- Guildcard
- 42079242
Post, DM, or even Discord (Hellcleave#8376)
Accepted currency: PDs (1:1), PCs (1:1), Meseta (500k:1pd), Eggs (2:1), Cookies (4:1),
Coal (8:1), Bronze/Silver/Gold Badges (16:1), (10:1), (1:1)
Unless marked otherwise.
Time Zone: EST
Accepted currency: PDs (1:1), PCs (1:1), Meseta (500k:1pd), Eggs (2:1), Cookies (4:1),
Coal (8:1), Bronze/Silver/Gold Badges (16:1), (10:1), (1:1)
Unless marked otherwise.
Time Zone: EST
Only PDs, stuff to be Auctioned or RemovedBurning Calibur 0/15/0/30/[80], Dark Flow 0/0/40/0/[80] 2000 PDs
^Will not sell apart
will sell the first one for 1k PDs if it doesn't sell then will not sell the 2nd one.
Non-Rare WeaponsMelee
Charge Calibur 0/0/50/0/[50] x6 1
Spirit Calibur 0/0/0/0/[55] 1
Charge Ripper 0/5/0/0/[50] x3 1
Charge Berdys 0/0/5/0/[50] x5 1 Red Photon
Spirit Gungnir 45/0/0/0/[55] 1
Spirit Gungnir 50/0/0/50/[50] 3
Burning Calibur 0/0/50/0/[60] 3
Mind Diska 45/35/0/0/[60] 1
Freeze Diska 35/0/0/0/[60] 1
Riot Diska 40/0/0/0/[60] 1
Diaka 0/15/15/0/[65] 2
Charge Sawcer 0/0/5/0/[50] x5 1 Red Photon
Charge Diska 0/0/0/35/[50] x8 1
Charge Diska 5/0/0/0/[50] x4 1
Charge Lockgun 0/0/0/35/[50] x4 1 Purple photon
Blizzard Raygun 0/0/0/0/[55] 1
Spirit Raygun 40/0/0/0/[55] 3
Charge Vulcan 0/5/0/0/[50] x23 1
Spirit Vulcan 0/0/0/30/[55] 3
Charge Arms 0/15/0/0/[50] x32 1
Club 60 hit 1
Club 65 hit 1
Striker 60 hit x2 1
Rare WeaponsMelee
Monkey King Bar different %s 0 hit x20+ 1
Yunchang different %s 0 hit x10+ 1
Diska of Braveman 0/0/30/0/[30] 1
Diska of Braveman 0/0/45/0/[30] 1
Diska of Braveman 0/0/0/0/[35] x2 1
Diska of Braveman 0/0/0/15/[35] 1
Diska of Braveman 0/15/0/0/[35] 1
Diska of Braveman 0/20/0/0/[35] 1
Diska of Braveman 0/0/30/0/[35] x2 2
Diska of Braveman 0/0/35/0/[35] 2
Diska of Braveman 25/25/0/0/[35] 2
Diska of Braveman 0/35/15/[35] 3
Diska of Braveman 55/0/0/0/[35] 4
Diska of Braveman 15/0/0/0/[40] 5
Diska of Braveman 0/0/15/0/[40] 5
Diska of Braveman 0/0/25/0/[40] 5
Diska of Braveman 0/0/0/20/[40] 5
Frozen Shooter 0hit x5 1
Baranz Launcher x3 1
Gi Gue Bazooka x4 2
Sacred Cloth 34/50/6/20 0s 1
Sacred Cloth 19/50/15/20 0s 1
Sacred Cloth 16/50/19/20 0s 1
Sacred Cloth 13/50/20/20 1s 1
Sacred Cloth 2/50/16/20 1s 1
Sacred Cloth 7/50/12/20 0s]1
Sacred Cloth 0/50/19/20 0s 1
Sacred Cloth 28/50/4/20 0s 1
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou 3/10/1/10 0s 1
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou 0/10/8/10 0s 1
