Hello everyone.


Some of you might remember someone from the Schthack server that went by the name of "Kazuma the Shell Bullet" or, after the move from invisionfree, "Kazuma TSB." It's been ages, so I wouldn't doubt if no one remembered, especially with that generic name (I really don't know why I used it). Stopped playing there for a while, and when I went to get back into the game with some friends, registration was down so I hopped on Ultima.

Quit for a little while again, then recently decided I wanted to play again. Schthack completely exploded and I lost all my character data, I believe... so I decided to hop here since it's more vanilla than Ultima (I'm going to miss the offensive tech buffs from Scht/Ultima... a lot) and has a solid population with a lot of the folks I recognize from way back when. Transferred my lowbies from Ultima just to have some basic shit intact.

So yeah. Hi!

Also one of my Ultima characters seems to be an NPC... probably Tails, because that sounds like what I'd do (I was one of the people whose main was Tails back on Schthack... H. Kitsune, a HUmar, if anyone happens to remember, heh). Is that a problem? If not then awesome because I'd love to run around as a foxbutt again, at least on one character. If it is a problem, then I'll just hit up the Dressing Room. Not gonna log in on that character until I know for sure. x3
Welcome! Nice to see you here. :)

It won't actually cause a problem if you log onto the Tails character, the skin will be stripped off automatically. :P
Welcome! Nice to see you here. :)

It won't actually cause a problem if you log onto the Tails character, the skin will be stripped off automatically. :p
Oh okay, that's good, 'cause I only see a "Recreate" option, heh. Even if it's only like 30-something levels, I'd like to keep those!
dressing room is unlocked as a team reward here, like in vanilla BB :cool:
Welcome to addiction.com
Some of you might remember someone from the Schthack server that went by the name of "Kazuma the Shell Bullet" or, after the move from invisionfree, "Kazuma TSB." It's been ages, so I wouldn't doubt if no one remembered, especially with that generic name (I really don't know why I used it). Stopped playing there for a while, and when I went to get back into the game with some friends, registration was down so I hopped on Ultima.

Quit for a little while again, then recently decided I wanted to play again. Schthack completely exploded and I lost all my character data, I believe... so I decided to hop here since it's more vanilla than Ultima (I'm going to miss the offensive tech buffs from Scht/Ultima... a lot) and has a solid population with a lot of the folks I recognize from way back when. Transferred my lowbies from Ultima just to have some basic shit intact.

So yeah. Hi!

Also one of my Ultima characters seems to be an NPC... probably Tails, because that sounds like what I'd do (I was one of the people whose main was Tails back on Schthack... H. Kitsune, a HUmar, if anyone happens to remember, heh). Is that a problem? If not then awesome because I'd love to run around as a foxbutt again, at least on one character. If it is a problem, then I'll just hit up the Dressing Room. Not gonna log in on that character until I know for sure. x3
A TAILS! *Picks up and hugs between bewbies!* <3!
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone~

I haven't filled my character info and such out just yet (I'll get around to it soon), but so far:

Foxbutt - Lv. 1X FOmarl
Alteisen - Lv. 2X HUcast
Foxbutt - Lv. 3X RAmarl (this is the character that was Tails, haha)

I don't play terribly often yet, 'cause I moved recently and had more important things to do before setting my PC up... but I should have a desk soon, which will allow me to set shit up properly. Currently borrowing a close friend's old laptop, but playing PSO on it is a no-go. It can't even handle 800x600 min settings frameskip 2 at a solid FPS, and while I can play like that, it's likely quite bad for the laptop.

Once my computer is up and running, you should see me running around a fair bit more often.
Welcome to Ephinea HereticKitsune. Looking forward playing with you in the server.
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone~

I haven't filled my character info and such out just yet (I'll get around to it soon), but so far:

Foxbutt - Lv. 1X FOmarl
Alteisen - Lv. 2X HUcast
Foxbutt - Lv. 3X RAmarl (this is the character that was Tails, haha)

I don't play terribly often yet, 'cause I moved recently and had more important things to do before setting my PC up... but I should have a desk soon, which will allow me to set shit up properly. Currently borrowing a close friend's old laptop, but playing PSO on it is a no-go. It can't even handle 800x600 min settings frameskip 2 at a solid FPS, and while I can play like that, it's likely quite bad for the laptop.

Once my computer is up and running, you should see me running around a fair bit more often.
Alteisen-san! Mew mew's already pounced you the other day in a room! =3 Glad to see youre adjusting well! <3