Craig's Custom Mags - Closed

I only have access to Dreamcast version atm. Will try my best
from what I can tell, there is no Chao Karate in SA2. And the chao garden is a little less detailed. Other than that though it seems pretty similar. One thing of note is in SA2B there is an emblem for getting all A ranks in Cannons Core. There's no emblem for this in Dreamcast, but you'd still have to do it :p
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HUcast (Kama) (M+Y, E, P) (5/133/62/0) - 5pd
RAmar (Kama) (M+Y, E, P) (5/160/35/0) - 5pd
RAmarl (Kama) (M+Y, E, P) (5/149/46/0) - 5pd
RAcast (Kama) (M+Y, E, P) (5/148/47/0) - 5pd
RAcasael (Kama) (M+Y, E, P) (5/152/43/0) - 5pd

I will buy these for 30PDs!(5PD bonus)
Nidra/Sato) (M+Y, E, P) (5/117/46/32) - 3pd

can i get one of these mags plz black sato if possible but if not then what ever is fine
Can I get the FOnewearl (M+Y, E, P) (5/36/62/97) Sato - 3pd if it's still available? And if possible a red one? If that's more PDs just let me know!
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Hey there! Do you still have a Min-Max: RAmarl (Nidra/Sato) (M+Y, E, P) (5/149/46/0) Sato?
Preferably Black colored, if possible, otherwise it's quite fine too!