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou 5/10/4/10 1s 1
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou 8/10/2/10 0s 1
Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou 4/10/9/10 0s 1
Wedding Dress 1
Alliance Uniform 12/12 0/0 1s 5
Spirit Garment 2s 2
Spirit Garment 0s x18 1
^ can turn into
Aura Field x6 Or Brightness Circle x10 1
Flame Garment 38/50/4/20 2s 1
Flame Garment 24/50/5/20 2s 1
Flame Garment 36/508/20 0s 1
Flame Garment 16/50/10/20 0s 1
Flame Garment 4/50/14/20 1s 1
Flame Garment 28/50 16/20 3s 1
Flame Garment 2/50/15/20 3s 1
Flame Garment 41/50/5/20 1s 2
Flame Garment 32/50/11/20 1s 1
Flame Garment 5/50/7/20 0s 1
Flame Garment 1/50/19/20 1s 1
Flame Garment 42/50/7/20 1s 2
Flame Garment 34/50/14/20 0s 1
Black Hound Curass 4/30/0/0 1s 1
Black Hound Curass 25/30/0/0 0s 2
Black Hound Curass 12/30/0/0/ 0s 1
Black Hound Curass 17/30/0/0 2s 1
Black Hound Curass 16/30/0/0 0s 1
Smoking Plate 24/50/6/20 1s 1
Smoking Plate 9/50/12/20 0s 1
Smoking Plate 19/50/0/20 0s 1
Aura Field 15/50/6/20 0s 1
UnitsCure/Confuse x1 1
Cure/Poison x2 1
Cure/Paralysis x3 1
Cure/Shock x01
Cure/Freeze x01
Heavenly/Luck x1 1
Heavenly/Battle x11
Heavenly/Power x01
Heavenly/Mind x1 1
Heavenly/Arms x0 3
Heavenly/Ability x5 1
Heavenly/HP x01
Smartlink x02
V501 3
V101 20
OtherMonogrinder x495 [99:1]
Digrinder x1089 [50:1]
Trigrinder x891 [33:1]
Magic Rock "Moola" x12 1
Star Amplifier x10 1
De Rol Le Shell x6 1
Megid 27 x8 1
Megid 28 x11 2
Megid 29 x1 3
Grants 27 x9 1
Grants 28 x11 2
Grants 29 x1 3
Green Paint x2 2
Purple Paint 2
Clair's 5 DealShock Saber x5 1
Ice Sword x5 1
Riot Halbert x11 1
Master's Autogun x5 1
Charge Vulcan 0 hit x15 Free if you buy one
Seize Launcher x2 5
Draw Mace x7 1
King's Striker x8 1
Brave Hammer x5 1
Heart Wand x7 1
Agito (2001) 2
Musashi x8 1
Yamato x11 1
Asuka x6 1
Kusanagi x2 1
Shichishito x2 1
Red Odoshi Domaru x2 1
Secret Gear x2 1
Flowen's Shield x15 1
God's Shield "Genbu" x6 1
God's Shield "Seiryu" x 8 1
HP/Revival x5 1
TP/Restorate Free if you buy one
TP/Generate Free if you buy one
PB/Amplifier x2 Free if you buy one
PB/Create x5 1
Wizard/Technique x3 Free if you buy one
Yasakani Magatama x4 1
Book of Katana 3 5
ForgeElectro Frame x2 1
Shield of Delsaber x3 1
Anti Android Rifle x3 2
MatsEvade Material x1386 [99:1]
Defense Material x1485 [99:1]
Power Material x0 7a stack
Mind Material x04 a stack
Luck Material x0 [4:1]
HP Material x07 a stack
MagsMag Parts and colors are set in price.
