Ephinea's Dynamic Drop Rate, PSO2 Drop, and Luck Systems

I love the new PSO2 droprate. I feel more secure playing online with others now. :D I never like racing people for items rares or not so usually I just sit back and let them get it and hope there's stuff they passed that they didn't want xD
Totally off topic n I'm sorry for it... But dayumm cristoff that is one sexy FOmarl you "had" I culda swore that class was jus a mythical creature or sumthin.

On topic I LUV THE PSO2system! As I luv to play with others however I refuse to stop atkn a boss or enemy jus so I can reposition to snag a drop asap its jus not my style, so nedless to say pso2 system is a godsend fer my style. Now if only i culd get that sexy pso2 dodge button..soogood lol. Btw ino the dodge will never be implemented but dam good job on sega fer making one!
Random. There isn't any preference over anything else.

And yeah, it rolls for each of the 3 attributes with a chance for nothing for each attribute.
I do like the PSO2 style drops, and it works out alright with 4 people, as far as my calculations went with the 70% overall drop and the 50% rare drop rates taken into consideration.

As long as the drop rate isn't really higher than around 1/1.58, the chance of at least one dropping is higher. I did the math (red is 4 people on PSO2 drops, green is classic; higher is better): http://puu.sh/kArHf/cf65e74e4c.png The difference between the two does peak around a 1/3.3 drop rate, and become less than 1% around 1/38. Still, keep in mind that there is the chance for multiple to be dropped, so if you're playing with three close buddies hunting for something, this is still probably your best bet if you want more than one.

It had been a while since I did some decent algebra, so it did fry my brain a little bit. :P Maybe I'll go through the 2P/3P calculations later. Also, I did not calculate in lucky day bonuses.
That bump was so necro that at first I thought controversial changes were coming since the thread was at page 2 already.
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