Greetings! Looking for friends, advice and possibly gear


Hello everyone, short introduction: I'm a PSO veteran from Dreamcast (and later Gamecube) days who recently found out about this server on a nostalgia trip on reddit and decided to give it a shot. So far I am having a blast, it almost feels like the good old days.

I started playing 4 days ago and I'm a HUcast level 94 at the moment. However, I have almost exclusively played solo because most of the time the rooms are locked or I couldn't join due to difficulty or because the quests are too hard for me, and it's getting a little lonely.

So I am looking for people who want to play and level and maybe give me some advice on which quests to do for items and EXP. I never played PSO:BB so I know absolutely nothing about Episode 4 in terms of quests or items. Any advice when it comes to that is greatly appreciated. There are so many quests on this server that I am probably missing out on lots of goodies simply because I don't know where to start.

Talking about goodies, I would also be really happy to accept anything that anyone can spare that can help me level up faster. I don't know how well this is going to be received in this community because I don't know anybody, and if it will be shunned as begging, but if that's the case then just ignore me and pretend I never asked because I don't want to be a beggar. I just figured that there are probably a lot of veterans, addicts and elitists here who have an abundance of gear that is collecting dust but can work wonders in the hands of a player who is starting over from scratch. I am thinking about high hit % weapons, some Meseta, maybe Battle unit or Arm unit (MISS MISS MISS - just HUcast things...). My MAG is currently level 173 and is my biggest asset, and it will be especially useful once it's level 200 and I can pass it onto new characters to get them a head start. Apart from that, I don't really own anything else so far.

I am also interested in doing Challenge mode, I did it a lot back then and used to have a bunch of BU-Ei (I think?) characters. Even though my knowledge about it right now is probably rusty since it's been stashed away unused in the depths of my memory for over 10 years. But it will come back quickly, as everything else did after a day of playing, almost as if I've never played anything else.

This post is getting too long, so I'll leave it at that. If you made it this far, thanks, and nice to meet you!

PS: I just wanted to say a quick thanks to whoever is running and managing the server for bringing back an experience that feels almost the same.

Just flag any character you see in my sig, I can hook you up with some random goodies, or help you exp.
Thank you anime for the free stuffz! And thank you Retty for the offer. I am going to sleep for now but I will get back to you guys, hope we can play soon :^)
Welcome to ephinea.

You got the right idea, with getting a mag.

I'd say before heading out for uber or the best gear and what not it's best to look some some 'special' hit non-rares.

-They are usually quite cheap in the community / appear in the shop and are pretty much 90% of your arsenal.

Charge vulcans
Charge raygun
Charge diska
Charge sword
Arrest raygun
Hell raygun
Hell pallasch (or rather the yellow Saber but I totally forgot name)

People pay more for above 50 due to being not found in shop. If you *really want* you can spend like 8 silly hours piping up and down to the shop and hope some of the above show with 50 hit. Though there Is a certain level before they show?? Well these are what I would look out for.

-Sparts is an essential hucast shield (ata boost over max?) before rr and can be gambled for with coren on a certain day or the bronze thief.

-D-parts 1.01 can be found on a 'hard bullclaw blue'? Which gives 35 atp over max and isn't too high lvl requirement afaik.

-God/hp + arms + other mid tier units can also be gambled for with coren.

-There are also various low/mid-tier units across hard+vhard so have a browse on the charts, ep4 is probably a good place to look.

Note: coren mentioned is a gambler who looks like the tekker just outside the shops. Be prepared to waste ALOT of meseta for nothing in return.

Id go into more detail and confirm for you what I left (some bits had question marks due to being unsure EXACT detail) but I literally just woke up. Still in bed haha on phone.

But you can check things yourself, on the server homepage is the drops charts and also charts for coren and what days correspond to what items he has.

Edit: As for rare weaponry

Srank jcutter/Slicer HELL+ARREST
Srank gun Zalure
Dark flow, TJS, Red sword
Hit Vises
Jizai, SnY, TK



I cant think of anything else of the top of my head thus early. I'd lend some bits but I'm only HC. Glad to have you with us.
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Welcome to Ephinea! :)

First, I'd recommend taking a peak around the trade forum. There's a lot of items there that people are giving away. Could be useful. Otherwise, people online are usually happy to help also. Lots of spare unused gear to go around. :) terms of level grinding...I'd probably find some people to run the TTF (Towards the Future) quest. I'm not sure if you're familiar with it, but if not, you basically play 2-3 rooms of each ep1 area and then fight each ep1 boss. Pretty fast exp. You can almost always find people to run it and if you don't see one open, just make one and people will join. :) People do like their potential Red Ring drops from Falz, though, so try to create/find a game with a Viridia, Skyly, Redria or Whitill Section ID. Especially being a're going to want the RR.

Ultimate drop chart is here:

See you around!
The others resumed the basics pretty well I guess so I'll just be lazy and scream WELCOME TO EPHINEAAAA!!! :D
See ya on the ship soon I guess, cheers. :)
Holy shit lvl 94 from playing for 4 days????? I've been on this server for a year and my highest lvl is 52. Wowowowow
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and for the advice! I'm logging on in a bit and hopefully see some of you around to play :^)

Also I am very intrigued by hearing about Red Ring, if my memory servers me right that item was more of a myth on DC and GC and impossible to get through legit means?
Hello everyone, short introduction: I'm a PSO veteran from Dreamcast (and later Gamecube) days who recently found out about this server on a nostalgia trip on reddit and decided to give it a shot. So far I am having a blast, it almost feels like the good old days.

I started playing 4 days ago and I'm a HUcast level 94 at the moment. However, I have almost exclusively played solo because most of the time the rooms are locked or I couldn't join due to difficulty or because the quests are too hard for me, and it's getting a little lonely.

So I am looking for people who want to play and level and maybe give me some advice on which quests to do for items and EXP. I never played PSO:BB so I know absolutely nothing about Episode 4 in terms of quests or items. Any advice when it comes to that is greatly appreciated. There are so many quests on this server that I am probably missing out on lots of goodies simply because I don't know where to start.

Talking about goodies, I would also be really happy to accept anything that anyone can spare that can help me level up faster. I don't know how well this is going to be received in this community because I don't know anybody, and if it will be shunned as begging, but if that's the case then just ignore me and pretend I never asked because I don't want to be a beggar. I just figured that there are probably a lot of veterans, addicts and elitists here who have an abundance of gear that is collecting dust but can work wonders in the hands of a player who is starting over from scratch. I am thinking about high hit % weapons, some Meseta, maybe Battle unit or Arm unit (MISS MISS MISS - just HUcast things...). My MAG is currently level 173 and is my biggest asset, and it will be especially useful once it's level 200 and I can pass it onto new characters to get them a head start. Apart from that, I don't really own anything else so far.

I am also interested in doing Challenge mode, I did it a lot back then and used to have a bunch of BU-Ei (I think?) characters. Even though my knowledge about it right now is probably rusty since it's been stashed away unused in the depths of my memory for over 10 years. But it will come back quickly, as everything else did after a day of playing, almost as if I've never played anything else.

This post is getting too long, so I'll leave it at that. If you made it this far, thanks, and nice to meet you!

PS: I just wanted to say a quick thanks to whoever is running and managing the server for bringing back an experience that feels almost the same.
mew mew would be more than happy to halp if she can dear! Oh.... and Welcome Home! =3