Does anyone actually *play* in Sandbox mode?

Just thought I'd ask!

Does anyone here actually **PLAY** on Sandbox mode? And no, I don't mean simply using it to derp and test new weapons;

but I mean, does anyone actually //play// it, for like, groups, missions, quests, and whatnot? Say, get to a certain level, reward yourself with an item of your choice? (example, or something, I dunno)

If anyone'd be interested in actually doing quests together and leveling up from the beginning on Sandbox, let me know~
The answer is no not really.

There is 4 types of people who play Sandbox.

1.) TA group who meet up from time to time.
2.) People testing stuff.
3.) Some guy with his kids as they don't get alot of time to play (haven't seen in a while).
4.) Players like you who ask about this. Get about 1 person every 6 months asking/playing SB similar to you (So I guess that means they're are some? But not really)
I do, even if I only get on once in a great while. It lets me zone out and do whatever with the gear I had at the end of Schthack's initial run for nostalgia's sake. Even solo it's nice to just run through and do whatever run of any quest I want. I just don't have the time to play outside of sandbox mode, and I'm already juggling PSO2 as my main online game with FFXIV as my secondary added on top of the rest of my ever expanding backlog. All in all, I'd have to get really darn bored to start fresh on PSO for the millionth time.
I do 1P TA on it sometimes, but aside from that, not much else.

The way I see it is if you're going to bother to progress through all the stuff and accrue items and materials, you may as well be playing Normal mode. It doesn't take much time to hit 80 now with EXP Share and MAS, I seriously got one of my teammates into Ultimate in 2 hours.

As far as what you mention though, I don't think anyone here plays like that.
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I do. I used it to recreate my Gamecube characters. I play with my brother and best friend occasionally. I also play a standard account but those two wont start over.