FOmar's unite!


Wisest Ramar on Ragol
Hello all FOmar's. I generally solo techmar ep4 a lot but use very different gear for multiplayer. I'm pretty curious as to how you guys set up for different episodes and maybe get some ideas on better weapons to use.

Solo tech:
MPiece, MercRod
Ignition Cloak
Rafoie/red/yellow/blue merge, regen gear B.P

Ep4 multi:
Slicer of Fanatic, MercRod, Mpiece, HolyRay, Glide Divine
Cursed Cloak
Resta Merge
Hybrid Mag
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For solo you should definitely look into getting a RA booster. The 3 elemental wands are good until you can get your hands on a Psycho Wand (they have the same strength as Motav so that's not really a worthwhile hunt). I'd drop the G/Tech as well, and honestly also the Adept for full HP build (less knockdown and more survival), although I'd assume you don't want to drop the Adept.

Also get a Rabarta Merge, since Barta/Gibarta are not that useful overall so might as well skip holding onto Blue (Grants is far better for most stuff you'd Barta as FOmar/l, also, especially in Episode 4).

For multiplayer, look into the following:

- Girasole
- Hit Guardianna
- Demon's Cards (important since FOmar can't use Demon's Mechguns, can be SN'd easier than Handgun and at similar range, plus Shotgun at close range)
- Bringer's Rifle
- Diska of Braveman/Thirteen combo (can SNS/SHS/SSS with glitch for ATA)
- Hell Raygun (will probably need to wait until RR for this to be useful, but you can SN in the meantime)
- Hell Slicer/J-Cutter (SN(S) for ATA, extremely powerful, much better than Megid)
- Sacrificial Mechs (SNS / SNH works for Mechguns at max range, very good to use)
- Excalibur (duh)
- Probably some other stuff

You'll also want Ignition Cloak/M. Piece for multiplayer in Episode 1 Forest/Mines and Episode 4 as well, since it's very useful for doing spawn-damage with Gifoie to a bunch of enemies.

Also drop the G/Tech, 30 techniques are not worth it over 29 if you're losing a unit slot, you could be using a Power, Arms or Ability for much-needed stats. You'll need V502 for the Hell weaponry as well for Episode 2.

FOmar is arguably the best FO for multiplayer, better than FOnewm even (FOmarl is probably better than both in techless areas), because he can do a lot of stuff outside of techs and has equal Gifoie (there is 1 enemy in the entire game that FOnewm kills faster, I don't remember what it is), but you need to know how to glitch for extra accuracy. High-hit gear is not a necessity if you know how to slingshot mechs and SN properly, for example.
I'll look into those, thanks! Not sure if really is the best (I'll take your word on that) but certainly the most fun
Yeah ur gonna need more melee on the FOmar. If you cant afford a Excal, the crimson coat + red saber is a good alternative. I get around 2300atp with the combo on my FOmar.
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There are 2 ways I like to play there before level 100 FOmar and after level 100 FOmar.

Before Level 100 I focus on defensive stats because they are so low. The mag i use is a mind mag with a little bit of power.

After level 100 is a completely is a completely different story. First I focus on on getting the 1050. A secret to FOmar is that there is a set amount of damage a enemy can do to Fomar maximum is 950. Something else ridiculous is that the more you level up the less damage enemies will do to you for no good reason. Case in point the I fought Dark Falz in ultimate for the first time as a lvl 110. I got myself to 900 hp and had 40% light defense. Dark Falz killed me with his final form Grantz. I fought him again lvl 140 had 7% light defense took off my additional hp so i had 850hp and he did 700 damage. This also works on epsilon he can't do over 1015 damage to you. My brother was angry when he found out he couldn't survive the epsilon shot and I could. Work on Olga Flow, his shot can only do 950 max. This does not work on chaos bringer who will kill you with that shot almost guaranteed. I call it the Fomar perk.

My end game equipment goes as followed:

switch between

Cursed Cloak and Ignition cloak (Cursed Cloak is a god send. Megid pierces! EP 2 I use megid all day! You can also get Demonic Fork)


PB Increase (used if I'm in a large group or solely using magic. Not when I'm soloing though)
Heavenly/Arms (I did not want DEX in my mag)


Tripolic Reflector (Those cloaks are not kind in the resistance department. This has high resistance, can reflect magic and looks cool.)

Weapons (This is where I start to get a little ridiculous):

Soul Banish
Holy ray
Mercurious Rod (until I get sorcerer's cane)
photon cards
Grass assassin arms (Once i get some hit in them)
Twin Chakrams

Mag stats

DEF: 15 (no way to avoid DEX and DEF)
POW: 95
DEX: 0
MIND: 90

Also I would suggest that you use summit moon over elemental wands. With FOmar does more damage with summit moon than those element wands.
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Reactions: Mad
Soul Banish
Holy ray
Mercurious Rod (until I get sorcerer's cane)
photon cards
Grass assassin arms (Once i get some hit in them)
Twin Chakrams

Mag stats

DEF: 15 (no way to avoid DEX and DEF)
POW: 95
DEX: 0
MIND: 90
I may be missing something here but I'm genuinely curious:
Why replace merc rod with sorcerer's cane?
I think girasole makes grass assassin arms and twin chakram useless.
You should be able to get a mag with just 5 def, either with mag cells or feeding right?
You can't get 5 Def and less than... 14 or 16 DEX.
FOmar setup:
Crimson Coat
Ignition Cloak

De Rol Le Shield

Bringer Rifle
Red Saber
60h Vulcans
Elemental Wands
Merc Rod
Glide Divine
Charge Diska
Eventually a Hit Asteron Belt


5/10/30/155 (kinda messed up on this)
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There are 2 ways I like to play there before level 100 FOmar and after level 100 FOmar.

