From Ultima with questions

Just came from Ultima, and to my knowledge, their Ultimate mode was buffed to the point of if you have a HUcast you aren’t hitting ANYTHING until you get weapons with 50+ HIT
is that the case here as well? Would I be better off starting with a RAcast?
As far as I am concerned Ephinea recreates the original PSOBB so I guess the answer for your question is No, ultimate is not buffed in that way; there is anguish mode that increases difficulty for playing beyond end game though.

I think you better start with any of your favourite chars ..

WElcome btw, hope you enjoy ephinea... advise: read guides from wiki.
Okay, so yeah. Quick little bit about Ultima. The only fun thing about it is when you already have the gear with desired stats to play with. While that may hold true to any server/game by the feel of the user, it's actually by style with Ultima which sucks.

You very quickly hit a brick wall there as to progress, you will need the gear which is locked behind time gated events. A fair bit of these gear pieces each event will land in Episode 2 which is buffed across the board (bosses are also buffed but the entirety of Ep2 is buffed.) This makes trying to grind an ungeared character through that rut an extremely frustrating process.

Time locked gear that also is walled behind a miserable grind? This is the scam that makes the donation system on Ultima so awful. Rather than being nuanced and making donations for things cosmetic in nature or paperweight extras, it's used for actual progression to the game. You then get told to buy gear from other players. Okay, sure...but that gear with any decent stats that you'd want will be sold for donation currency. So yeah. Big mess. The only real way you can make it to any extent is to save PDs and find a player that accepts PD/DT exchange rates.

None of that takes place here. No buffed monsters and no stupid donation system. Everything on this server circulates from within the game and not any outside follies.

Be sure to read Ephinea's disclaimer while you are at it!
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Sounds like we has another Ultima "Rescue~!" <3! We are Blessed to count you among 'Family' now! =3. And as loved ones stated eearlier, Welcome Home~! =n.n=!!
My god that, everything you just posted. Dudes like “yeah just pick up an x, y, and z.” Yeah sure whatever right? Look it up, and it’s all events, and with hit it’s like 20 dts each, ill be damned if I’m made to pay 60 bucks for T H R E E pieces of equipment in an MMO that’s over 20 years old.
Ooh yeah, that sounds familiar. I played for years on Ultima and had pretty good gear, nothing that can be considered Ultima BiS, but still decent enough gear. I reached a point that I pretty much only played with friends bc I was just chasing people with gear bought through dts instakilling everything.
Have you tried PSO Classic? It has all the ingredients of Regular PSO, but without all the fillers. ;)
really sad they made such an old PSO game to pay to win over there,
you dont have to worry about anything like that related here in Ephinea!
you can use any Type you want without benifits,
and you could even Solo Ultimate later on with decent equip you found or traded :3
i hope you will enjoy the Ephinea Server, its sure kind of a Peace place on Earth :D
I played the first three quarters of a year here entirely as a solo player and started with a multitude of characters. Safe to say that most of my HUcast, HUcaseal, RAmar, and FOnewm leveling progression was just solo w/o barely having contact with others. Only later I really got into the nick of the community and the switch was made in a jiffy.

Kinda similar to my GC experience really. You can take my word that no matter where you're at gear-wise you'll be able to do your thing and have fun. There's a meta of course but its not at all mandatory.
Sounds accurate. The only people that you see around are the people that have been there for years and are established. New players never stay on board unless they are all into the pay to win meta.