"High stress" gameplay and solutions.

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not a liar but clearly affected by motivational reasoning and confirmation bias.

To respond to your edit you're suggesting a massive, structural change to how the game works. it is not "busting your balls" to challenge a unilaterally motivated desire to change how the game works at a very basic level.

It actually wouldn't change anything as far as what is "best in class." It would just make public games less restrictive instead of this "everyone has to play around my big sword" narrative that's making the game way less fun.
Less fun for you ade. Still an ade problem. Clean up your own house first before you come here with demands.

It would be way better if we didn't have to turn a hack and slash game into a game that requires a ton of planning to play. I don't want to waste time on this. I want to shoot things and find loot.

I also want to add that c-mode, both episodes, makes it abundantly clear that sonic team knew they were making a game that would revolve heavily around spawn and quest memory. The author is generally dead and frankly it doesn't matter what sonic team was trying to do, but the notion that the game has been twisted to suit a different purpose is patently false since knowing what was coming was always going to be a part of PSO.
It would reduce the challenge of using dark flow in a group, while not impacting the reward. It just makes dark flow even better, which makes the overuse/diversity problem even worse. It also lowers the skill ceiling a bit, as forces have no room/reason to learn strategies like resta self-healing.

If you've got people who are agreeing with you then play with them. I'm playing mostly solo for a reason. Not your reason but I have reasons. I'd rather do that than impose my own restrictions on other people.
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It would reduce the challenge of using dark flow in a group, while not impacting the reward. It just makes dark flow even better, which makes the overuse/diversity problem even worse. It also lowers the skill ceiling a bit, as forces have no room/reason to learn strategies like resta self-healing.

If you've got people who are agreeing with you then play with them. I'm playing mostly solo for a reason. Not your reason but I have reasons. I'd rather do that than impose my own restrictions on other people.

It wouldn't make it any easier for the DF user. Well, maybe a tiny bit. This is more about "nobody else gets heals because sword." And that seems very lopsided to me.
The TAers can just disqualify it from eligibility in their TA thread since this wouldn't fit their arbitrarily chosen "vanilla,"
What's arbitrary exactly? I'm pretty sure we had this discussion in private before and I explained to you exactly why it's not arbitrary. You made it out as though not allowing PB before quest start was some conspiracy to keep HUcast meta and that Silent John was conspiring against you and the Ephinean economy by raising HU item prices through this method.

This is the only rule you seem to have an issue with, and it's because you don't see that 4-Way PB is a separate category and I've told you already that it would *probably* be allowed to be posted there. The thing is that nobody WANTS to do 4-way PB in normal mode because it takes forever to build PB and start the quest, and any mistake you'll need to reset in TA. This is a lot easier to do in sandbox with the tools we have now, which is why you'll only see 4-Way PB TA in sandbox typically.

And all this stems from you believing that 4-Way PB favors RAct over HUct (completely quest dependant, and a majority of quests in 4-way HUct is still the best for. The last 4-Way PB TA run was x4 HUct in MA1C which I participated in)

I explained all of this to you in DMs and you said you understood you were being silly but now you're posting here about arbitary rules in the vanilla TA thread, so I'm a bit confused.
What's arbitrary exactly? I'm pretty sure we had this discussion in private before and I explained to you exactly why it's not arbitrary. You made it out as though not allowing PB before quest start was some conspiracy to keep HUcast meta and that Silent John was conspiring against you and the Ephinean economy by raising HU item prices through this method.

This is the only rule you seem to have an issue with, and it's because you don't see that 4-Way PB is a separate category and I've told you already that it would *probably* be allowed to be posted there. The thing is that nobody WANTS to do 4-way PB in normal mode because it takes forever to build PB and start the quest, and any mistake you'll need to reset in TA. This is a lot easier to do in sandbox with the tools we have now, which is why you'll only see 4-Way PB TA in sandbox typically.

And all this stems from you believing that 4-Way PB favors RAct over HUct (completely quest dependant, and a majority of quests in 4-way HUct is still the best for. The last 4-Way PB TA run was x4 HUct in MA1C which I participated in)

I explained all of this to you in DMs and you said you understood you were being silly but now you're posting here about arbitary rules in the vanilla TA thread, so I'm a bit confused.

That was more or less just a dig aka throwing shade, I guess. (I was just being a dick.) Moving on...

My point about the lack of diversity that's currently being allowed in public games stands. It's stressful to play this way. I think a lot of players would like to see a command that allows for a player to ignore incoming healing.

