Ephinea's drawing thread

Hello, a few days ago I made this piece of vector graphics with official Phantasy Star Portable 2 art as model. (Still need to fix the negative space around the center star, and the tip at the bottom)

Little Wing Logo.png
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Helloes, I'm evaluating the feasability of "porting" my PSO HD UI project over to Inkscape in a reasonable amount of time and in order to get acquainted with the software I re-made this PSO ui panel, it took a bunch of hours though haha !


Edit: June 11 2022: I'm reviving a small project I did some time ago and making some adjustments to it !


Edit: August 19 2022: Not PSO-related but I've modded the original Ragnarok Online damage font files (ACT + SPR) with 8x higher resolution assets like these slightly customised digits from open source fonts while keeping a relatively faithful gradient and scale :
Capture68 - RO DMG Font ZCool.pngCapture69 - RO DMG Font Passero One.png

Still debating whether I should release them or not. I'm leaning towards releasing them since there's so few alternative damage fonts for the private servers to use with their clients...
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I just wanted to share some commissions I had done for my HUcaseal here on the server. There's just so little HUcl art, so I went and had some done!

(white HUcl dump, the Uzis are skinned Dual Birds ofc :cool: )

From Flxillustration: https://www.instagram.com/flxillustration/
From Kangbus: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/29493124
From Scrson: https://www.instagram.com/scrson
scrson_hucaseal_classic copy.jpg
He did a lot of sci-fi, highly detailed work in general, so he went ahead and made a HUcaseal of his own flavor as well!
scrson_hucaseal_custom copy.jpg
From Wusie2: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/54626759
From Nogatsu: https://business.fiverr.com/freelancers/nogatsu_?
From Mayoroshka: https://twitter.com/mayoroshka
From Agungsugiarto: https://www.instagram.com/agung_sugiart (these were just adorable, I had them do two)
agungsugiarto_hucaseal_BG02 copy.jpg
agungsugiarto_Hucaseal_02_BG02 copy.jpg
From Riodabo: https://business.fiverr.com/freelancers/riodabo?
From Koropatel: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/41360516
koropatel_hucaseal copy.jpg
From Comabogbog: https://business.fiverr.com/freelancers/comabogbog?
comabogbog_hucaseal_transparent copy.jpg
Most of these were done for personal use, so please be respectful!
Wow, so beautiful, need :flushed: emote/react o_O