Before Level 100 I focus on defensive stats because they are so low. The mag i use is a mind mag with a little bit of power.

After level 100 is a completely is a completely different story. First I focus on on getting the 1050. A secret to FOmar is that there is a set amount of damage a enemy can do to Fomar maximum is 950. Something else ridiculous is that the more you level up the less damage enemies will do to you for no good reason. Case in point the I fought Dark Falz in ultimate for the first time as a lvl 110. I got myself to 900 hp and had 40% light defense. Dark Falz killed me with his final form Grantz. I fought him again lvl 140 had 7% light defense took off my additional hp so i had 850hp and he did 700 damage. This also works on epsilon he can't do over 1015 damage to you. My brother was angry when he found out he couldn't survive the epsilon shot and I could. Work on Olga Flow, his shot can only do 950 max. This does not work on chaos bringer who will kill you with that shot almost guaranteed. I call it the Fomar perk.

My end game equipment goes as followed:

switch between

Cursed Cloak and Ignition cloak (Cursed Cloak is a god send. Megid pierces! EP 2 I use megid all day! You can also get Demonic Fork)


PB Increase (used if I'm in a large group or solely using magic. Not when I'm soloing though)
Heavenly/Arms (I did not want DEX in my mag)


Tripolic Reflector (Those cloaks are not kind in the resistance department. This has high resistance, can reflect magic and looks cool.)

Weapons (This is where I start to get a little ridiculous):

Soul Banish
Holy ray
Mercurious Rod (until I get sorcerer's cane)
photon cards
Grass assassin arms (Once i get some hit in them)
Twin Chakrams

Mag stats

DEF: 15 (no way to avoid DEX and DEF)
POW: 95
DEX: 0
MIND: 90

Also I would suggest that you use summit moon over elemental wands. With FOmar does more damage with summit moon than those element wands.

I would suggust elemetal wands over summit moons. Foie is nice but I rarely use zonde and never use barta. Usally if I need simple techs, I just just range/melee.
I would suggust elemetal wands over summit moons. Foie is nice but I rarely use zonde and never use barta. Usally if I need simple techs, I just just range/melee.

I am telling you man test the damage. Don't listen to the description. You will find that the summit moon will exceed the element wands in terms of damage. Even at the Gi and Ra magics.
I am telling you man test the damage. Don't listen to the description. You will find that the summit moon will exceed the element wands in terms of damage. Even at the Gi and Ra magics.
I tested with 1050 base MST and Igni Cloak, Summit Moon/Fire Scepter:Agni, level 29 Gifoie/Rafoie. On Bartles the damage were Gifoie:388(Summit)/437(FS:A), Rafoie:272(Summit)/317(FS:A).
You will find that the summit moon will exceed the element wands in terms of damage. Even at the Gi and Ra magics.
Of course Summit Moon does more damage with Simple Techniques than the elemental wands, because it boosts them by 30%, while the wands only give a 20% boost. Whether using Summit Moon allows you to do more damage with Normal and Hard Techniques than the elemental wands depends upon the resistance of the enemies. Technique boosts become less useful as enemies gain more resistance, so as an enemy's resistance rises, MST and damage boosts become equivalent (i.e., your damage is terrible, so neither boost is helping much). The only time an MST boost can match a damage boost is when the enemy has so much resistance that using Techniques on it is probably a bad idea to begin with. The lower an enemy's resistance is, the worse MST becomes in comparison to damage boosts, as a straight multiplication of base damage outweighs the simple +1 damage you get for every 5 MST if the base damage is respectable.
On zanneck's post:

Falz 3's Grants on Ultimate does 611 damage, reduced by your ELT, 1% reduction per.
Epsilon's Rafoie on Ultimate does 1,465 damage, reduced by your EFR, 1% reduction per.
Dark Bringer shot on Ultimate is 700 damage, but if it drains any TP from anyone, it does 1,400 damage.

Remember that Glide Divine increases all resistances by 15.

Stuff does not do less damage as you level up. Stuff only does less damage if your DFP increases or your resistances, and many attacks do set damage (examples being Vol Opt's container, Dark Falz 3's swipe, Shambertin's Laser, Nano Dragon Laser, etc).

And yes, the elemental wands do more damage than Summit Moon with Gi/Ra, because:

Summit Moon: +30% Simple Boost
Elemental Wands: +20% to specific element

If you want to see all the technique boosts in the game, check here.
That as well and also includes Dorphon's/Delbiter's lasers & charge attacks, Lizard's breath attack, Merrisa's bodyflop, Dark/Death Gunner's laser, the Dragon's/Sil Dragon's underground attack, De Rol Le's/Dal Ra Lie's/Barba Ray's laser & energy ball attacks, Gal Gryphon's ground shockwave attack, and Olga Flow's divine punishment. Then there is also Saint Million's/Shambertin's/Kondrieu's divine punishment which does damage based on the proximity between you and the egg in the center of the map. That's about all I can think of for the moment, I did some edits as I remembered more things lol.
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On zanneck's post:

Epsilon's Rafoie on Ultimate does 1,465 damage, reduced by your EFR, 1% reduction per.

Did the math on that one. I still should've died. When I fought Epsilon I only had 20 fire resistance and 1069 HP. Survived by 5.

Math turned out to be 1172 damage