Dark Falz and Olga Flow "unavoidable" attacks

Sky's the Limit

Been looking for a way to avoid or prevent the purple raining beams attacks that occasionally one-shot my level 40 character in normal mode. I feel like if you attack them during a certain window they do it. Thanks in advance!
For falz in Hard and very hard, the purple beams are easy to avoid. You just run to one side and don't stop running until they stop. In ultimate, it is much harder to do. Here is how you do it:

For divine punishment: falz can be tricky to avoid on purpose. Best to equip units to avoid being one shotted. Everytime I have dodged this attack has been by coincidence, by standing exactly in between the punishment rays.
Olga's is easy to avoid, when he pauses and looks up to the sky, run as far away as possible. I equip Cure freeze to ensure I am not frozen by the Gael-Giels. Look for his dark flow attack, this is a sign that he is summoning DP next.
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I think they mean the DP, which is position based. The sooner you cure the slow Falz does, the sooner you can run out of the Divine punishment's range. It's why you'll see a lot of the better FO's time anti for the exact moment the slow effect procs.
For falz in Hard and very hard, the purple beams are easy to avoid. You just run to one side and don't stop running until they stop. In ultimate, it is much harder to do. Here is how you do it:

It's easier to just make one of the balls hit you. If you run in a straight line and then immediately stop once the first set of balls are like halfway toward you, you will get hit by one (not two) 100% of the time and don't have to worry about fucking up the dodge. You can verify this by looking at the map: one of the balls will be closer to you because you were running sideways, and when you stop moving they don't overlap.
First time I fought Olga Flow, I'm thinking "Great, boulders to dodge behind!" *Boom!* What happened to my boulder?!

Is it ironic or just a jerk move putting salt in his ever mutating wounds, to chop his ankles with his own Flowen's Sword?
Note that Olga flows DP is 3 beams, one above himself and one above each mag, so its best to have his gael mags Frozen or repeatedly dead. (a direct hit under all 3 is 700x3 dmg but one is only 700).

With falz. He targets player locations, so the best way to dodge is be ''in the running animation'' and away from others, but during this time your usually attacking his egg, (best time too deal dmg, as he's wide open) so taking the attack usually happen. And is around 700dmg.

I think they mean the DP, which is position based. The sooner you cure the slow Falz does, the sooner you can run out of the Divine punishment's range. It's why you'll see a lot of the better FO's time anti for the exact moment the slow effect procs.

Dat timing is love though recently I've started wearing Cure/Slow instead of v5 in falz just to not have to Anti.

It's easier to just make one of the balls hit you. If you run in a straight line and then immediately stop once the first set of balls are like halfway toward you, you will get hit by one (not two) 100% of the time and don't have to worry about fucking up the dodge. You can verify this by looking at the map: one of the balls will be closer to you because you were running sideways, and when you stop moving they don't overlap.

Getting hit is frustrating though, and it's faster to dodge and then attack. Being hit by them, and being knocked down slows you down as getting up takes so long. At the start in ult there is a spot on the raft you can run too which avoids them and allows you to turn quickly.
Getting hit is frustrating though, and it's faster to dodge and then attack. Being hit by them, and being knocked down slows you down as getting up takes so long. At the start in ult there is a spot on the raft you can run too which avoids them and allows you to turn quickly.

I meant the balls he shoots at you in his 3rd form (the linked video).

You can't attack him during this phase, so getting hit doesn't matter.
I meant the balls he shoots at you in his 3rd form (the linked video).

You can't attack him during this phase, so getting hit doesn't matter.

I can't see th video (on phone for some reason). I'll check when I got on my laptop. But if hes shooting glow balls the he's at the side or moving along the side he can be shot at no?
I can't see th video (on phone for some reason). I'll check when I got on my laptop. But if hes shooting glow balls the he's at the side or moving along the side he can be shot at no?

He's invincible during this isn't he?

Man, I'm half asleep. Everybody started saying balls instead of beams and I was jabbering on about DE ROL LEE instead of FALZ. Lol...

Anyways, if you run a little you can get hit by one so yeah your right my bad, but the timing has to be precise. If you run too much or not enough still get hit by two. I personally dodge it completely if my HP is less than 1400 and if it's above I just take both beams head on.
Man, I'm half asleep. Everybody started saying balls instead of beams and I was jabbering on about DE ROL LEE instead of FALZ. Lol...

Anyways, if you run a little you can get hit by one so yeah your right my bad, but the timing has to be precise. If you run too much or not enough still get hit by two. I personally dodge it completely if my HP is less than 1400 and if it's above I just take both beams head on.

If you run then come to a complete stop the timing doesn't really matter. As long as you've stopped before they collide with you. I pretty much just watch the map, and when they've crossed half the distance it takes to get to me, I stand still.