Do the “Section ID cards” have any use? If not, SHOULD they?


It’s something I’ve thought about off and on. My characters are retry old, so I’m pretty sure they each have an “ID change” I could use, although I can’t say In particularly bothered. I’ll be more likely to choose an ID that “matches” their overall look in some way.

But it’s also super interesting that there is a Card weapon based on each ID. I almost wonder if there was an intention to use those to change your ID at some point, but was scrapped for some reason?

I honestly kind of like the idea of a manual change. Instead of CHOOSING your ID, though, I think it would be a lot more interesting if you had to use a card matching your CURRENT ID, but then are assigned another color at random.

My figuring is that A) your current ID can only find your own color, so it makes sense that you can only find something that YOU can actually use (it wouldn’t make sense for a Redria to get a card allowing them to change to… Redria). But also B) it would ensure each color retains a level of value, since even “lesser” color cards would be desired to allow players to change FROM that color, if they wind up being assigned it randomly.

I dunno, I kinda like the random nature of it. Just a bit of a wild card element (no pun intended) to keep things feeling fresh.

Any thoughts?
Kind of a waste of time in my opinion to speculate on what we think they should be used for since they're never going to be changed. You'd have better luck asking this kind of question to servers that actually take item change suggestions like Ultima for example.
Thank you for making this thread so we can have a discussion on the discussion forums. I don’t find it to be a waste of time to discuss this or speculate because it is interesting and clearly it’s some unused content.

Most of these drop at 1/25k~ making it an uber drop. I think it’s safe to say they intended on them being consumable or something to change your ID. There was never a way to change IDs on the official servers so I could see why this would be a big deal there, as well as only having 4 character slots lol.
I wish they'd maybe the useless ubers actually worth their rarity.
With the insane rate they do have and their overall uselessness it does beg the question why they still have such insane rates. I think I’ve ever only heard of people being disappointed when finding them whilst on other hunts lmao. I think it’d be cool to give them some kind of purpose… changing IDs I think is kind of lackluster given we have so many character slots maybe it could somehow simply combinable with an srank card to be used as a skin while keeping its insane rate. Effectively just making them stand alone “hearts” or similar to them. Or maybe even change their name to be “heart of viridia card” etc. Nobody will miss the old version lol.

Or maybe if you collect them all something could happen… on the topic of section IDs in general it was really just a way for SEGA to create content where there was none. Don’t get me wrong: I love them. But surely the game would be just as fun or even better with less or simply 1/no section IDs. It can be quite convoluted to learn as a n00b lol. I’m not advocating that this ever happens and I’m certainly not suggesting it be done here but from a purely QoL and gameplay oriented perspective the game would probably be better without them or with less lol.

Personally I think we should double down on the concept and add MORE lol. 256 IDs with randomized drops would be pretty hilarious, but I’m just joking. Maybe just a couple more like blackill/brownfull just for shucks and giggles and to give even more item distribution and things for people to do that might already have all 10. I’m just spitballing concepts here for the sake of adding to the discussion. None of these are suggestions or do I think they have any chance to be added to Ephinea lol.

All in all I think it’d be cool to see some of the useless vanilla items get some buffs in general. I know years ago it was talked about that asteron belt would get unreduced but maybe this was considered too unvanilla. Personally I think it’d be great if they made some of the trash rares unreduced (the ones that have higher tier or equivalent versions that are unreduced already as to not disrupt the vanilla environment.) just because it’s so sad having weapons and models that are essentially eternally trash and unusable lol.
Thank you for making this thread so we can have a discussion on the discussion forums. I don’t find it to be a waste of time to discuss this or speculate because it is interesting and clearly it’s some unused content.

Most of these drop at 1/25k~ making it an uber drop. I think it’s safe to say they intended on them being consumable or something to change your ID. There was never a way to change IDs on the official servers so I could see why this would be a big deal there, as well as only having 4 character slots lol.

With the insane rate they do have and their overall uselessness it does beg the question why they still have such insane rates. I think I’ve ever only heard of people being disappointed when finding them whilst on other hunts lmao. I think it’d be cool to give them some kind of purpose… changing IDs I think is kind of lackluster given we have so many character slots maybe it could somehow simply combinable with an srank card to be used as a skin while keeping its insane rate. Effectively just making them stand alone “hearts” or similar to them. Or maybe even change their name to be “heart of viridia card” etc. Nobody will miss the old version lol.

