Dll Error and Server full?


I was playing for about 2 hours today, then I started a new character and when I go to log on it says Dll error in the left hand corner of the main menu, It won't scale the resolution to 2560 x 1080 anymore, and it always says server full when I try to log in.....even when there may only be 90 ppl online. Please help lol
Check your AV. From the FAQ:
  • Q. I get “Failed to update files” and/or I can’t select a resolution in “More”.
    A. If you’re having problems updating the game’s client, try whitelisting the entire game folder in your antivirus program. Ephinea does not contain any malware or viruses, but sometimes our new executables can be flagged incorrectly by antivirus programs.

    If you have no resolution options when you click “More”, right click “option” or “option.exe” in the game’s folder, select “Properties” and go to the “Compatibility” tab. Select “Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows XP (Service Pack 2)” and “Run this program as administrator”.
Same here for today, was able to play and i restarted ma client. Can't connect on W10, Can't connect on Linux lutris wine.
for both my two account.

Edit :
No dll error, just No916 This server is full.
Tried with VPN on my linux computer same Err
Installed another client on W10 - same Err ( dll v1.0.12 )

Removed IPv6 option in box configuration.

Banned IP ?
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I'm having this same issue and I have no anti virus software to speak of.

Any further help would be appreciated.
Windows 10 has a pretty aggressive antivirus built into it. Search "Windows Security" in your Start menu, then navigate to Virus & threat protection > Manage settings > Add or remove exclusions. Adding the DLL should be sufficient, but I whitelist the entire folder just to be sure. ;)
So I figured it out. Windows Security is auto deleting Ephinea.dll accusing it of being the Wacatac trojan
I went ahead and set the option to allow it to run since I saw the earlier thread posted by Zeag and people in there saying it's a false positive.

May want to sticky this so new or returning players aren't ripping their hair out trying to troubleshoot.
Okay now Windows Security is saying its the Trojan:Win32/Zpevdo.B this is getting pretty ridiculous .

AVs can freak out about anything that interacts with another process or has the ability to do so. I use a different AV than this but can't you whitelist the directory?
AVs can freak out about anything that interacts with another process or has the ability to do so. I use a different AV than this but can't you whitelist the directory?
I've been trying to white list the folder with Windows Security but I cannot for the life of me find the option to do so.