Controls stop working occasinonally


This has happened to me a couple of times since I started this server including once a couple of minutes ago where the game is running fine but then my controls stop working randomly. The game isn't frozen people in my party will still moving and talking but I can't reply back or move and I have to resort to right clicking the icon and closing the window. What could be causing this on my side?

It's not game breaking but kind of a nuisance. x3 It seems to happen at random, sometimes may be fighting an enemy just to suddenly stop moving or shopping.

It's not the keyboard emulation thing where you press one of the f keys i forget which one because that usually locks you to typing and just have to reinput to fix.
Don't think this has anything to do with our server as the server can't actually restrict you from moving unless you're disconnected.
If you use a game controller, the input is registered whether you are focused on the window or not. With keyboard, inputs only work if the window is focused. If clicking back on the window doesn't solve the issue, then it doesn't seem like something else is grabbing the focus, but rather blocking it.

If you haven't added the exe to your security tools exceptions (antivirus, antimalware, antispyware, etc.), it may be the time to do so and see if it does anything. I can see this happening as a security measure to prevent keylogging, although that doesn't seem like what a security tool would normally do. In any case, a malware could also cause this.

Either way, that does not seem to be the behavior of the game, but rather some other software running on your computer. Like I said, alternatively, you could try using a game controller to see if the problem persist with different input devices. I doubt external apps would block DirectInput either way, although that still wouldn't let one type if previous issue isn't fixed lol
I sometimes use my controller but not much since I play a force but I keep it plugged in and even its controls wouldn't work. im pretty sure I got the online exe on the exceptions but ill put the psobb.exe on the identity protection execption aswell if I haven't already and see if that helps. x3
By the way, online.exe is just the launcher, adding this file to the exclusion list does nothing for the game itself. psobb.exe is the one you want on the list and if you can also exclude the whole pso directory, that would be even better. Identity protection exception is part of AVG antivirus and this AV is known to cause issues with this specific server exe file. This may or may not be the cause of this problem, but it's still better than not trying anything lol

Edit: On another note, I just noticed you are the same person who got those weird lag spikes due to chatting when AV was ON. I'm guessing you already made the required changes to the Antivirus? Alternatively, you can try playing with AV temporarily turned off for a while and see if it's related.
Yup all I did was add psobb.exe and online.exe to the exclusion. So if I keep having the problems ill just add all the files. x3
When you play suddenly everything stops responding ? like it's not possible to move/chat/select menus or anything at all right? and restarting the client from scratch by closing it and opening it again fixes this issue?
I had a similar issue on my test server when playing with my brother (we both use XBOX One controllers) the input problem is because of the asmpatch that is included in the Tethealla exe's (not sure if they are included into the ones of the Ephinea server but seems likely) the problem got fixed by creating a brand new PSOBB.exe without none of the asm patches applied to it just the clean client and since then we've never had issues with our controllers anymore.

Related topic:
Well, because the game controller is also stopped, in that case it could be an issue with the game. Except, the only things I can see doing this is if someone tampered with the exe and caused an internal bug or the server is sending some weird new packets incorrectly that were never sent before. This is something that I've never seen happening in all the time I've been on PSO. Lag cannot cause this because the game system is purely client sided being a replica of the DC game. As Neirene said, patching the exe incorrectly could add new bugs to the game. I do not recommend that people with no programming background make their own patches either way and one should be careful using patcher tools unless they have some serious validation embed within them to prevent corruption.
Neirene said:
I had a similar issue on my test server when playing with my brother (we both use XBOX One controllers) the input problem is because of the asmpatch that is included in the Tethealla exe's (not sure if they are included into the ones of the Ephinea server but seems likely) the problem got fixed by creating a brand new PSOBB.exe without none of the asm patches applied to it just the clean client and since then we've never had issues with our controllers anymore.

Related topic:
The asmpatch_example is just purely that. But that file serves a purpose of showing you how to create a asm_patch file. Blindly using the offsets in that example without knowing what the offsets do you're bound to run into problems.

The Teth EXE provided here is still the EXE from years ago. And I know you had attempted some asm_patches which broke the EXE. As mylandra says you need to know what you are doing when editing the client.
falkenjeff said:
Neirene said:
I had a similar issue on my test server when playing with my brother (we both use XBOX One controllers) the input problem is because of the asmpatch that is included in the Tethealla exe's (not sure if they are included into the ones of the Ephinea server but seems likely) the problem got fixed by creating a brand new PSOBB.exe without none of the asm patches applied to it just the clean client and since then we've never had issues with our controllers anymore.

Related topic:

A clean PSOBB.exe would mean I can't play on Soda's server though, right?
Have you tested with a game pad? As mylandra stated this will continue to work even if PSO doesn't have focus. Where as the keyboard will need focus. Also if it is only occurring with the keyboard are you using a wireless keyboard?
What do you mean by "player 1" and "player 2"? The led indicator on the game pad?

Can you try temporarily disabling AV and any behavior monitoring on AV and any other program you have installed that checks for behavior. Also add PSOBB.EXE to the data execution prevention exceptions and see if the problem persists? Also a long shot but maybe something is being logged in the event viewer. Check the Application and System logs in Event viewer for any entries regarding PSOBB.EXE or input devices.
For DEP select "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select" then add PSOBB.exe to the list. I'll take a look at the event logs. I don't see a log from "system" though could you check there too?
I know why the switch characters thing happens, actually. (Or at least I think I know.) I'll have to patch this in the future.
username said:
This may or may not be related, but fwiw:

When switching characters, the client will sometimes forget to use the custom controls (xbox controller/win7/no antivirus, in my case). I have to go to "options -> pad button config" and then it corrects itself. This happens to me on both Ephinea and Eden (which uses teth, i think).
This will no longer be a problem. See: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=358
I just had this bug happen to me for the first time out of nowhere in 1c1... Never seen it before on any other server or outside of challenge mode. I have the entire PSOBB folder added to my antivirus exceptions.
I really don't have any idea what's going on, either way it's not the server causing it. Could be something wrong with the executable.

So you can stop saying "never seen it before on any other server". The server does not control your character's movement ... period.

If you stop moving around it's going to be either something wrong with your computer, hardware, or perhaps something messed up in our client distribution.

Again, I've never experienced this at all and I use both the gamepad and keyboard, so I'm going to highly doubt it's the client.

That said, I'm not going to bother looking into this problem as I really don't think it has anything to do with the client or the server. I really hope you guys as a community can figure it out. If it stops you from playing on this server, well, that's honestly too bad. But there isn't anything I can do to help you with this, sorry.
We can't patch the client much either. There isn't anything that different with a Tethealla client vs. a normal PSO client other than an encryption modification.


We can do little small ASM patches here and there to, possibly, add some functionality or change a small thing here and there, but big changes? Without the source code, there isn't much you can do.

I am in the same position as any other member of the community when it comes to fiddling around with the client.
The ASM patches are the source of this problems i've said it before, that feature needs to be further tested and verified.
It may be worth checking for any direct x updates (perform windows update and check for any direct x updates also in optional updates)

Try disconnecting all gamepads and see if the issue occurs with just the keyboard.

If using a unofficial gamepad driver such as XBCD try older/newer drivers.

Remember this game was designed for DirectX 8 and windows XP although Sega released an update for windows Vista which also enabled support for 7 there's no support from sega (obviously) so if Windows 8/10 suddenly stops working with DX8 games properly or a bug occurs with PSOBB in these operating systems patching the game may be impossible.