If the server Admins aren't interested in doing this, then I'm going to take matters into my own hands. My video game time is MY TIME, and I'm not going to spend it playing the game the way someone else wants to (this is why my solution is ingenious because everyone gets what they want). If people want to say "no heal plz" and I'm on my RAcast and I don't feel like racking up a 40k Mate / Star bill every run, or if I'm on my FO and I WANT to be able to heal people, I'm going to tell them to leave my game or I'll leave the game myself (assuming I'm not the party creator). This is not a great solution because most games are no-heal now. But that's what I'll do.

I can solo hunt stuff better than 90% of 4-man parties, anyway. I just liked the idea of, oh gee I dunno, PLAYING A MULTIPLAYER GAME WITH PEOPLE. =/
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That was more or less just a dig aka throwing shade, I guess. (I was just being a dick.) Moving on...

Nah, not moving on so simply. You're throwing shade (just being a dick) when its absolutely not warranted even after certain aspects are respectfully cleared up to you. It's just another attempt at making TAers out to be wrong-doers and then when you get called out on it, you think it can just be shrugged off and we should all forget the way you acted?

I'm not responding to the other stuff atm because I think you're only looking out for yourself, not the community.
Nah, not moving on so simply. You're throwing shade (just being a dick) when its absolutely not warranted even after certain aspects are respectfully cleared up to you. It's just another attempt at making TAers out to be wrong-doers and then when you get called out on it, you think it can just be shrugged off and we should all forget the way you acted?

I'm not responding to the other stuff atm because I think you're only looking out for yourself, not the community.

Okay. You are correct. The parameters are not arbitrary and I am sorry.
And yes, I am looking out for myself. I'm really unhappy at the direction the game has taken. What makes it worse is there WAS a fix that was going to happen for this and it never did. Build and playstyle diversity has suffered because of it.

I don't mind playing with no heals SOMETIMES or if we're really going for peak efficiency, but i see it in almost every game now and it's not fun to always play that way. The only other alternative is to play alone (which is usually what I do anyway anymore...)

I'm all for a no heal command/unit :eek: Was sad when it was shot down
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Sega, or rather, the third party company they handed the game server over to in its waning years, did release the Red Ring. However, it's my understanding that Dark Flow never saw the light of day on official PSO.

My recollection is that the Koreans enabled both Dark Falz and Olga Flow drops for JPBB. Although Sega never made those items obtainable, they were officially obtainable on the final incarnation of the game. (The Koreans were also responsible for LHP and FoaM, which is why those quests have such weird spawns compared to quests made by Sega.)
My recollection is that the Koreans enabled both Dark Falz and Olga Flow drops for JPBB. Although Sega never made those items obtainable, they were officially obtainable on the final incarnation of the game. (The Koreans were also responsible for LHP and FoaM, which is why those quests have such weird spawns compared to quests made by Sega.)

I'd like to see a definitive answer on this one way or another. Even if I'm wrong.
Unfortunately, the English records of that time in PSO's history would have been on the second or third Schthack forum, which was long ago deleted. I suspect all of us heard the news about Sega turning over control of JPBB to that Korean MMO company in a forum post over there a decade ago.
Hi folks,
I have a classic gamer ailment: Too Awesome to Use Syndrome

To quote TV Tropes:

"It's useful, awesome, and practical — unfortunately, you're never going to use the item outside of maybe the last boss (as you wouldn't need it afterwards), either because you're afraid to waste such a valuable treasure and will be waiting for that one good opportunity to use it... and that opportunity never comes, or maybe because it simply pains you to imagine having it missing from your inventory."

What is a "too awesome to use item?" Think of Mega Elixirs in Final Fantasy. They're super amazing consumable items that typically can't be bought from in game vendors or found with any reliability. I became one of those gamers who piled up as many these items as I could and NEVER used them- save for outside the last boss or maybe the optional side bosses that are even HARDER than the last boss- and even THEN, I felt like I was doing something wrong.

This trained me to believe that, in a video game, if you're using consumables, you're doing something wrong and playing badly. This is hard wired into me from years of gaming. I even carried it into PSO. I was SO CAREFUL on my first playthrough of PSO GameCube that I died zero times in Normal difficulty Ep1. My first death came from Mericarol in CCA when I started Ep2 (the death cloud attack).