I make mags, so selling parts is counterproductive, but I will.Ephinea ColorsChartreuse x6 2
Gold x15 2
Plum x7 2
Ruby x5 2
Bronze x9 2
Goldenrod x10 2
Silver x11 2
Azure x2 2
Violet x11 2
Royal Purple x10 2
Emerald x14 2
Sapphire x18 2
(Min-Max Mags)RAcaseal Chu Chu Blue 5/152/43/0 M/E/P7
RAmar Chu Chu Blue 5/160/35/0 M/E/P7
RAmarl Striker Unit 5/149/46/0 M/E/P15
RAmarl Geung-si 5/149/46/0 M/E/P7
RAcast Geung-si 5/148/47/0 M/E/P7
HUmar Geung-si 5/147/48/0 M/E/P7
HUcast Geung-si 5/133/62/0 M/E/P7
HUcaseal Geung-si 5/131/64/0 M/E/P7
HUnewearl Geung-si 5/95/100/0 M/E/P7
FOmar Geungi-si 5/117/46/32 M/E/P7
FOmarl Geungi-si 5/68/48/79 M/E/P 7
FOnewm Geungi-si 5/88/61/46 M/E/P 7
FOnewearl 5/36/62/97 M/E/P7(Mind Mags)Rappy 15/0/0/185 G/E/M x3 6
Mark III 5/0/0/195 x8 8
(Mag Cells)Tablet x29 1
Rappy's Beak x38 1
Heart of Opa Opa x9 2
Parts of RoboChao x10 2
Cell of Mag 213 x16 2
Cell of Mag 502 x9 2
Heart of Kapu Kapu x9 2
Heart of Chu Chu x8 2
Heart of Pian x9 2
Heart of Chao x12 2
Heart of Morolian x9 3
Pioneer Parts3
Heart of YN-01175
Stealth Kit x6 5
Dragon Scale10
Heaven Striker Coat 10
Varuna Kit x5 15
Mag Kit 15
Kalki Kit x2 15
Vritra Kit 15
Stuff I need, I am willing to trade for, will not buy outright, don't ask.
This is stuff on the side burner for me.
Will also trade meseta for these.
Only trading with items on my trade list, PDs may be used on my end to even out the trade.
Will not buy this stuff out right. I can find better deals if I do. Don't ask.Addslot x Alot 2:1 1
V801 x2 8
Amp of RAfoie x10 2
Clio x2 10
Red Handgun 40M%+ 40+Hit 1+
Lame/Excal N%/AB%/M% x7 1-2, 8-10
PGF x4 45
Red Ring low stats x9 50, Higher Stat RRs, offer we'll work out a price.
Heaven Punisher 300
Psycho Wand 200
Prophets of Motav 200
"Demons" Needle 30/80 Without/with special
"Arrest" Shot 35/85 Without/with special
"Arrest" J-cutter 30/80 Without/with special
Red Barrier 5/5/5/5 20 PDs
Heaven Striker Dark% 25 Hit 130
Limiter/Adept x8 30/40
Hell Laser 60 hit 20
Arrest Laser 70 hit 50
Love Heart/Sweetheart 30/80
Mother Garb+ 10
S-Parts Ver2.01 20
Master Raven x2 8
198x HP mats 7 each stack
Ask first, don't always need.Dragon Scale 5
Heart of YN-0117 2 PD each
Rappy's Beak 4:1, or 125k each
Tablet 4:1, or 125k each
Cell of Mag 502 2:1, or 250k each
Kit of Hamburger 2:1, or 250k each
Heart of Chu Chu 2:1, or 250k each
Heart of Opa Opa 2:1, or 250k each
Heart of Kapu Kapu 2:1, or 250k each
Panther's Spirit 2:1, or 250k each
Parts of RoboChao 2:1, or 250k each
Heart of Angel 2:1, or 250k each
Heart of Devil 2:1, or 250k each
Kit of Mark III 2:1, or 250k each
Kit of Master System 2:1, or 250k each
Kit of Genesis 2:1, or 250k each
Kit of Sega Saturn 2:1, or 250k each
Kit of Dreamcast 2:1, or 250k each
BUYING -------- DM
I do not low ball, might even over price be depending on the spread.Berserk Arms RL set 15 each.
Berserk Vulcan 75+ hit Room for Dark%
M&A60 Vises 70+ hit Room for Dark%
LK&38 60+ hit Room for Dark %
Berserk Raygun 70+ Hit, x2 Dark% wanted first
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