Let's end this right here with a breakdown.
- Nagger made their username.
- Comrade( a POC) got offended and asked Nagger to change it.
- Nagger responded with something similar to "sorry not sorry".
- Comrade complained, no one took it seriously.
- Comrade made topic
- In a sudden turn of events, Mayn went full racist retard with no facts to back up his claims.
- Mayn gets owned
- Nagger makes topic saying their name is not offensive
- Mew makes questionable post with horrible misrepresentations.
- Anti sjw's say no offense, sjw's disagree.
- Mayn still banned, Nagger still annoying.
But for those who say nagger's name is one character off and isn't offensive then answer me this if you aren't a POC.
Would you go out in public around people of color and say "nagger" around them?

The correct answer here is "NO!" And this is why comrade took offense to this. It's that simple.