Favorite Fighting Games (No Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat)


Fighting games are a very good game to have an 1 on 1 with your friend if you can before crazy combos and tricks to pull off when fighting in the game. Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat are the titans of Fighting Games. Since both of these games were overwhelmingly popular, try not to include them on the forum.

One of favorites series that is not SF and MK is...
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai series
Soulcaliber series.

Good mentions...
King of Fighters series.
Dead of Alive series.
No particular order here...

Killer Instinct Gold (never played KI much on SNES or arcade so that's why I take this one even if people say this port is kinda, meh).

Dragon Ball Z: Butoden series (basically it's Street Fighter with Dragon Ball Z characters/elements).

Dragon Ball Z: Legends (the first Dragon Ball Z game that actually felt like watching the anime during combat, soooo faaaaast!).

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi series (like the original Budokai series but improved in any ways?).

Smash Bros Melee. (do I need to say anything, really?).

EDIT: Damn, how could I forget the Virtua Fighter series... O_O
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If you don't know about Art Of Fighting 1&2 you were never really into fighting games. I played way too many fighting games growing up and my honorable mention list is long, but I really loved those games.

My favorite 1-3 NON SF/MK list would be
1. AoF2
2. KoF '98
3. OG Guilty Gear

Honorable mentions would be SSMB, SC, VF, RS, MVC. and i guess Power Stone.

Damn, now I'm listening to Mickey's Stage in AoF2

No particular order here...

Killer Instinct Gold (never played KI much on SNES or arcade so that's why I take this one even if people say this port is kinda, meh).

Dragon Ball Z: Butoden series (basically it's Street Fighter with Dragon Ball Z characters/elements).

Dragon Ball Z: Legends (the first Dragon Ball Z game that actually felt like watching the anime during combat, soooo faaaaast!).

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi series (like the original Budokai series but improved in any ways?).

Smash Bros Melee. (do I need to say anything, really?).

I thought Smash Bros series ain't fighting games.

Also, I think the 3D fighting style may affect the fans of the series, because of the complex controls and in BT1, I hate those mission based games where you have to survive until time runs out. BT3 is one of the best for the BT fans, but too bad it's pricey.
What's wrong with putting SF or MK in your list? Inherently being popular doesn't mean it shouldn't have it's spot among people's favorites.

Absolute favorites are:

- Killer Instinct (I can't choose one over the other, the first 2 and the current reboot are all near and dear to me)
- Street Fighter 3rd Strike
- Marvel vs Capcom 2
- Tekken Tag Tournament 2
- Injustice
- Rage of the Dragons

If anyone ever comes here for EVO, hit me up, we can slug it out with each other on anything. 8)
I thought Smash Bros series ain't fighting games.

It is but I agree it's very different from most fighting games. The "combo chains" are mostly based on juggling the oponents when they're up in the air (after a smash) and having no real health bar is also kinda weird at first. Still consider them to be fighting games tho since we don't get to do many other things than fighting, unless we count all the mini games and some of the game modes that are more platform oriented.

I think the 3D fighting style may affect the fans of the series, because of the complex controls

True, it's more complex than most fighting games from that era but that's also when they started to really emulate what's seen in the anime really well (Dragon Ball Z: Legends was a good attempt tho). And I never liked having to do combos to be able to pull off the special moves in the standard Bodukai games.

I hate those mission based games where you have to survive until time runs out.

Yeah, that's when they really started to try including various gameplay modes in fighting games, like what was seen in some old games like Tobal etc... Never was a big fan of that personally.

BT3 is one of the best for the BT fans, but too bad it's pricey.

Yup, most retro games are getting so overpriced it's ridiculous. It's even worst when the games are actually good and there's a lot of demand for them. PS2 emulation is really good for the Dragon Ball games tho if you have a somewhat decent PC. Last time I tested it BT 3 ran very well in HD and my rig is not that powerful so it might be a good option. Not like Sony's still making money out of these games anyways... unless maybe they're available on the PS network. :)
Waku Waku 7 is always fun for me to go back to and play for a while.

Same goes for Tech Romancer and Project Justice on DC
I dont play many now but I used to play Guilty gear, melty blood, and CapvsSnk2. I'd say I like DOA too but I only ever played the 2nd one on dreamcast.
Pokemon is my favourite. A combo I enjoy using in triple battle is Whimsicott, Tauros, Delibird lead.
Whimsicott sets up tailwind while tauros and delibird protect on the predicted and common fake outs. Next turn, my delibird uses frost breath (which is a 100% crit attack) on the tauros which activates Anger Point to max its attack stat and it cleans up the ememy frontline with a nice earthquake or rockslide.
Definitely Smash Bros Melee.

"Immaterial and Missing Power" was pretty great too, really liked the idea of mixing melee and projectile-heavy combat. I know it has sequels but they're worse IMO.
Definitely Smash Bros Melee.

"Immaterial and Missing Power" was pretty great too, really liked the idea of mixing melee and projectile-heavy combat. I know it has sequels but they're worse IMO.

That's funny, I was going to mention this a couple days ago, but I got too busy at the time and abandoned the effort. I have had many hours of fun on IaMP story mode, and net-playing against my friends. No other fighting game has the mechanics it offers, in a fighting game setting. And indeed... the squeals are meh.

Soul Calibur series, Injustice, Guilty Gear series, Melty Blood, MvC series. All pretty solid choices for a 1v1 match, other than SF and MK.
Plasma sword - nightmare of bilstien (also known as star gladiator 2). I spent years perfecting combos in that game.