Christmas Raffle [Raffle Has Ended]

Eh fuck it, add me to the character art pile - as a separate prize to the cannon Rouge bundle, of course (I'll add +2 AB% CRs to that one by the way)
Raffle is going to start in under 2 hours! at 08:00 UTC (currently 06:19 as of this post)

I will stream in Discord Ephinea for anyone wishing to watch!
Starting in 15 minutes, Off topic Discord channel in Ephinea. Stream will be starting!
List of Winners

Roll 1: Mimel
Roll 2: eparim
Roll 3: stormtech
Roll 4: Grace_
Roll 5: mana_chun
Roll 6: Loug
Roll 7: dizz
Roll 8: NobodyCares
Roll 9: milranduil
Roll 10: Zeake
Roll 11: Jamcram
Roll 12: redria7
Roll 13: Whero
Roll 14: Itchy
Roll 15: Cuvelia
Roll 16: Adraeus
Roll 17: Exodia
Roll 18: Sundark
Roll 19: diemildefreude
Roll 20: Ryza
Roll 21: Lepvelx
Roll 22: No Hit
Roll 23: foatheart
Roll 24: teBan
Roll 25: SC::Earthes
Roll 26: Concentrate
Roll 27: Luminaire117
Roll 28: Roronoa
Roll 29: cameron-
Roll 30: deme
Roll 31: tehjuggernate
Roll 32: VisagoStein
Roll 33: Calm
Roll 34: spflash
Roll 35: Hitsu
Roll 36: lowchaomain
Roll 37: CTB
Roll 38: Moon
Roll 39: Varista
Roll 40: Nikki
Roll 41: detche
Roll 42: SE24
Roll 43: Eidrose
Roll 44: Suspencer
Roll 45: Ragnarok
Roll 46: Asim
Roll 47: Jobel
Extra Rolls:
marioisawsom, Khaldune, Esther
Event Present x1 each

To all of these people, please contact me to collect or the appropriate person as specified in the prizes on page 1, no rush, whenever you are free; Merry Christmas!