Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

At least thats what ive pieced together between this and episode 2 of psp2i.
Your summary seems to contradict the story Episode II gives you, which indicates that Pioneer 1's scientists were excavating the "ancient spaceship" (Ruins), and everything seemed to be going fine, until they entered the deepest section, where they awoke Dark Falz. Falz killed everyone, so Pioneer 1 dispatchd the military to deal with the problem. Flowen was in command of the unit sent to dispatch the unknown lifeform, but it killed all of his men, too. Flowen was able to escape, but he was injured in the process. Dr. Hyle Osto, seeing a prime opportunity to experiment with D cells, told Flowen that he could donate his body to science to save his people. Flowen agreed on the condition that Osto would tell Coral not to send Pioneer 2 to Ragol, because it wasn't safe. In order to make sure nobody would miss their beloved military hero, Osto sent word to Coral that Flowen was dead, but he also betrayed Flowen and didn't mention that Pioneer 2 should stay away.

In Osto's early experiments, he first created Gibbons and Gees, followed by Merillias, as well as robots (Berill and Spigell) to protect the island (Gal Da Val). He also created Gal Gryphon (Beta 630) as the culmination of this early research. As any respectable mad scientist would do, he also created a secret laboratory at the bottom of the ocean (Seabed), presumably because Ragol didn't have any volcanoes for him to use. There he created reconnaissance devices (Recon) and additional protective robots (Zoa and Zele). Next, he created Dolmolm and Dolmdarl, presumably via the same process he used to create Gal Gryphon.

In the third phase of the experiment, Osto decided to create artificial D cells. He used them to create Deldepth, Morfos, and Delbiter.

For his final experiment, Osto decided to make Flowen the culmination of all the genetic engineering he had done before: he would merge a human host with an AI in order to be able to control the D cells. He merged one of Pioneer 1's main computers, Olga, with Flowen, hoping that one of Pioneer 1's best computers would let him control the resulting organism. Olga was originally in charge of the Seabed facility, which is why Olga terminals appear throughout the Seabed. As usual, the experiment (Gamma 119) failed, and being unable to control the resulting creature (Olga Flow), Osto dumped the failed experiment in a giant hole (Elevator Shaft).

The exact sequence of events after this point isn't entirely clear: we know that Dr. Osto also experimented with D cells away from Gal Da Val, most notably injecting them into an arthropod that grew to an enormous size and was subsequently able to escape its cage and enter the sewer system. Beta 772 (De Rol Le) was then able to transfer its genetic material into other organisms by stabbing them with its tentacles. Once the subterranean creatures were infected, thus creating the Cave monsters, the infection eventually spread to the surface to contaminate the native wildlife, thus creating the Forest monsters.

At some point the infection also migrated to Pioneer 1's second command AI, Vol Opt, which then spread it to the industrial machinery, thus creating the hostile robots in the Mine. Pioneer 1's final AI, Calus, managed to remain isolated from the virus for some time, but it eventually began to succumb to the influence of the D-cell infection, as seen in the story of "Knowing One's Heart".

The origin of the Ruins enemies isn't clear, but I would surmise that they are creatures formed from the corpses of the scientists and soldiers that Dark Falz killed during Pioneer 1's initial exploration and assault of the Ruins, as D cells can transfigure pretty much any material they touch, including human flesh, as evidenced by Flowen himself. Flowen was the only one to escape alive and thus had a functioning immune system to fight a (losing) battle against the D cells, which delayed his transformation, though.

The cause of the explosion isn't exactly clear, either. Maybe Dark Falz got sick of Osto creating weird creatures with its DNA, maybe Dark Falz had finally finished digesting all of the scientists and soldiers it ate and got a sudden burst of energy, or maybe it sensed Flowen's apprehension about Pioneer 2's arrival and decided to kill everyone from Pioneer 1 just to spite him and teach the remaining humans a lesson about messing with forces they didn't understand.

Either way, Falz killed everyone from Pioneer 1, and with human maintenance off the table and the security machinery on the fritz, Pioneer 1's mining operation and Dr. Osto's undersea lab fell into disrepair.

Even after all of this, Flowen's consciousness wasn't entirely gone, so he was forced to wait at the bottom of the pit as all of his friends on Pioneer 1 died and Rico began exploring Ragol in search of answers for what happened to them. Being essentially linked to Dark Falz through his D cell infection, he was then forced to watch as Dark Falz took Rico as a host in order to assume a physical form, which is why Dark Falz wears Rico's signature red ring.

At this point, the only one capable of stopping Dark Falz from destroying Pioneer 2 as well is... you.

Good luck!

ITT a bunch of people just discovered PSO's story involves more than finding cake.


Seriously though, PSO has a pretty deep plot if you take the time to explore it and don't get discouraged by all of the quests with questionable premises that block your path to the important stuff, which also includes Black Paper, Bernie, Dr. Graves, Dr. Montague, MOTHER, and Donoph Baz.
PSO has a pretty deep plot
I KNOW! It's an amazing story!
The origin of the Ruins enemies isn't clear, but I would surmise that they are creatures formed from the corpses of the scientists and soldiers that Dark Falz killed
I don't remember where or if at all but I think there was something on the Dimenians speaking to Rico? I can't remember as it's been a while since I actually played the story line. It was something disturbing. As if they were telepathically communicating with her.

Not to mention they make pretty humanoid death noises when you kill them.
I thought the ruins was a ship sent from some other planet that sealed dark falz away because he was terribad?

Im on my phone atm but if you go through forest to falz and read all the message capsules by rico it gives an indication of where ruins came from, and that its actually a giant spaceship
Also, I read somewhere that some formerly docile Boomas at one point went to hide in the caves but the potent toxins of DRL mutated them into Vulmers (Booma -> Vulmer and Gobooma -> Govulmer, no idea wtf happened to Gigoboomas) which is why Boomas don't look like Bartles but more like Vulmers.