*Donnie´s Storefront*


Loving the experiences that only PSO can create
Hello and thanks for stopping by

I value Gold Badges, 500K, and 8 Coal to be worth = 1 PD
I value a Halloween Cookie to be worth = 4 PD

Please leave a comment, or write me in Discord for fastest communication.
I tend to oversee private messages in the forums, sry.


Close Combat

Demolition Comet +25 [0/0/25/0|20] 2 PD
Berserk Diska +10 [0/0/0/0|60] 1 PD
Angry Fist [0/0/0/0|35] 1PD
Soul Banish +9 [0/0/20/0|25] 2 PD RESERVED
Snake Spire [0/10/0/0|15] (UNTEKKED) 1 PD
Stag Cutlery +30 [0/0/0/0|45] 2 PD
Madam's Umbrella [15/10/0/0|0] (UNTEKKED) 1 PD
Harisen Battle Fan [0/0/0/0|30] 1 PD
Toy Hammer [0/0/0/0|15] 1 PD
Meteor Cudgel +15 [0/0/0/40|20] 2 PD

Agito (2001) [0/5/0/0|0] (UNTEKKED) 1PD
Agito (2001) [0/0/0/0|0] (UNTEKKED) 1PD
Agito (2001) [0/0/0/0|0] 1PD
Agito (1980) [0/0/0/0|0] (UNTEKKED) 1PD

Glide Divine [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
Glide Divine [0/0/0/0|0] 1 PD
The Sigh of a God [0/0/35/0|0] 1 PD

Fire Scepter Agni 400K
Fire Scepter Agni 400K
Fire Scepter Agni 400K
Fire Scepter Agni 400K
Fire Scepter Agni 400K

Wals-MK2 [0/0/0/0|30] 300K
Le Cogneur [0/0/0/0|15] 1 PD
Guilty Light +1 [0/0/0/20|45] 1 PD
Red Handgun [15/0/0/0|20] 2 PD

Rare Gear (Armors & Frames, Shields and Barriers)
Stink Shield (DFP+25 EVP+47) 2 PD
Black Odoshi Domaru (Slots: 4) (DFP+7 EVP+10) 1 PD
Lieutenant Gear (Slots: 4) (DFP+5 EVP+7) 2 PD

V501 --> 3 PD NEW

4 Slot Common Armors & Frames = Trade for a few mats (5 POW / 5 MIND / 1 Luck) or I give for free, if it helps

Absorb Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+4 EVP+0)
Protect Frame (Slots: 4) (DFP+3 EVP+2)
Protect Frame (Slots: 4) (DFP+0 EVP+1)
General Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+4 EVP+0)
General Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+1 EVP+1)
Perfect Frame (Slots: 4) (DFP+2 EVP+0)
Valiant Frame (Slots: 4) (DFP+0 EVP+1)
Guardian Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+4 EVP+0)
Guardian Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+4 EVP+1)
Divinity Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+4 EVP+2)
Divinity Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+4 EVP+1)
Valiant Frame (Slots: 4) (DFP+0 EVP+2)
Valiant Frame (Slots: 4) (DFP+2 EVP+1)
Imperial Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+1 EVP+0)
Holiness Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+2 EVP+1)
Holiness Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+3 EVP+1)
Guardian Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+4 EVP+0)
Absorb Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+1 EVP+1)
Guardian Armor (Slots: 4) (DFP+4 EVP+0)

Stuff and Parts
De Rol Le Shell 1 PD
Delsaber's Right Arm 1 PD
Delsaber's Right Arm 1 PD
S-beat's Arms 1PD
S-beat's Arms 1PD
S-beat's Arms 1PD
Grass Assassin's Arms 1 PD
Purple Paint 2 PD
Amitie's Memo 8 PD - NEW
Heart of Morolian 3 PD -

Amps and Tech Barriers

Amplifier of Foie 300K
Amplifier of Foie 300K
Amplifier of Foie 300K
Amplifier of Foie 300K
Amplifier of Rafoie 1 PD
Amplifier of Shifta 300K
Amplifier of Red 300K
Amplifier of Rabarta 1 PD
Amplifier of Rabarta 1 PD
Amplifier of Barta 300K
Amplifier of Gibarta 300K
Amplifier of Anti 300K
Amplifier of Blue 1 PD

Assist Barrier (DFP+1 EVP+5) 300K
Yellow Barrier (DFP+4 EVP+0) 300K
Yellow Barrier (DFP+4 EVP+1) 300K
Recovery Barrier (DFP+0 EVP+2) 300K
Recovery Barrier (DFP+3 EVP+2) 300K
Recovery Barrier (DFP+1 EVP+4) 300K

Grants LV28 disk 2 PD
Resta LV30 300K
Resta LV30 300K
Resta LV30 300K
Resta LV30 300K
Resta LV30 300K
Resta LV30 300K


Mag (Level: 5 Synchro: 0% IQ: 0) (DEF: 5 POW: 0 DEX: 0 MIND: 0) (Blasts: ) (Color: Goldenrod) 2PD
Mag (Level: 5 Synchro: 0% IQ: 0) (DEF: 5 POW: 0 DEX: 0 MIND: 0) (Blasts: ) (Color: Chartreuse) 2PD
Mag (Level: 5 Synchro: 0% IQ: 0) (DEF: 5 POW: 0 DEX: 0 MIND: 0) (Blasts: ) (Color: Emerald) 2PD
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Hiya, I'd like to buy these please:
  • Soul Banish +9 [0/0/20/0|25] 2 PD
  • Amplifier of Rafoie 1 PD
I don't use Discord, but am happy to coordinate over DM here too.