Or maybe if you collect them all something could happen… on the topic of section IDs in general it was really just a way for SEGA to create content where there was none. Don’t get me wrong: I love them. But surely the game would be just as fun or even better with less or simply 1/no section IDs. It can be quite convoluted to learn as a n00b lol. I’m not advocating that this ever happens and I’m certainly not suggesting it be done here but from a purely QoL and gameplay oriented perspective the game would probably be better without them or with less lol.

Personally I think we should double down on the concept and add MORE lol. 256 IDs with randomized drops would be pretty hilarious, but I’m just joking. Maybe just a couple more like blackill/brownfull just for shucks and giggles and to give even more item distribution and things for people to do that might already have all 10. I’m just spitballing concepts here for the sake of adding to the discussion. None of these are suggestions or do I think they have any chance to be added to Ephinea lol.

All in all I think it’d be cool to see some of the useless vanilla items get some buffs in general. I know years ago it was talked about that asteron belt would get unreduced but maybe this was considered too unvanilla. Personally I think it’d be great if they made some of the trash rares unreduced (the ones that have higher tier or equivalent versions that are unreduced already as to not disrupt the vanilla environment.) just because it’s so sad having weapons and models that are essentially eternally trash and unusable lol.
I find it weird they don't do it because there's nothing vanilla in this server besides the base bad items staying bad and useless and characters stats not being touched. Apparently galatine, Clio and HP were outside that rule.... (doesn't smell like bias at all:rolleyes:)

Well anyway, that being said, I completely understand that everyone have a different opinion on what should be modified and if they listened to everyone, things would instantly go out of control and suck like ultima.

That being, I did make a list of the items i would like rebalanced, but I shied from sending it to a mod cause I'm sure it'll be useless.
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If you're curious here is the list:

-Mille Marteaux: 3 > 9 divine punishments strikes, worth of its name "thousand hammers" (maybe at 1/2 or 1/3 damage if that's even a possible thing to do). (I made this list before divine and lock on filter and these are some pretty nice buffs and kinda does the trick)

*Ep4 made DP easily accessible via Heaven Striker+Coat and even being a far better weapon overall, removing almost all battle value to Heaven Punisher, so Sega made Mille Marteaux to keep it valuable. But why does the DP becomes worse? The weapon is litterally called "Thousand hammers" and should behave as such.In fact i always believed thats how it worked until I joined Ephineas learned about it resulting in utter disappointment.

-Lavis weapons-

*Doing half of normal attack damage makes no sense, is it supposed to be a joke weapon?
These buffs could turn Double Cannon into a staple AoE hunter weapon to give the much overpowered ranger class a bit of competition.
But this one is a bit tricky to balance so I have a few solutions;

•Lavis Cannon special *Waves piece*:
-hard attack damage + hard or special attack accuracy (whichever accuracy is deemed fair)
-normal attack damage + normal or hard attack accuracy
(whichever accuracy is deemed fair)

•Lavis Blades special *Waves piece*:
-hard attack damage and hard or special attack accuracy (whichever accuracy is deemed fair) Waves piece
Normal attack damage and normal or hard attack accuracy
(whichever accuracy is deemed fair)

•Double Cannon special:
-Normal attack damage, 6 times(like a double saber) in 360° directions and pierces, normal or hard attack accuracy (whichever accuracy is deemed fair)
-hard attack damage and hard attack accuracy, waves pierces Only 3 waves as usual
-hard attack damage, 6x 360°piercing waves with hard or special attack accuracy.(whichever accuracy is deemed fair, likely special accuracy in this case)

*My ideal would be for all Lavis weapons to deal hard attack damage with hard attack accuracy, all waves pierce and shoot as many times as the weapons hits, so:
Cannon: 3x front piercing waves
Blades: 6x front piercing waves
Double: 6x 360° piercing waves(All hard attack damage and accuracy)
*I dont think it would be broken, but think this would be too much a big buff, making it special attack accuracy might be more fair.

-Girasole(assuming its special does x0.56 normal attack): Just make it normal attack damage and hard accuracy

-Orochiagito keeps %'s when converting

-All claws combo 1-1-2
•The last hit is so slow that it's un-usable and has room for an other strike during the flip before the last slash.
*All claws are currently useless because of their terrible animation, in they current state, claws are just slower sabers that can't do a full 3 hit combo because of their terrible animation.
-Fists: make the third attack hit 3 enemies like excal/cards
-Angry fist > berserk
-God fist > Spirit

-Nei's claw > 30% or 40% boost to simple techs
-Increase damage on par with Galatine (a little bit above if 1-1-2 can't be done)
*Please give some love to HUneys and make their unique uber rare uselable and fun.
Along with 1-1-2 combo, the weapon might become decent.