I like to play games to see if I can beat something with the resources I was given. On PSO, if I have to return to Pioneer 2 to get more Mates or use a Scape Doll to Trap Die, I feel like I've failed to succeed with what I had. I've never cared if I was the FASTEST player; I just wanted to be good at games in the way I think that one is playing well: by making good use of their limited resources. (Which really aren't limited in a game like PSO, but they feel limited while you're down on Ragol in the mission.)
Everything here is totally arbitrary. The game provides an unlimited source of mates to be consumed. I won't comment anymore about that cause EVERYTHING mentioned here is an imagined issue by you.

Hi folks,
However, because of the ever-growing prevalence of "no heal" games due to Dark Flow, I find myself in a lot of high stress gameplay lately; games where I know I'm not going to get healed by the FO and I'm going to be using a lot of Mates. I've become distressed at how EVERYONE ELSE in the game is being forced to play differently because of one weapon. What's even worse is NOT being able to heal people when I play as FO. If someone dies while I'm FOing, I always feel like it's my fault. This is simply how the best FOs thought on versions of PSO where healing wasn't discouraged.
Most of the things mentioned here are again mostly within yourself. You're the one allowing the level of game play in a casual run impact your stress levels. I will say that any HUct who actually complains about being healed probably isn't very good. It doesn't take very long to lower again and there's alternatives that nearly as fast as Dark Flow, not that speed should EVER be an issue in any runs going on in Ephinea because they're all casual and will all be slow. It should be a give and take the FO should learn to Resta in at least a little bit to not impact the HUct if they can and the HUct should be able to continue if they are Resta'd.

Hi folks,
"No heal" gameplay was more of a niche thing a couple of years ago, but more and more people are playing the game this way. And to be honest, I don't think it's very fun to have to play the game in a completely different manner because of SOMEONE ELSE'S gear choice. That is a BAD DESIGN choice. (Sega's fault, not Ephinea.)

I think Dark Flow is a cool concept, but it's too different from everything else and it requires everyone else to bend over backwards. I would like to see some solutions for this because playing PSO in a manner that is COMPLETELY THE OPPOSITE of what I used to think was "good gameplay" (keeping your character healthy and the FO heals people when they need it) is really stressing me out. I don't play this game as a perfectionist. I play it to relax. When I join random games, it's probably "no heal" 70 percent of the time now (which is way up from a couple of years ago), and that means I have to be in hyper focus mode the whole time and can't just have fun.
People have been doing this "no heal" thing for more than half of Ephineas life time and for the last 10 years on other forms of PSOBB and PSOGC. Nothing new really. More and more people are playing this way because it's becoming public knowledge that it's typically one of the things that make runs go "fast" so that people can hunt faster. I don't know how many HUct are actually complaining when they get healed, but they probably aren't actually that good if they can't keep on after a Resta. Just cast it and if they rage tell them to get better. Not a big deal. Good game play is mostly another arbitrary concept. You've probably never had a good session of what the "best" players think is "good game play" but I am sure you think you have so just let that idea go.

Not gonna talk about any of your solutions because this is how Sega designed their game.

Well PGF didn't drop on the official Sega sever. It was a banned item (at least on PC it was, I never played GC/Xbox). So whether you want to consider DF to be 'vanilla' or not is a little debatable.
PGF and Red Ring both dropped on JP PSO as seen below. The link is a player made drop table from the official servers.

If Dark Flow was primarily a time attack weapon previously, obviously that will leak over to normal gameplay as the average player reaches the point where they have both the item and the experience to use it "properly".
Anything untagged would be assumed to be fair game for both Dark Flow users, and for anyone to use resta as needed.

Really what it comes down to though is that if the people you are playing with are all using Dark Flow and it stresses you out, then stop playing with them or convince them to swap. If all your pubs are filled with dark flow, switch to privates. I'm pretty sure there are quite a few players who don't enjoy dark flow style either.
This is pretty much spot on. I've said for years that Dark Flow will spill over to casual use and that's good because it should make the average runs go smoother. If you really have such a hatred for Dark Flow tag all your games. Seems simple enough.

I could really write SO MUCH about this topic because I have actually seen a few players that just can't wrap their mind around it for whatever reason.

On Ephinea any Dark Flow user should really learn to live with being Resta'd because HUct is so much more than that. It may slow your run down, but your run was already slow no matter what so get over it. On the flip side the support classes should try and allow the HUct to do their thing. Mates are available in this game and everyone should probably carry 10 monomate, dimate, and trimate. Not carrying them would be silly. All these arbitrary ideas about good game play on Ephinea should drop dead because there's only 2 people who have actual good runs on this server. They happen privately where they decide when to Resta and what not.

