Firk trades

Interested in your FO 29/30 tech package.
How much you want for it?
I've got PDs, PCs, Gold/Silver/Bronze.
- Frozen Shooter 1PD
- NUG2000-Bazooka 1PD
- Heavenly/arms + god/battle 2pd
- 100 Grinders 1PD
Updated the trade list and added among other things quite a few mags and multiple cheap 5h Spread Needles from the Hunter's gamble. I'm in need of a lot of luck mats (45) so might make more favorable trades for you if anyone has a few of those.
I finished the first tech sets since coming back, FO one including all 29 attacks, 30 supports and 28/28 megid/grants. Lv15 and 20 sets also up for sale. They're only sold in bundles and not separately. Updated with some new gear too.
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