-Heart of Poumn (zerk/charge/demon's?)*I know, this one is a bit farfetched, just putting that out there since HUneys are locked out of Laconiun Axe for no reason at all, and Nei's claw that is likely why she cant use LA is basically un-obtainable from rarity and un-usable as it is.

-Dark bridge > 30% or 40% grants boost (at least 30% to be on par with other cheap grants boosters.... and/or give it lv.16 grants special like siren glass hammer (no unlock combo)
-Dark meteor > Make the special damage enemy 3 times(so it's a multi hit similar to when olga uses it) OR increase its atp so much that shooting one time Rivals a bazanz laucher full combo

-Prophets of Motav 30% Ra boost

-Evil curst > megid lv.16
-Soul banish > Megid lv.16
* Lv 16 megid is still bad wont break anything, but at least it might have chance to kill, lv.1 megid cannot even kill anything on normal difficulty.

-Valkyrie > Spirit Special *very cool weapon, make it fun and usable please?
-Turn Earth wand Brownie into Double saber class or make it hit more targets like Excalibur
-Slicer of Assassin > unreduced dark or reduced hell (cant even kill something in normal ep2 with 502, thirteen and 60h)
-Heart of slicer of Assassin please (New Drop for whitill?)

why the does the ugliest weapon in the game, diska of liberator, gets an heart* but amazing SoA remains un-usable in every possible ways?

-Flowen's Sword 3084 > Allow Heart of Laconiun Axe
*Can i please have a Red Berserker Axe as a Huney?

-Heart of partisan of lightning and Type DS/D.Saber for Black king bar and girasole.
-Photon filter for Heart of PoL.
-Three seals > 20% ra boost instead of razonde, makes more sense and will make razonde merge usefull.
-Angel Harp > Spirit or Geist special
-Sigh of a god > 40% zonde boost * rare items should not be weaker than their common counterpart, at least same boost as Zumiuran
-Imperial pick usable by FOmar
-Ruby bullet usable by all classes
-Red Hangun, Mechguns and slicer usable by all classes

-Rupika > boost to both S\D ranges*Currently, it's only a rare shifta merge, and generallylike to use both S/D, shifta/deband merges are already useless which says alot about rupika's utility, an item which is supposed to be a very rare and good item tied to game lore.

-Add jellen/zalure merge ( just replace shifta/deband merges with these) I believe these would be liked and coveted: amp of zalure + support merge and amp of jellen + support merge (scrap amp of shifta and deband) This will add value and life quality to HUmars and allow Hunewearl and Ramarl to get Both j/z + range (jellen merge + clio) adding value to their support game.

-Elenor available in all colors

-Gov quest all unlocked. It was fine on the official servers when there was like 10k players or something. But with 100-200 players on average, it only serves to prevent people to group up and help. (Maybe you could complete it once and it stays unlocked for the whole account?)
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Some things CAN just be collector's items, ya know.

Every ultra uber doesn't necessarily have to be overpowered or have some sort of awesome gimmick.
I Agree for the ID cards, but absolutely not for everything else like lavis weapons, nei's claw, mm and so on.
They don't even need to be op, just be strong and fill their purposes, you know, make sense at all?
That would bring so much hype and desire to hunt and feel way more rewarding than having the bad mouth taste of having a weapon that is only the shadow of what it's supposed to be. 1/100k drop rate nonetheless.
So the whole Claw and Fist weapons classes were only to be collections items?

I still prefer things stay vanilla than ending up like ultima, so I'll just keep enjoying things are they are.
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I’m just thankful for the DMC patch. It means I can use Windmill in a powerful party without getting in the way too much.

I’ve already accepted the fact that this game is mostly an endless hunt for Lames, HS, and RR. The events are really fun too, so thank you Staff!!
I’m just thankful for the DMC patch. It means I can use Windmill in a powerful party without getting in the way too much.

I’ve already accepted the fact that this game is mostly an endless hunt for Lames, HS, and RR. The events are really fun too, so thank you Staff!!
The changes that have been made on Ephineas are nothing less than amazing, no complains about them!
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Kind of a waste of time in my opinion to speculate on what we think they should be used for since they're never going to be changed. You'd have better luck asking this kind of question to servers that actually take item change suggestions like Ultima for example.
There's a HOLE in the wall where the "Suggestions box" USED to be almost 8 years ago! Players FROM 'Other' servers were the problem...trying to make Too many changes that were going to ruin what Ephinea was trying to grow to be~! .... NOT Ultima or Schthack..... =P.
I always had the wild fantasy of being able to plug the Section ID cards into that giant purple Meseta thing in the middle of the Hunter's Guild and unlocking some kind of crazy reward.