Ephinea 1.7.2 and updated launcher

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Staff member
We went ahead and updated the launcher today to finally give you some options for the integrated VOIP.

When you click "Options" and then the new "Audio" button, you'll be presented with a screen like so:


Each option can be described as so...

Input Device: The device you will use for recording your voice. You can set this to "None" to not use an input device. If you select "Default Input Device", it will use the device you have selected in your Windows Control Panel as the default input device, otherwise it will use the device you've selected.

VOIP Level: The volume of other players voices when voice chatting. (You can also set this in game at the lobby counter.)

VOIP Min Level: The trigger level for automatic recording when not using push to talk.

VOIP Latency: The mixing buffer size for voice chatting and special sound effects. The higher the milliseconds, the bigger the buffer and the more latency between the time a voice or sound effect is played and you hear it. A higher latency is useful for slower computers where there is audio breakup.

BGM Level: The audio level for background music. (You can also set this in game at the lobby counter.)

SE Level: The audio level for sound effects. (You can also set this in game at the lobby counter.)

Use WASAPI: This only has an effect on Windows Vista and higher computers. VOIP and special sound effects will use WASAPI to play sounds through your sound card as opposed to MME. (WASAPI can get lower latency than MME without breaking up, but otherwise MME is usually fine and more compatible with sound cards.)

VOIP PTT: Determines whether to use push to talk or automatic voice level triggering for recording your voice while voice chatting. When enabling PTT, a prompt will appear to press the key you'd like to use for push to talk. Otherwise, set your automatic trigger level with the VOIP Min Level value described above.

VOIP ON: Enables or disables VOIP chat. When VOIP is turned off, you will not join voice chats and no bandwidth is consumed to send or receive voice.

Thanks to tofuman for working with me to get this in your hands. Sorry for taking so long to get these configurable options to you, but now they're there!
oh my GOD!!! you don't know how much i wanted to turn down that loud ass Barta techs

i freaking love you soda!

I'm super excited to use this feature, but it's not appearing in my Audio options. It seems like I've updated the client, but do I need to re-install? Thank you!

I'm super excited to use this feature, but it's not appearing in my Audio options. It seems like I've updated the client, but do I need to re-install? Thank you!

As of Ephinea 1.7.8, VoIP and also the extra audio mixer have been removed from the game.

The addition of VoIP seems to have made the game a little more unstable for players and I suppose it probably wasn't a really used feature anyway.

If you used the internal VoIP, you can still VoIP with your friends through the official Ephinea TeamSpeak server or your own Discord server.

Also, the extra audio mixer has been removed. With that, the rare drop sound no longer plays unless you have PSO's BGM enabled. I'll be making a workaround for this later.
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Why are you all encouraging this? Move along people, nothing to see here.
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