(closed for now)

i'll be around tomorrow for most of the day, U.S. west time n.n
Hi I'm Mezurashii in game and omg this is amazing XD

I'll take one of the vulcans cuz I'll def need those

Launcher +15 [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|55]
Red Sword [0/0/15/30|0]
Frozen Shooter [40/45/0/45|0]
Tyrell's Parasol [0/30/25/20|0]

(I also sent you a message on discord but I'm sure we'll figure things out xD)

Thanks in advance ^^ (also if you have god power im much obliged xD)
Hey, just saw this updated, can i snag 3 more items bringing me to a total of vulcs+5 others?

If so can I reserve these?
Chain Sawd [35/0/15/25|0]
Sawcer [Demon's] [0/0/0/0|55]
Girasole [0/30/20/0|0]
I am at work for another six hours or so, but I would love a couple of Charge Vulcans. When can we meet?
Hiya i would like a little help please and request a couple of items, thanks in advance. only char is Falco atm.

charge vulcan 50 hit
charge arms 50 hit
frozen shooter 45/0/0/0
hell launcher 55 hit
hi all i started last week name is Webitos.
Vulcan +1 [Charge] [0/0/0/0|50]
Standstill Shield [26/50 | 9/15]
Sawcer [Demon's] [0/0/0/0|55],
Laser +6 [Hell] [0/0/35/0|40],
Mother Garb [0/15 | 3/5] [1S]
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If you're still doing this, and don't mind may I have:
  1. Glide Divine (bank 1)
  2. Tyrell's Parasole (this is the sdr range one yes?) (bank 1)
  3. Holy Ray [0/25/15/25|0] (bank 2)
  4. Rafoie Lv29 (bank 2)
  5. Amplifier of Resta (bank 2)
and some highish level shifta, deband, jellen, zalure, resta techs from your 15-29 stash.

I'm Lemon in game. Let me know when you're available and I'll try and get on around then.
i'll be around most of today! ^ _ ^ giveaway game up rn
Thank you so much! I had to bail without a proper expression of gratitude to avoid further annoying my exhausted, hangry wife. But I really appreciate the free help! :D
Hello, Anime, do you still have any of those Charge Vulcans available? I'm a returning player from X-Box and I'm having a nightmare of a time trying to get any mechguns to drop for my HUcast with a hit percentage. I would truly appreciate it, if so.

Edit: I have a few PDs to trade to at least make it worth somewhat of a while.
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Could I get:
Diska of Braveman [0/0/15/0|25]
Frozen Shooter [0/25/30/30|0]
Black Odoshi Domaru [4/10 | 0/10] [0S]
Holy Ray [0/20/20/0|0]
Name is Silverbug.
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I'd greatly appreciate the following:

Cladding of Epsilon x1
De Rol Le Shell x1
Kit of Sega Saturn x1
Launcher [Spirit] [0/0/0/0|55]
Holy Ray [0/20/20/0|0]

My in game name is Zaraxys (with 3 spaces, I think).
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Rabinova (1 space) here, looking for the following if possible:
  • Storm Wand: Indra [20/0/0/0|20]
  • Tyrell's Parasol
  • Diska of Braveman [0/0/15/0|25]
  • Asteron Belt [0/0/25/30|0]
  • Holy Ray [0/0/0/25|0]