mean, I understand you don't want to maintain multiple files but someone else might want to, is not like the file will change twice every day.
If it still works, I could upload an updated one, I guess.
from what i remember custom used to be there for people to use the caps lock stuff, but then the quest counter menu was extended and other stuff was added, so custom was depreciated

it might just be easier to have EN/JP/EN ALLCAPS instead of EN/JP/Custom
Well Custom is for a bunch of other files that EN/JP also replace, we were just too lazy to be updating 3 unitxt files.
Well, if anyone can give me the en one, I can make it all caps, I could also add it to this repo so whenever the original ones (ephinea) are updated, is just matter of comparing them and adding whatever is new/changed.
Yeah, I mean, we are here for a vanilla experience right?? Hahaha
But really, not the end of the world, I just like it when my good weapons look that much more important when selecting them.

Heaven Striker.... or
I think it's possible again but someone would need to upload their unitxt.

Kinda been looking for that myself but lazy...