Just to comment on the TA 4-way PB thing. I really don't know of a single run where a 4x RAct team can outperform a 4x HUct team, but that's the nature of PSO. HUct requires less attacks that are typically lower frame counts than RAct while maintaining superior positioning relative to the next spawns or doors. There's always going to be exceptions to this but it's generally the rule.

Essentially both sides should get over it. The run is slow. Use Charge Vulcans and learn to Dimate yourself so you don't slow the already slow run down.

Edit: Quotes don't work like I thought they would, but I won't fix it lol
Everything here is totally arbitrary. The game provides an unlimited source of mates to be consumed. I won't comment anymore about that cause EVERYTHING mentioned here is an imagined issue by you.

Most of the things mentioned here are again mostly within yourself. You're the one allowing the level of game play in a casual run impact your stress levels. I will say that any HUct who actually complains about being healed probably isn't very good. It doesn't take very long to lower again and there's alternatives that nearly as fast as Dark Flow, not that speed should EVER be an issue in any runs going on in Ephinea because they're all casual and will all be slow. It should be a give and take the FO should learn to Resta in at least a little bit to not impact the HUct if they can and the HUct should be able to continue if they are Resta'd.

People have been doing this "no heal" thing for more than half of Ephineas life time and for the last 10 years on other forms of PSOBB and PSOGC. Nothing new really. More and more people are playing this way because it's becoming public knowledge that it's typically one of the things that make runs go "fast" so that people can hunt faster. I don't know how many HUct are actually complaining when they get healed, but they probably aren't actually that good if they can't keep on after a Resta. Just cast it and if they rage tell them to get better. Not a big deal. Good game play is mostly another arbitrary concept. You've probably never had a good session of what the "best" players think is "good game play" but I am sure you think you have so just let that idea go.

Not gonna talk about any of your solutions because this is how Sega designed their game.

PGF and Red Ring both dropped on JP PSO as seen below. The link is a player made drop table from the official servers.

View attachment 14032

This is pretty much spot on. I've said for years that Dark Flow will spill over to casual use and that's good because it should make the average runs go smoother. If you really have such a hatred for Dark Flow tag all your games. Seems simple enough.

I could really write SO MUCH about this topic because I have actually seen a few players that just can't wrap their mind around it for whatever reason.

On Ephinea any Dark Flow user should really learn to live with being Resta'd because HUct is so much more than that. It may slow your run down, but your run was already slow no matter what so get over it. On the flip side the support classes should try and allow the HUct to do their thing. Mates are available in this game and everyone should probably carry 10 monomate, dimate, and trimate. Not carrying them would be silly. All these arbitrary ideas about good game play on Ephinea should drop dead because there's only 2 people who have actual good runs on this server. They happen privately where they decide when to Resta and what not.

Just to comment on the TA 4-way PB thing. I really don't know of a single run where a 4x RAct team can outperform a 4x HUct team, but that's the nature of PSO. HUct requires less attacks that are typically lower frame counts than RAct while maintaining superior positioning relative to the next spawns or doors. There's always going to be exceptions to this but it's generally the rule.

Essentially both sides should get over it. The run is slow. Use Charge Vulcans and learn to Dimate yourself so you don't slow the already slow run down.

Edit: Quotes don't work like I thought they would, but I won't fix it lol

You could do without calling people who don’t play “as fast as possible” slow. There’s a huge range you’re not addressing and it makes you look very elitist.
You could do without calling people who don’t play “as fast as possible” slow. There’s a huge range you’re not addressing and it makes you look very elitist.
It's the simple truth. If it's not fast it's slow. There's nothing wrong with that. No one is expecting a run that doesn't have a goal of being fast to be fast. I am sure EVERY run you've ever done is slow, but you don't play with that goal in mind so why would they be?

Edit: Here's the link I mentioned in the big post
https://wikiwiki.jp/psobb/EP2 アルティメット:レアドロップリスト
It's the simple truth. If it's not fast it's slow. There's nothing wrong with that. No one is expecting a run that doesn't have a goal of being fast to be fast. I am sure EVERY run you've ever done is slow, but you don't play with that goal in mind so why would they be?

Edit: Here's the link I mentioned in the big post
https://wikiwiki.jp/psobb/EP2 アルティメット:レアドロップリスト

Wow...tell me how you really feel. We don't need this kind of attitude on Ephinea. I'm here trying to promote different ways to play the game and you come in here with your passive-aggressive bullshit basically saying anyone who doesn't play the game like you is bad at the game. It's very clear that you're trying to be mean.
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