College Club that plays PSO!



I'm somewhat new. I only got introduced to PSO by a family member last year, but have been hooked ever since.

I also run the anime club at my college and thought I'd try to get them to play, which was a great success! Not everyone has joined yet, but a good amount have so far!
We like to play every Tuesday and Thursday night, but also get together every Friday night for a big party in our club room to play together in different lobbies.

We hope to get to meet other fans of the franchise and make friends online. Our team name is "Weebs".

Thanks for having us!

[Some pictures of us when we play together. In the first picture, our friend in the Oran photon chair fell asleep during this session, so we took a pic with him to show him the next day. ROFL.]


I'm somewhat new. I only got introduced to PSO by a family member last year, but have been hooked ever since.

I also run the anime club at my college and thought I'd try to get them to play, which was a great success! Not everyone has joined yet, but a good amount have so far!
We like to play every Tuesday and Thursday night, but also get together every Friday night for a big party in our club room to play together in different lobbies.

We hope to get to meet other fans of the franchise and make friends online. Our team name is "Weebs".

Thanks for having us!

[Some pictures of us when we play together. In the first picture, our friend in the Oran photon chair fell asleep during this session, so we took a pic with him to show him the next day. ROFL.]
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EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee~! You and your Enthusiastic friends are MOST Welcomed here, dear! Still amazing to find 'New' players discovering this old Gem of a game and finding it Worth introducing others to it! We're kinda 'Weebs' here ourselves, so it's prolly not surprising they feel quite at home online and wandering around~! Looking forward to Pouncing and playing wiff each and every one of you~! Let's see.... Minkies, Lucies, Jota-san, Bruz-san, aaaand Athens-san.... *Squints at the FOmar in the group's name...* ... I-de-zu? *Writes their name down as best she can for a Pouncing~! <3!!*
Welcome to your new Home~! nya~! =3
EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee~! You and your Enthusiastic friends are MOST Welcomed here, dear! Still amazing to find 'New' players discovering this old Gem of a game and finding it Worth introducing others to it! We're kinda 'Weebs' here ourselves, so it's prolly not surprising they feel quite at home online and wandering around~! Looking forward to Pouncing and playing wiff each and every one of you~! Let's see.... Minkies, Lucies, Jota-san, Bruz-san, aaaand Athens-san.... *Squints at the FOmar in the group's name...* ... I-de-zu? *Writes their name down as best she can for a Pouncing~! <3!!*
Welcome to your new Home~! nya~! =3
It'd be "E-desu," as it's a nickname my online language students gave me out of an old habit I have for explaining my name. I always have to go 'It's E', and thus, it became 「イーです」ROFL. I loved it too much to not make it my permanent alias. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

I can't wait to play with more either! I've basically been stuck playing nothing but Team Fortress 2 for the last 16 years, so PSO was a great eye-opener. I even went and bought a copy for my Gamecube!

Thank you so much for teh reply, it means a lot!!!!!!!! ( ´ ꒳ ` )
It'd be "E-desu," as it's a nickname my online language students gave me out of an old habit I have for explaining my name. I always have to go 'It's E', and thus, it became 「イーです」ROFL. I loved it too much to not make it my permanent alias. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

I can't wait to play with more either! I've basically been stuck playing nothing but Team Fortress 2 for the last 16 years, so PSO was a great eye-opener. I even went and bought a copy for my Gamecube!

Thank you so much for teh reply, it means a lot!!!!!!!! ( ´ ꒳ ` )
Oh wow...E-desu...mew was KINDA Close, lol. Had at one time wanted to use her G.I. Bill to enroll in the local college to learn Japanese and took ONE look at Kanji and was like....F#@& that noise!! X'D! Mew has never played Team Fortress, but LOVE all the comedy gold YouTube short films on the game~!
Okies, so lets see....Tuesdays....Thursdays...and sometimes Fridays...Hmmm... mew tries to log on Every night at Midnight EST....
JUST NOW Snuck out of mew's kitty coffin to assimewlate someone into team and spotted Athens-san all alone in a room... so....she... POUNCED~! =3
Lucies-san got away from mew this morning~! First popped into their room...they left before mew could introduce herself or ask "if they were part of Team Weebs?". Then saw them again seconds later out in lobby going into a room/ logging off, Decided Not to creep them out by stalking them... *Melts back into the shadows waiting with a tinkling of a kitty collar bell...* >=3!
She wants to get to lvl 20 to join us in hard mode, but being part of the college dance club has kept her very busy! XD
Her roommate (who is obsessed with MAGs) was probably going to help her level up a little bit ROFL!!